Can we have a Borderlands thread? Just try Borderlands 2...

Can we have a Borderlands thread? Just try Borderlands 2, I feel like it's lack charm of the first game and the UI turn me off as well. Anyone else feel the same?

>mfw I'm not Anthony Birch

I wish we could but everyone on Sup Forums would rather make fun of Randy and Anthony than actually talk about video games

I literally never enjoyed these games. Shooters after them copied them in a desperate attempt to stay relevant and it just put me off of FPS' more.

The writing wasn't very good. The first game was a success due to marketing and the "Stewie Griffin" effect of a small, annoying meme character (Claptrap) capturing people's attention. Lots of big, ho-hum environments with scant enemies to fight. The entire game exists to satisfy loot cravings, and there are much better offerings available.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all the games, because they are basically massive shooting galleries with tacked on RPG elements for a feeling of progression and experimentation. 2 especially is an amazing sandbox to mindlessly shoot shit in despite the scaling issues late game.

I loved that game almost exclusively based off how siren looked. I put up with the awful writing and other issues because of that.

I hope they bring her model back in bl3.

Does The Pre-Sequel better than 2?

To each their own, I don't really enjoy Tacked on RPG elements. It's the same reason I can't play the Fallout Series (outside of New Vegas, but that is more like an RPG fell into an unfortunate teleporter accident with a shitty FPS).

Two had more loot, but less interesting loot because they were throwing so much at you at once. I remember playing with my friends for a bit and thinking "I am never going to keep a weapon for any length of time that matters", and that kept me from getting attached to the stuff I was getting because all of it cycled so quickly. Add stat increases over time and even if you do find a gun you like, you're going to throw it away for something with more damage or fire bullets later anyway.

I hate games that do this shit. I wish I could just have a cool looking gun that is somewhere in the middle of effectiveness, at least. Instead of completely irrelevant in a few minutes because damage is tied to the gun's stats.

Currently playing BL2 for the first time. I'm 12 hours in and it's getting kinda boring.

This user
is right in that it's essentially a huge shooting gallery with RPG elements slapped on. I can see how that could be enjoyable, but honestly, the gunplay isn't satisfying, the RPG elements are too lackluster and the looting is well...tedious.

It doesn't help that almost all of the characters are unlikeable.


>the scaling issues late game.

What do you mean by that?

slag killed bl2 endgame

RPG = good
FPS = good

RPG + FPS = total fucking dumpster fire.

Whoever thought combining these two genres together was a good idea needs to die.

I've tried so many times to get to the "end-game" with the DLC and all that but I get bored out of my fucking mind every single time and never make it

Do the Borderlands games have a plot and characters to be spoken of?

It's fucking badass game

I fucking hate that unnerving hiperactve ui

One of the worst fucking games I have ever played holy shit I actually gave money for this why did you have to remind me?!??!

The writing is awful, but I like everything else more than BL1.

>more varied environments
>more varied enemy types
>distinctive look for each gun brand
>better controls and UI
>decent story and characters
>great DLC
>fun gameplay (sniping at least)

Solid game: 8.5/10

The ui ducks but the game is ducking good with so much content fuck, even just playing SP is good

You got a hiperion sniper? Too bad is a fucking hiperion with an useless unrollable skil

I paid $5 for the original Borderlands and felt ripped off. It was so boring. Never bothered with the sequels because the first one left such a bad taste in my mouth.

Holy shit no, stay away from that garbage game
t. 343 hours in B2 and only 34 in TPS