The most correct post in Sup Forums

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Brawl is a more competitive and better designed game than Smash 4. Smash 4 just benefited from the era more than anything else. You can use Twitch to broadcast all these large tournaments and with the boom of social media connecting and sharing information is easier than ever. Also esports in general are widely more accepted than they were back when Brawl came out. During Brawl's era all the great matches were shown with grainy footage uploaded to the internet days after they happened.


That is just false. Smash 4 is by far the most balanced smash game, and it's not full with silly gimmicks like brawl

that's cute

>fighting game
Kill yourself, my man.

I will be fair, Brawl is maybe not good competitively but at least it has a REALLY good single-player story mode.

Platform fighting games are fighting games

Balance isn't the be all and end all of a competitive fighter. Smash 4 is very well balanced, I'll give it that but it's worse in a lot of other areas compared to every other Smash game, which overall makes it less competitive.

The skill gap in Smash 4 is amazingly small, and this is what leads to all the upsets you see at high level. A couple of weeks ago the best player in the world lost to two people who aren't even first in their region. That would never happen in Brawl. Great players only lost to other great players, there was actually REWARD for practicing and getting good at the game, not spending a bunch of time playing so you can lose to some random.

>Barely any sort of meaningful tech

Brawl Link probably has more tech than the entirety of Smash 4

>Shit movement
Pretty much every single Brawl veteran prefers Brawl over Smash 4, this being one of the chief reasons why

>Samey characters
A lot of the characters aren't designed particularly well, with many of them operating under the same "Dthrow-Aerial" combo game.

truth, subspace emmisary was the shit

It's a considerably better designed competitive game than Smash 4, it just has a really bad rap because of the time it was released in and the Melee documentary. Even Mew2King only has Smash 4 second from the bottom for his favorite Smash games, and that's only because he irrationally dislikes 64.

>Balance isn't the be all and end all of a competitive fighter

No one needs to read your post beyond the first sentence to know you are a fucking moron. Smash is already a joke in the FGC but Jesus Christ I think this opinion takes the cake for the dumbest thing to come out of a smash players mouth.

I'm sending this to scrubquotes. See you in the funny papers.

That's like calling an illegal immigrant an "aspiring citizen", doesn't make it real no matter how many synonyms you use

Dude, things like that did not happen in brawl because the competitive brawl scene was barely 20% of what the sm4sh competitive scene is.

what happened with ZeRo in civil war was literally his worst placement ever, too.

I actually like brawl, but i think smash 4 is just better. instead of explaining why i think it's better, i will just let you watch one of the greatest smash4 competitive sets of all time:

That's not the same thing at all, what the fuck are you even talking about?

There are several types of fighting games: there are traditional fighting games, and there are nontraditional fighting games. smash is a nontraditional fighting game

Just like how there are several types of citizens, the legal ones, and the aspiring ones.

I didn't say balance is a bad thing, it's great.

It's the only thing Smash 4 really has over the other games, though. It's simply not as competitive as any other title in the series. It's pretty and you can play a bunch of characters, it's not that great outside of that, though. Smash 4 piggybacks of Melee immensely, as well. Smash 4 was born with a silver spoon in its mouth while every other game had to work for their shit.

Illegal immigrants are not citizens up until they get a citizenship status.

By the way, a bit off topic but i'm 100% in favor of giving illegal immigrants citizenship if they have proven to be working people who contribute the economy and pay taxes

>Smash 4 is highly competitive
>Literally over last weekend several players were calling the game RNG, depending entirely on bracket luck.

It was Mr.R and ANTi mostly championing that too, who played Brawl so they know what they're talking about.

Smash 4 IS highly competitive, bracket luck is a factor in any fighting game because bad matchups exist in any fighting game

water is wet
the sky is blue
and smashfags will keep arguing which game is "more competetive" until the end of time
jesus fucking christ dude

keep in mind that brawl had tripping as a feature, which could instantly turn a match against you, as well as a heavily unbalanced character ranked in a tier of his own. look, i'm not a fan of sm4sh as anything but a party game personally, but i still understand that it's at least an improvement over brawl. also, lolm2k, he only places brawl over sm4sh because he stomped everyone back in the day and he'll never be as good as ZeRo

64 is more balanced

where are the good fighting games????????????

>What are subgenres?
You don't call illegals subcitizens.

