1.7.4b Cracked:
Pastebin for Optimal Performance:
1.7.4b Cracked:
Pastebin for Optimal Performance:
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Ram usage is always 100% with 24GB of ram
Send help
Spoon feed me please
Wait until Nvidia fixes the bug, or for the Cemu devs to learn how to code properly.
If only it was open source.
Any progress to #FE?
how playable is w101
So my serial got banned will it be banned permanently for all new versions? I'll just use the cracked version.
Why bother? It still runs like shit. Is anyone really playing through their first time like this?
kill yourself
>runs like shit
it runs full speed mate
well, that's cool and all, but how well does BotW run now?
AMD be spazzin too
Check the fix in the pastebin
Nobody is going to tell you faster then you trying yourself. You can browse reddit if you want but if you are waiting for someone else to tell you....youll likley have to wait
also use a program like msi afterburner to cap the game to 30 fps to prevent 60 fps in menus with the hack
That isnt cracked though is it
Dont you also have to block it in your firewall?
That's literally the only relevant WiiU game to me. I want to see myself how salvageable the gameplay is under that thick layer of shit theming.
Damn, looks like they almost got it down. Guess that's what happens when you throw money at it.
nice, PC gamers stealing shit. I wonder why developers and publishers don't care about that market anymore
It completely hordes memory.
Youll have better luck once the hyped attention seeking game is playable, and then they will shift focus towards other games being stabilized
Hey thanks user i dont want to deal with their 5 dollar jewery
I own a wii u and the disk an hero fag
didnt take the nin10yrolds long to get mad
so where can I download the game cemu-ready? I have a WiiU but I'd like tro try it out on PC.
The fact I'm hurting Nintendo sales is only the icing on the cake on top of playing FREE games.
Hardly my top priority. Doesn't hurt to ask in a cemu shilling thread, does it?
>I wonder why developers and publishers don't care about that market anymore
Fuck the developers and publishers, who do not make proper ports of their games. If they don't want free money, we will play their games for free and there's nothing anyone can do.
Memory is here to be used ,are you one of those faggots complaing about chrome ram usage? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Read pastebin in first post user
true, just unrealistic to see progress made on anything aside from BoTW at the moment (as unfortunate that may be to other desired games)
For those wanting video instruction in regards to performance boost
So do you need a lot of ram run it well or does it just seem to take up as much ram as possible?
*switches IP*
>CEMU is not responding
*switches IP*
Where can I download the game? I have no idea what the game download section of the pastebin is talking about.
Do the 1080p graphics packs affect the frame rate much?
what about windowed/fullscreen mode?
Which fix do you mean in the pastebin?
I've tried a few fixes and its still 100% ram usage
Is it fully functional already?
Download the wiiu USB helper
the program will ask for a title key, put the url to the titlekey site there
using the program, search for zelda and select BOTW
They fuck up the lighting apparently
Graphics pack made no difference for me. I even tried the lower than native ones just to see if they did anything too.
can i run it with an rx460?
cracked? you mean you have to pay to use an emulator? an emulator made by faggots getting paid to make with "donations" yet you still have to buy it? the fuck?
this happens in TP, too
turning bloom off fixed it in that
If you donate you get the newest version early. If not you have have wait
the latest build gets given to backers of the patreon a week or two early
everyone gets it for free eventually
Woah, there's grass now but it's flickering and kind of annoying.
>Go to the folder where you downloaded the game with the Wii U USB helper, open the update folder and copy the 3 folders you will see (code, meta etc) over into the folder with the second number.
I had the game downloaded beforehand and only downloaded the Update now on a different folder, the directory goes something like DATA\USA\UPDATES\The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild [0005000E101C9400] (v48) and then a bunch of files, but there's none of the 3 folders that the guide mention, do i copy these files to the folder with numbers i created as it is?
flickering as in bad aliasing?
or like literally disappearing and reappearing
Who cares? Why would I want to play a legend of zelda game? Ever since link to the past they have been boring, repetitive, totally bereft of any challenge, devoid of any puzzle requiring a second's worth of thought.
