Persona 5

This is the thread where we talk about the game and where you are right now, instead of localization whining.

Still shipping and waiting fags need not apply.

Just reached the madarame boss fight. Its bearable now, because the kamoshida dungeon and boss fight were absolutely brutal.

So many things that can one shot you, especially in the later fights. The kamoshida fight is pretty long as well, and if he decides to focus all his turns on joker, you are fucked.

Hows your playthrough?

Can anyone who has already been playing the game comment on the characters? Who's well written/voiced and who isn't?

Are you playing on Hard? I tried playing with it but it's pretty bullshit. That archangel mob just one shotted my whole party once. If you don't get an advantage when attacking on hard, it's basically a suicide, even ordinary mobs can one shot you from full health. and it's not like i'm skipping shit, i generlly try to use up all party's SP before bailing out. Anyway, i switched back to normal. It's pretty easy, but not that much, i like it.

you fucking suck

>still shipping and waiting fags need not apply

how do you fags have the game already? jap version? gamestop/walmart/amazon fuck up? reviewer copy?

can you switch in a playthrough or do you have to start over if you want to change difficulty?

>can you switch in a playtrough
You can, but of you pick safety mode the game will lock you on that difficulty

Thanks senpai

I am right before infiltrating the second castle. I am a little disappointed that the art-fag is the next one joining my team instead of one of Makoto, but I the other than that the game is pretty fun.
Also the night time theme is super comfy and makes me just want to wander around town listening to random conversations.

I'm really not trying to play too much since I want the jap dub first.

Just got Ann in my party and really enjoying the game so far.