ITT: The hardest puzzles in vidya

ITT: The hardest puzzles in vidya

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is this the bridge you have to turn?


>low settings

The settings are on max
This is the "puzzle" at native resolution
This is the "puzzle at 1280x768

Truly the hardest brain teaser known to mankind.

theres this puzzle in sonic adventure on eggmans ship that opens up a door to a chao garden, dont remember the puzzle but it was fucking hard and i had to search up how to do it online

What game is that?

Nah, the one in Extraction Point is worse.


First Encounter Assault Recon

Should I go forward?

*blocks your path indefinitely*

This is early in the game right? Better to check if there is fall damage

Lithtech is a dodgy engine

Go ahead. There's no danger in the game unless you play on hard

>tfw want to play on hard, but suck at m+kb controls
I only switched to PC mustard race recently, and I'm still getting used to it

I love Beneath a Steel Sky but this was bullshit

fuck you Sup Forums


Resident Evil 4 tile puzzle. I must have spent 45-60 minutes on this.

it was easy af


Holy fuck me too.
I'm probably just fucking dumb

same as this one, i cant do tile puzzles


Like 90% of SpaceChem.

Lucked my through it on the first try. Took me 15 seconds. Remembered the combination ever since.




This cunt on the other hand.

The trick is to do 1 row, then 1 column, then 1 row, etc. You put 1 piece in place at a time, but you'll find the last 2 of each row/column will be tricky,but it's hard to explain how to deal with that in text.

The graphical design on this puzzle made it all the more confusing, it took me a good 2 deaths until I fucking realized which slots are "empty" and by what logic the stupid fucking pieces move

It was a slight struggle but nothing to bad

I was so proud of myself when I solved this as a kid. I got stuck on the elevator in Mechanical (never exit it before the door closed) and Stoneship (never thought that each of the 3 switches under the umbrella did something different).

Fuck that puzzle.


lmao I had to look that shit up on youtube

what a clusterfuck of level design


Light puzzles were a mistake

The early puzzles feel like a trick to get you to keep playing.

>What game is that?

You need to be 18 or older to browse this board, underage faggot.

This is what puzzles are in modern games.

And there's a shit ton of guides on how to do this.

Oops, forgot the image.

this was the worst puzzle in gaming history

brings game to a grinding stop.
instructions unclear.
slow tank walking was infuriating.
boring as fuck.
no rewards, unsatisfying once you finish it.

i wish i had the internet when i first played it. then i played it 2 years later with a friend and we still didn't want to use guides and wasted and hour of our life.
fuck stupid puzzles.

I played it in 1920x1080 and it worked fine.

Lithtech might just be a bit weird at times.

>using guides for puzzles
are you kidding me ?

pick one
>slow tank walking
oh nevermind you are retarded

>Having to even ask and not knowing one of the few Sup Forums approved games of all time

We should make a Sup Forums's list of the greatest games. Vampire Masquerade, Majora's Mask, FEAR, Super Metroid and I'm sure I'm missing more.

Snake Eater

code veronica x is notorious for its slow tank controls fuck off. the little instruction are not something you can quickly pick up and answer form. if i find it ill post it

Tile puzzles are hard for people that don't take a few minutes to recognize how to move pieces to certain spots. For example, to get a corner piece from one side to another or the same piece to the top, requires the same number of movements but in a different order.

You should make the attempt cause once you figured it out, all tile puzzles, and I literally mean all, become a cake walk.

>Try for 10 mins to use the top symbols properly
>Lol jk just j-j-j-jam it in!

I think at that moment I became aware of what at handhold fest i was in for.

Pretty sure dude sex is at the very top for the 2016 version.

almost made me give up on hl2


The final puzzle of Frog Fractions 2 required you to learn a fictional language to solve it.

It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't the SAME FUCKING PUZZLE in the SAME FUCKING DUNGEON every single time.


There is no puzzle game that fucks around less than any Zachtronics game.

>Make an actual packet router circuit to continue


great game


>going for the under 2 hours achievement
>lose run because of that missed jump.

>durr look how bad this puzzle is

It's not a puzzle. It's the equivalent of unlocking a door before progressing. That's not supposed to be a puzzle at all.

I hope you're joking. I think you probably are, but it's hard to tell on this board.

Pure bullshit.

Out of curiosity did either of you played with the same kind of puzzle when you were younger?

Literally me, i knew the game was going to be total babbyfest when i "solved" this """""""""puzzle""""""""

There was a similar puzzle in Legend of Mana.


It's not difficult to get through, but I swear to fucking god it makes no sense and I will always die to it at leat once


This is wrong the best dungeons in zelda were always the light puzzles. actually required thought unlike 90% of zelda puzzles

I was playing through SH3 with a friend. We actually figured EVERYTHING out on that puzzle except for the last bit with the three witches disappearing. We were both very proud of ourselves and annoyed as shit when we gave in and looked it up.
