Reminder that Wii U is still the best console of this generation

Reminder that Wii U is still the best console of this generation.

>A great VC service that spans all of Nintendo's history. ALL THE BATTLE NETWORK GAMES ARE ON IT.
>The best exclusives released in the past five years
>The definitive Smash 4 experience

The list goes on and on. Why don't you own a Wii U, Sup Forums?

>Inb4 isn't not being supported

New games are released on the eshop every week. Pikmin 2 just came out, for example.

>console wars are still a thing
Fucking kids living with their mothers, I swear.
Just buy one of each console and a top of the line pc. Faggots.

Yes sir

This is fucking pathetic even for Nintendork stanadards

I like it, but:
>great VC service
Debatable. The selections for post-SNES titles is still kind of paltry and the games are somewhat expensive.

You missed the "why don't you own a wii u" threads by about 3 years OP. Better luck next time.

I noticed Sup Forums has been less console war-y after the Switch came out. Coincidence?

If we actually consider your points, a modded PSP would be like the best consoles ever made

April fools was yesterday

Playstation owners can't shitpost about sales because Switch is destroying them right now.

>because Switch is destroying them right now.
I didnt know the Switch sold 50M in the span of one month

I'm an idort, you faggot.

I know this is b7 but fuck you for reminding me that the Wii U didn't play GC games

I owned one and it's boring piece of shit console. I fell for e3 2012 memes and got BTFO by every dev that abandoned the wii u. Remember those comments from battlefield 4 devs and metro last light devs. Ea fucking roasted the shit out of the wii u some time may of 2013. The only reason why I ever use the system is just for black ops 2 when am bored.

>Dat deflection


Right now, the Ponies are scrambling to find a new reason to justify their inflated egos. The past few years have pretty much surrounded around this myth that 'We support Sony because they are the most successful in the industry.'

Now that that narrative is showing cracks, these people are going to jump to a new tactic.

I can get all those eshop games for free on PC, or you know just use my original fucking hardware.

>A great VC service that spans all of Nintendo's history. ALL THE BATTLE NETWORK GAMES ARE ON IT.
Yet there isn't a new Metroid. So it means nothing.

>The best exclusives released in the past five years
Debatable, if not outright wrong.

>The definitive Smash 4 experience
Yeah, I sure do love 50 dollars of DLC.

I never seen someone with so much persecution complex in my life also you said it was destroying the PS4 in sales when we know the Switch sales is at 2M while the PS4 is at 50M, also you remember people said the same about the WiiU beating the PS4 in sales but in the end it ended up as the worst selling Nintendo console of all time(if we dont take the Virtual Boy to account that is) so if anything is the Nintendo fanbase who should be careful of their egos if they dont want to be pushed around by every fanbase for the rest of this console gen

>It means nothing because my favorite C rank franchise hasn't gotten a release on it.

If you want a new Metroid that fucking badly, get Federation Force.

Does it have racing games? My hand is heavily influenced by the availability of racing games.

>If you want a new Metroid that fucking badly, get Federation Force.
I wanted a game, not quickly shat out shovelware.

Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed, Fast Racing Neo, and Mario Kart 8

Just out of curiosity, do you need the DLC in Sm4sh to play online?

>Just out of curiosity, do you need the DLC in Sm4sh to play online?
No, but without it the game is extremely unbalanced, since the DLC isn't cosmetic.

>Fast Racing Neo
Isn't that the same as RMX? Or at least the same series?
Aside for that, doesn't look interesting to me at all. I want games in the vein of FOrza, Gran Turismo and PGR. I want real cars.

>I want real cars.
Then you're barking at the wrong tree here