>Saying this
>Meanwhile fgc voted Marvel 3 for another year of evo
Really gets the veins pumping.

Ah yes
Nothing better than a good Sm4sh set from top players playing aggresively.

I personally find Sm4sh much more entertaining (to both play and watch) than any other entry in the franchise.

The metagame is STILL evolving and a LOT of characters are viable at competitive play. Some of them are just underrepresented (like my main, Greninja)


trip is such a competetive mechanic. I guess MK mains don't mind cus they hop 10 times and kill you though.

nice meme

Smash is deeper than Street Fighter V

Brawl had some tech skill but it was fucking awful to watch and it was slow as dicks, that's why it didn't get popularity.
Smash 4 is a little faster with some tech skill and a huge top tier cast which makes it a lot more bearable to watch

Brawl is horribly balanced and random tripping is a completely unfair mechanic which ruins the competitive side of the game. However, there's a surprisingly intricate meta beneath all of Brawl's flaws. Brawl players *have* to master tech like boost grab, momentum cancel and DACUS to have a fighting chance against the terrible balance baked into their game.

Smash 4 is easily the more fair and balanced of the two games to play competitively but I personally find it boring both to play and to watch because there is zero tech skill involved in playing it. With the exception of Bidou, which turned out to be a fad / meme that no one uses any more, every time someone started to discover some tech in Sm4sh it got removed with the next patch. Not to mention that Brawl is commonly criticized for being slow and having ledges with their own zip codes, but Sm4sh is just as slow as Brawl (if not slower - many characters had more frames of start up / end lag added to their attacks in the transition from Brawl to Sm4sh) and the ledge snapping issue is even worse.

"Competitive potential" is not measured in tech skill, but it's not measured in balance either. Objectively speaking, none of the Smash games are very "competitive" because they weren't designed with a competitive audience in mind. But as someone who believes that the most interesting part of the competitive side of Melee is the various techs that high-level players have developed to break and optimize the game, I personally find Brawl's competitive meta to be infinitely deeper and more interesting than Smash 4's. DACUS is fun as fuck.

>ur a reatard

Please address the argument.

>Maining the Frog

Exquisite taste fampai

>The most correct post

This is the first time I've seen someone try to make a case for Brawl's competitiveness, I'm blown away.
I'll bite, if I wanted to get back into Brawl, is there still a scene for it somewhere?

Replace Smash 4 with 64.

What are you talking about? People have talked shit about Sm4sh's lack of tech compared to Brawl for years now.

smash 4 and brawl are both god awfully boring games that should never be competitive

Then why is Brawl still not relevant? Melee didn't have those things either and that sure as fuck didn't stop them

Smash 4 needs 3 stocks, but I feel as if as long as Sonic, Sheik and Rosalina exist(mostly Dabuz's Rosa) we won't ever get it. The rest of the games prominent characters thrive off of winning neutral once and either killing you or getting ridiculous damage. Captain Falcon with footstool-stomps, Donkey Kong with Ding Dong, Fox with his vortex, Zero Suit Samus with her upairs in to boost kick, Ryu's confirms in to TSRK, Cloud with his absolutely broken upair leading in to a million juggles or you being force to retreat to ledge meaning he still has stage control.

Cloud and Bayonetta ruined what was already kind of an "eh" game.
The game is just as campy and boring as Brawl except more characters are actually viable.
Every fucking match feels like an uphill battle, and every hit just makes me notice how little control the player has. We need another Melee. Fuck the teching though. I just want another fast-paced Smash that feels good to play.

What's wrong with teching?

I'm not a fan of having to learn to use a bunch of weird tidbits and exploits in order to be viable.
Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate the skill that goes into it. It's just that one of the reasons I enjoy Smash is how it's more of playing the game well than it is learning how to do moves and shit like a typical fighter. I feel like all of the advanced tech we've seen kind of ruins that part of the game.

Those are advanced techniques. Teching is when you press L or R before hitting the ground to recover.

Oh shit. My bad. Getting my words mixed up. Thanks
Yeah that shit's fine then. Rewards timing

Bayonetta and Cloud are hype wtf are you even talking about


Smash4 fix the mistakes Nintendo made in melee and brawl. Melee is full with broken hitboxes and Brawl is too casual.

Smash4 combines a polished gameplay with competitive fun

Because they're fucking OP. Yeah, it's not impossible to win against them, but come on now.