
>april fools bayonetta steam game leads to countdown website

bayonetta for PC confirmed ?

I hope so. Would be pretty cruel to make us wait 10 days for nothing

>Bayo 2 Switch confirmed

Most likely, yeah.

The thing that bothers me about that countdown is the the background image. Its a recreation of the last shot from the first teaser trailer, but the ripped ribbon on the left is brand new.

What did they mean by that?

>being this stupid

at least you tried user.

but yep horrible PC port of Bayonetta incoming.

What's so stupid? Switch performance?


the fact that the link originated from a game released on Steam and has nothing to do with any console.

>another thread of PCMR begging for console ports, while in another thread discussing consoles are holding the industry back

Holy shit, PCMR trying to usurp Sonyfags as the worst //v fanbase?

What would the Switch's performance have to do with anything?

>thread discussing a countdown Sega unveiled out of nowhere is somehow interpreted by you as people begging for ports

Are you brain damaged?

>are you brain damaged?
Can you not read the fucking thread?

I hope so.

Vanquish is supposedly coming too.

I was laughing in pbros faces that they never got this game and I'm a guy who bought a Wii U for Bayonetta 2.

Now I've sold my Wii U and there's no way in fuck I'm getting a Switch.

Eh, let the dunksticks have it. Vanquish too. 7th gen is over, now we have new games to lord over the philistines.

I've read the entire thread, there's nothing that constitutes begging. Shit up some other thread with your consolewar faggotry

>bayonetta for PC confirmed
>PC port of Bayonetta incoming.

>nothing that constitutes begging

>still brain damaged

>can't refute facts
Not an argument.

>PCfags get Bayo2 before sonybros

oh god the salt

Background picture

hnnnggg imagine her stepping on your cock with those heels

>go to a movie theater
>movie is teased in a trailer but its exact identity is ambiguous
>people in the audience begin to speculate

>see a countdown for a videogame-related announcement
>its exact identity is ambiguous but obvious to people who look past it for 5 seconds
>"yeah I think this is Bayonetta"

Brain damage

It'd be kinda fucked if it was just an announcement for Bayo 3 on the switch or something. Why would they put the teaser game on steam if that was the case?

>the charm is from Scarborough Fair
yeah, probably be a PC port of 1
I do wish it was 3 though

>using a non-video game related analogy
Into the trash it goes.

I never played Bayonetta, can someone sum it up in one picture?

>Bad horrible port

user I think you may want to get yourself checked out for brain damage at the doctor's office. Sega never fucks up their ports as much as Koei or Namco does.

Dictionaries and basic definitions of words aren't directly videogame related either, which probably explains your retardation.

You can stop digging and leave the thread now, autismo


>telling me to leave the thread
>claims I have autism
You keep replying to me.

Sega ports are usually pretty good, or at least easily fixable.

It wouldn't be good publicity.
Unless they're actually trying to capture the same butthurt that Bayo2 being exclusive to the WiiU created.

>damage control

where's jsrf

>Bayonetta 2
>on any non-Nintendo system
Nintendo specifically payed Platinum to finish that game after Sega decided to junk it. It's a Nintendo-exclusive franchise now unless Sega pays back Nintendo the money they spent on it which they never will.

fuck Bayonetta. Bring Vanquish or fucking Anarchy Reigns to pc.

Let them have their begging thread. It's cute to see them cry about it after all these years.


Probably announcing a new figurine, knowing sega.

Stuck on the xbox HUEG along Otogi and Panzer Dragon Orta

The Switch hasn't been out long enough and doing terribly enough for Nintendo to try and trick hardcore gamers into buying one with a new Bayonetta.

Not that it would work. Fool me once, etc.

>still shitposting after you were blown out


Does it even matter? You can emulate it almost flawlessly at this point.

>steam starts selling anime

You're all just setting yourselves up for disappointment. It's gonna be the OVA.

>still replying after you were blown the fuck out

I've never gotten the appeal of this.

Probably since the first I ever saw of it was a woman stepping on the dick of some guy while wearing extremely pointy heels. Pierced the dick and blood shot almost half a meter into the air.

Yes. Sega was down on its earnings and sidn't want to spend more money on Bayonetta. Nintendo needed a hardcore game for a kiddie console.

According to JP Kellams, who recently left Platinum (RIP!), it sounds like the ownership of 2 is with Platinum completely now.

Nintendo owns the assets, but not the IP. If they wanted to bring the game to other platforms as a remastered version, they could totally do it.


Jesus Christ, why do so many of you care so much that a game on your chosen platform is being released on a different platform? You won't magically be unable to play the game anymore.

It's money that goes to Sega if its a genuine port rather than to nobody (or the cemu or cpsx3 or whatever they are called team) because emulation.


>retard who can't even grasp basic definitions of words sitting in a thread specifically to shitpost
>blowing anything out

It's a school night autismo

The image is reused from a promo for Bayonetta 1, some user posted it a few threads ago. Doesn't mean it's related though.

Already bought bayonetta 1 on 360 and Wii U so probably gonna give this a pirate, if it's a good port.

why should i care about my money going to some japanese jews?

>still replying

Holy shit you're hilarious. Are you sure you're not the one with autism here?

That is far too crazy to be true.

I think Nintendo would challenge that.

Right, you're baiting.

Maybe they'll make another Bayonetta game if the PC version sells well (at least in regards to what constitutes good sales on the PC.