It's a meme normie series without much going for it. OoT was awful too. The only good game in this franchise was Link to the Past, and to a lesser extent Majora's Mask.
Everything else is just basic bitch dungeons interspersed with walking for HOURS in some awful open world with blurry textures (oh wow so realistic! yawn). Any dark souls game or Ys game blow zelda out of the water in terms of being a no-frills ARPG.
Wait, are people cracking an emulator? People are pirating an emulator to pirate a video game?
AMD I assume exzap is working on a fix right now
You forgot to check to unpack during the download
I'm reporting this thread and you to Nintendo for stealing games directly from their server to play on a unofficial emulator.
downloading smash 4 to test it
Give it to me straight, is BotW in a completely playable state now or should I just continue to wait? Speaking as someone who isn't in any hurry and just hates bugs of any kind.
And has awful third world internet so don't want to download everything until it's working fine.
almost like changing positions and shit.
good ol exzap. I'm probably going to end up just buying a switch though.
>Speaking as someone who isn't in any hurry and just hates bugs of any kind.
>You forgot to check to unpack during the download
Indeed i did, thanks user, hope you have a good warm meal today
smash bros wiiu is playable?
You can use cdecrypt to unpack them alternatively, it's version 2.0b that works
Or just re-download if it's easier
Damn it's close. on a 6600k @4.1Ghz. It goes between 25fps to 30fps, and it's not just normal framerate drops that you get on the Wii U as the audio also hitches.
I put it to re-download but seems like it's unpacking without the need to download again
Its not even on PC, you faggot. How does that hurts PC game devs?
I have an AMD 290X and an i5-3570k, would the game work for me?
Well it gets a little laggy during any big particle effect explosion, though luckily not from bombs, but it's otherwise totally playable even on my shit laptop with my shit cpu.
Honestly it's making me want to get a switch, just because I'm enjoying the game so much.
I'll tell you soon
HD version of wind waker is okay until Dragon Roost island. Then the framerate is DEATH. Combat tends to lag sometimes as well. Just a heads up for anyone
it works for me! :^)
God, performace is so much worse this version.
Shame, because with that CEMUHook thing on 1.7.3, I was basically getting locked-30fps in Great Plateau, which I've been told is one of the worse areas for performance.
Hopefully they don't take another month this time to put out the next update. Basically everything seems to be working , except in-complete camera and performance.
Followed the pastebin but I keep getting a cemu hook error when starting cemu
If you got a different version you aren't following the pastebin. Seriously how hard is it to read written instructions?
Not using a tool to get it directly from nintendy's servers with patches and DLC
Just got the paraglider, everything is working good so far. Could be better but it's pretty good.
Next versions will focus on perfomance probably.
I dont' have a wiu
the torrent is just a zip file and renaming to iso doesn't do anything
rip the dream
Cemuhook works for the new version
Game is already unpacked dummy. Find the rpx file and load it via cemu
I tried that and it will try to load but will instantly crash
Anyone have an alternate link for the shadercache? The one in the pastebin is down already.
Where are you guys getting games from?
Anyone got to try Tokyo Mirage Sessions?
You don't need one.
Google and download/install "wii u usb helper" then watch this tutorial youtube.com
Thank you
how does the current performance compare to console?
like even just played at 900p res
I have a 390 which is basically a rebranded 290x- there are some graphical glitches still but it's not nearly as bad as it was before that dude made it so the bokoblin's eyes don't freak out AMD cards.
can I just get the update and dlc through wiiu usb and game through other means? can I join the two together somehow?
Yes, right clicking on the game on wiiu usb lets you select Update and DLC
It's a Wii U USB updater freezes during unpacking episode
It sometimes appears that way but just let it continue running.
Nintendo was never gonna release it on PC anyway numbnuts.
wtf. I have cemu 1.7.4b and everytime I launch breathe of the wild it just says my wii u needs a system update. I got the updated version of BOTW
you're sure it has the patch in there?
someone make a botw pack with all the necessary files like the update and dlc and upload it to mega
looks that way for a lot of big files I get.
just open up task manager and see that it is actually working.
you're about 6 months early if you want that
So does it take a long time to wait after the "open your eyes" part, or am i actually having a crash?