Thread for all Nintendo ladies.
Thread for all Nintendo ladies
I want to be Samus' husband.
I want to make dinner and give her a massage when she come back home after a mission!
Why does Lucina hide her tits?
what tits?
I like Krystal
Post more fem-Villager
>Sup Forums hates nintendo
>nintendo has the best waifus
>not posting the dicks version
>Being gay
its not gay if its a feminine dick
listen here you knife-eared piece of shit
I know you're trying to trigger me
and by god you've done it
This woman will somehow get votes
Yes it is
capcom > nintendo
where's nintendo's cutest girl tho?
Go away
Samus is my wife and I can confirm she's 100% biological female.
Full XX
Robin is the best girl
When will they learn?
I want to make Lucina suck my balls.
How is Villager a lady? She can't be older than 10.
Only the best
how old is wendy
Old enough to breed.
now you're speaking my language
Why are they making selfies with there icecream?
>tfw will never continuously tease Lucina's tiny cock
>tfw will never edge Lucina while she hopelessly thrusts trying to cum and begging me to let her
>Palutena is a fucking 10/10
>gets no porn.
Life is cruel.
Adult Tiki
I want to hug Rosalina!
>gets no porn
Are you not looking hard enough or something?
Link it
>ywn suck the cum out of all of them, one after the other
It's funny how Zelda, Fire Emblem and Pokemon alone have enough characters to fill a thread, disregarding the ones everyone knows from Smash, DK: Barrel Blast and Mario Kart.
Nintendo is just that vast for waifu material, since 1983
lmao lucina looks like lilo
No. I will not. Because I would be loyal.
>All these samushitters itt
>twintail robin
There's absolutely nothing wrong with twintail Robin.
You should go, your people needs you
>tfw you're literally the best nintendo girl but nobody gives a shit about you
But Sup Forums is the designated gay board.
Fiora is for Shulk only, that's why.
Melia was better
>Gamestop holding original game hostage
>Downscaled port requires a specific model (read: "upgrade") of 3DS
>Best bet is to download it on Wii U, which didn't hit a lot of homes or hope in good faith MonolithSoft is game for an enhanced compilation of the first two games on Switch
Melia is doomed to be NTRd for eternity
>XC2 is set centuries after the original XC in the new world created by Shulk
>main antagonist turns out to be Melia that became bitter over the ages as everybody she knew died happily with somebody they loved like Shulk and Fiora
Fiora is very pure also don't fist android girls
all those scenes where she talked about her body were oddly arousing
The best
Tomato Adventure was good shit, my man.
Damn shame, it was a good game and will probably never get a sequel or a fan-translation
>Twin tail Robin
>Very tight body
>That stomach
Holy shit I want to slap and rub my dick all over Robin's body
>Fiora is very pure
Because she was tingling down there when Shulk was near her.
>That ending where they end up in the Green Pepper kingdom
AlphaDream needs to resolve this cliffhanger, especially since years of developing Mario and Luigi have refined them even more.
Hear hear
Post them obscure, underrated girls.
post nintendo women that should be replaced by a machine
Fresh from the oven
why are their boobs so far apart though..
How about just augmented?
I'm sad she faded into obscurity so quickly. I blame NoA and their refusal to bring over the ALREADY LOCALIZED Wii game.
>drinking cum from a trap is gay
Fuck off user, I've fucked a bunch of trap escorts and licked their cum after they came and Im not gay, pic related, my favourite trap
All fucking me. Fight me.
Samus is my wife.
Chao's pretty obscure.
She was in that visual novel that had Son Goku in it.
>All these Mario girls
>No Zelda ones
natural boobs sag off to the side when a girl's laying down on her back
that, Hotel Dusk and the games' likely predecessor.
Thread needs more Nikki.
>not a single nigger
Fucking Nintendo are goat
first of all that's not a nintendo girl
second of all her legs are compressing her chest back together
third if you're gonna refute a fact you better bring up a counterargument