>P A Y E D

>muh consolewars


Whatever exclusivity contract Nintendo had with Bayonetta 2 has probably expired.
It's going to be Bayonetta 1 + 2 for PC/PS4/Xbone, mark my words.

yeah, cant wait for bayonetta 3 on ps4, switch and xbox one

and nothing else

I mean, if they want to come full circle, they should make Bayo 3 for android and iOS.

>Bayonetta 1 + 2 for PC/PS4/Xbone, mark my words.

Do you honsetly expect Kamiya or rest of Platinum to work with MS after Scalebound?
game looked like absolute shit, but looked like shit that could be salvaged

>thinking Bayo 1 or 2 will be ported to any platform of a company that didn't want to fund 2 in the first place


>Bayo 3 for android and iOS
so for the Switch

Binary Domain had awful controller problems, you had to search for one particular version of drivers or all buttons were swapped, even analogs with triggers

Nah, they'd have to dumb it down too much to make it run on the switch.

>a company that didn't want to fund 2 in the first place

Exactly why this is entirely plausible. Porting an already existing game to a new platform is minimal effort and ez money compared to making an entirely new game.

Not only that they allow modding in their games and they do what Nintendies don't.

>playing a shooter that has fuck all benefits from analogue movement with a gamepad

Sega owns Bayonetta. Kamiya has no input on what they decide to put it on.

Probably just Bayo 1 for PC, years too late as usual. Still a cheap way to keep the name afloat until Bayo 3 Switch gets made (and don't think that's not happening after Bayo got in Smash and her amiibo is still due to be released.)

Like I said they rarely mess up Binary Domain was one of the bad out of the many good ports.

>Bayo 3
All the Platinum games sold like shit on the Wii U

>this batshit console-only kid

How do you let it get this bad? How do you let some superficial product rule your life like this?

Man I played the shit out of BD on 360, and got it again when it was free on steam. I don't remember any horrible controllers problems.

What are the odds someone mods in the Wii U content from Bayo 1 on PC version?

I would love to use the Peach/Link/Samus costumes.

No SEGA!!! You are only allowed to be on our console not hail to PC Master race! I will NOT stand for this!!!

>playing GoW style tps on kbm

Maybe it's only on XBone controllers but I remember reading someone claiming this problem on X360pad

It's ALMOST plausible. It's still down to Nintendo though. They don't own the copyright to Bayo 2. They do own the trademark and the game code including all its assets. So it's a huge effort since Platinum would literally have to rebuild the game from scratch using none of the original assets.

What makes it plausible is that Nintendo have been known to sell the game codes that they own from time to time. Banjo, Conker and Killer Instinct where all games that were 100% owned by Nintendo, but MS still got them in the Rare sale.

That said, Nintendo have been complete assholes from time to time and refused to give up game assets they own. Microsoft/Rare wanted to put Goldeneye 64 on the marketplace for years but couldn't due to Nintendo owning it. They only way around that was to remake the entire game from scratch, which they did. And it was awful.

So as it stands, it looks like a port of the 1st game for PC. A port of the second game can exist if Nintendo get a good price for it, and that's totally plausible unless they're planning on bringing the game to Switch. Nintendo would probably gladly part ways with the game code for money since it's on a dead platform that's no longer making them money. It all depends on if Nintendo are planning on paying for a 3rd game.

>people who think third person shooters with KB+M are unplayable even though the only thing that changes between it and an FPS is perspective

You're still aiming with a reticle or down sights which has always been better with a mouse

Where's the logic in that? Nintendo had Suda 51 talk at the Switch conference about a new No More Heroes game, a series that is undeniably less popular than Bayonetta.

A shooter, regardless of camera perspective, still benefits from using a mouse for precise aiming. I don't even know what you're on about.

I'm not saying it's unplayable on kbm, I just prefer fast action games on controller. Like GTAV on kbm but GoW on pad. Also shooting with the trigger is really nice

>doing terribly enough
How is the Switch doing terribly?

>Whatever exclusivity contract
The funded the game you retard.

Hold on. You prefer playing shooters with a gamepad for whatever reason, but prefer playing GTAV with kbm which has driving that benefits greatly from using a gamepad?

>PC -finally- gets Bayonetta
>SEVEN (7) years after consoles had it
>the PS4 -alone- got Yakuza Zero, Project Diva, Yakuza 6, Puyo Pop Tetris, and Persona 5
>and it will get Initial D Arcade Stage 8 and Daytona 3 later on
>PC won't

>Sega says that PC is their most profitable platform

Bayo 2 did sell at least 800k.
Now the first game sold double that, but that was multiplat on consoles with 170 million consumers vs the Wii U's 12 million. Also worth noting that the majority of Bayo 1's sales came after the game was reduced to half price after it's first 3 weeks of release.

Do not worry user Nintendo will be out of business soon once the Switch flops. Then Sega can buy out Nintendo.

Sega own Creative Assembly, Relic and Aplitude, which is quite a significant amount of the PC strategy game developers

You're aware Total War, Dawn of War and Football Manager are published Sega, right?
Those games make a lot of money.

Sure, but remember the game had a godawful port for the PS3, and xbots don't buy japanese games.
It probably would've done better if the ps3 version wasn't 30fps with severe drops.

I'd rather have Vanquish

Bayonetta 8bit was on Steam yesterday. April Fools or not, if Nintendo 100% owned Bayonetta then that wouldn't have happened

No, I prefer playing fast paced console third person action games on pad. With or without shooting. But slower games with kbm.
Also you can just pick up pad when you're driving, aiming with kbm is better for online