>this is a childrens game
Why is nintendo pushing the thicc propaganda and helping further sexualizing the innocent youth?
This is a childrens game
It´s a game for children, not for neofaggots or tumblrinas, so fuck off.
She's wearing horse riding pants. Nothing sexualized with them.
Why is reddit trying to force the 'thicc' meme so much?
That is not thick and that particular shot is very short, if it hadn't been for all the people spamming these ass shots then I wouldn't have noticed there was an ass shot.
>Nintendo's switch commercials didn't appeal to kids but instead to the older audience
>Nintendo acknowledges the older audience by throwing in some fan service
i see nothing wrong with this
>Nothing sexualized with them.
Rake war soon, leaf.
It was not pronounced at all for me to even sexualize it when I saw the cutscenes at first. Kids like OP who can't get their head out of the gutter who share their fetish on this board memed BoTW Zelda as "thicc".
Are you a virgin or something?
Presumably it's part of a SJW plot to normalise fatter women.
That was fun.
Nice ass != thicc
it still is, /vint/ is a pretty solid board and I hope it sticks around.
>Presumably it's part of a SJW plot to normalise fatter women.
That's what I was beginning to assume. Cancerous shit. We need /l/ to come back to scare off all the fucking neogaf and reddit trash.
The real issue is Nintendo making weakminded people lust after non-humans.
How the fuck is this even considered thicc
Might come as a surprise to some, but, everyone has a butt.
Retards parroting shit they see on Sup Forums.
Kill yourself kiddo
>Surprising absolutely nobody, 99% of shitposting is Australians and 99% of SJW nonsense is a fucking leaf.
Honestly I don't give a shit about the canadian scum but its good to know the old standard of shittiness remains firmly strayan
>thicc fetish
>giantess fetish
>armpit fetish
>financial domination fetish
how can nintendo get away?
Zelda has a nice gap.
Zelda has a nice everything.
>Breath of the Wild: Zelda's Big Bum edition
Take my money.
>Family friendly always means "for children"
No, hombre.
oh but when games sexualize women it's just some impossible myth even though it's been going way longer.
Also the new zelda isn't sexual, you're probably just gay.
>westerns give a female character pants because "muh progression"
>japs give a female character pants so we can see her ass better
sasuga japon
Luckily thigh gaps aren't against the rules yet.
Giving samus a thigh gap while in the varia suit with her legs crossed might have been a little much though.
So low res I couldn't read a single word
Stop mobileposting.
You went too far.
Sup Forums related
>complain when Nintendo censors their games to remove sexuality
>complain when Nintendo has sexuality in their games
Nintendo just can't win.
Best bet is to ignore people and listen to their money instead.
>compared to musclegirl Gerudos with legitimately humongous thighs on some of them
>the same section you have to crossdress (Nintendo acknowledging Link is fangirl bait at the same time) to get into musclegirl city
All they need now is female Goron
You can tell Paya's really thicc under her modest clothing.
>Financial domination
Kill yourself
How did the Gorons get into Gerudo town?
Even children have thick thighs and big arses.
>if a girl has feminine features it's propaganda
Paya is not for sexual.
They can't tell the Gorons apart so the just ASSUME THIER GENDERS
They are clearly nude and clearly without penis.
I thought she was like Link's age, but the Gerudo don't get freakishly tall until after that.
Gorons are like Dwarves. There are no women and they just spring up from the ground.
Yep, definitely not for sexual.
Stop making kids self-conscious of their sexuality you fucking cunt. It is because of people like you that i ended up being an autistic fuck who believed in bullshit nobody else did.
Kids these days should get raped for all i get, that will make them develop healither sexuality than censoring them until some arbitrary bullshit age.
>Stop making kids self-conscious of their sexuality
Men for procreation Gorons for recreation
You better stop.
This looks so shit
>tfw my girlfriend's ass is exactly the same as Zelda's
I can't find a watermark-less version.
What is the best Town and why is it Kakariko?
it's pretty shocking how stereotypical they act
Shit parent detected
this shit is like food meme tier humor but still these shitposts sometimes get me, fuck
Thanks doc
get out normie ree tendies poopies cummies etc.
>t. /r9k/
you got a problem with that buddy? Don't make me send uncle Jerry to kick your ass.
>interspecies fetish
You forgot that one.