>emphasis on platforming, puzzles, and exploration, combat secondary >platforming is complex, in-depth, and requires full mastery of the controls >human enemies are few and far between, focus is on movement and immersive worlds
Tomb Raider now
>emphasis on combat and cinematics >puzzles optional >fully linear, no exploration >platforming is so easy it's practically automated >hundreds upon hundreds of human enemies that Lara mows down like Rambo
Is easier to make an Uncharted game and hide the boring gameplay by making the character "deep", funny thing is that the old Lara was more feminists than the new one.
NuLara is just a TumbLara and modern girl, which means complain a lot and making the disgusting face (the one that is like they are smelling shit) all the time.
Jonathan Jenkins
Tomb Raider then: >linear platformer >terrible tank controls >instant death traps everywhere >lara can't fight for shit >realize now when replaying them that the only reason i bought those games as a kid was the tits >i don't think i ever beat any of them
Tomb Raider now: >modern aaa trashgame >still better than the originals >actually fucking playable
Grayson Bell
Second game had a fair share of fighting human enemies in non-archeological environments though.
Scrub, the controls are fantastic.
Julian Hernandez
the controls were so satisfying in tr2 and up, tank or no
Hudson Mitchell
>puzzles optional But still there for those who want them. Forced puzzle solving would have only detracted from the fast, suspenseful atmosphere. >fully linear, no exploration Not true. You can fast travel back to any area and poke around for some fairly interesting collectibles/lore. >platforming is so easy it's practically automated Could've been harder, I agree.
I enjoy the reboot games for what they are. They are a lot like playing a Rambo/Indiana Jones movie, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing if you line up your expectations accordingly
Hudson Bell
>That scene in new games >Lara walks into the room, hides behind a barrier, and shoots them without moving at all Removing gymnastics was a mistake
Ethan James
>>terrible tank controls they're not tanky, they're grid-aligned and actually pretty precise i bet you bitch about Oddworld games having """terrible""" controls as well
Eli Morris
git gud
Colton Cox
Tank controls are there to encourage skill. They're a legitmate control design choice.
Charles James
Got any other webms?
Grayson Roberts
Jack Kelly
man i remember the jump from tr1 to tr2
i was so amazed
Jaxson Wright
>Forced puzzle solving would have only detracted from the fast, suspenseful atmosphere. No
>Not true. You can fast travel back to any area and poke around for some fairly interesting collectibles/lore. Pretty sure what he meant was complex level-design, not necessarily backtracking.
Don't be a fucking idiot and make it this obvious you don't know what you are talking about.
Jeremiah Gray
Got more?
Blake Turner
Josiah Lewis
>that camera >that auto-aim >that enemy AI >that horribly clunky movement >this is what TR nostalgiafags think is good
Leo Hall
I love watching those webms. This is how the games look when you got gud.
Josiah Sanders
Christian Sullivan
Keep going.
Evan Cruz
That's it, need to record more some time.
Chase Hughes
Says the fag who probably is into JRPG shit.
Nolan Thompson
Thanks user. I look forward to them.
Anyway, to everyone that says the controls of classic TR were clunky, as someone who went from nu-TR to classic TR, the only thing I have to say is "git gud". It's just a learning curve.