Mass Effect Andromeda 2

Fix Mass Effect Andromeda in the sequel Sup Forums

Hire entirely new team to do animations and writing, have them done before advanced parts of gameplay.

Kill everyone but the Turian chick and the Krogan, new main character, no sister or brother or cousin bullshit. Make it possible to be different alien races.

Instead of having 'Good Alien Race'/'Bad Alien Race', make multiple races that each have larger flaws that you must try and negotiate with.

Make a prequel in the Milky Way and fire everyone associated with this turd

>Hires Clancy Brown
>kills him of in the first mission

Have a real game studio make it.
No more SJW shit. None whatsoever.

What's will all the one liners in the game? It's so fucking cringy it's like they watch guardians of the galaxy and decided to make a game off it

Start from scratch in a third galaxy with one of the senio Bioware studios.

This pile of shit cannot be salvaged.

Go back to the Milky Way and make a new MC. Forget that ME: A ever existed.

>have to deal after ME3 Ending shitstorm

All they need to do is fix more bugs before release and spend a bit more time touching up face animations. Maybe get a better cutscene director?

It's honestly better than a 2/5. It's a 4/5 with the bugs patched.

They should fix "balance".
it's fucking bad

clearly it's a bug

It's not.
The weapon damage difference is the same.
It was intentionaly "balanced" like that.
Same with Kinetic Coils which were supose to be 5%(back in trial) but are 3% instead.

Which one did you choose Sup Forums

Make posible to fuck your sister
Well made animations and better writting
Make it so even the most irrelevant decisions in ME:A have repercutions in the secuel so you dont feel like its the reboot of the reboot
Let you fuck your sister
Also new races with more differences with the milky way (for fuck sake the hannar are more andromeda-esque than the kett and angara together)

Contract it out to Obsidian, tell them to ditch massive world exploration in favor of having 3 major, unique hubs and multiple other levels made strictly for combat missions. Also, let players pick between playing as an Asari (biotic), Human (soldier), Turian (tactician), Angarian (brute), or Salarian (tech), with each race having their own unique perks, abilities, VO, and side missions.

To afford that level of variety, cut down the overall level of content. Focus on quality, not quantity. A 20-30 hour high quality RPG (ME2) beats any 60+ shit RPG (Andromeda).

Also, ditch resource farming and most elements of planetary exploration. Keep the focus on exploring alien cultures, not desolate planets that look like Earth but yellow/red/purple/etc.

Not really. The writing and characters are shit too. Only the combat is alright.

someone send me a code to this piece of shit game so i can see how bad it is

sent ;)

>make Destiny
it was a shitty game

oh shit, he really did it guys. I dont know how he got my contact info, the mad man

I'm on the 3rd planet and about 35~ hours into the game so far and It's really not that bad. It honestly feels the same as ME1 and that was alright. Drack and his niece are my favourite characters so far. Jaal is pretty good too. The story is clearly different to the ME trilogy and that's a good thing.

Aside from my randomly chosen picture, where the fuck did you get Destiny, faggot?

Better characters with better writing.

stop with the "more larger bigger" bullshit and acknowledge that if you try to have more voicelines than mass effect 1,2 and 3 combined you end up with alot of mediocre content.

Okay shill

Human only. No playable alien races.

Quality over quantity, otherwise we'll end up like DA or TES where it is essentially pointless 95% of the time.

First contact war mass effect pls

Not the user of that post, but i would like that too, not about the first contact war, but about the races of the other cycles.
Who they were and how they lost

Don't make it open world.
85% of all the problems Andromeda has can be solved by this alone.

As much as I would love playing as an alien, this makes sense, because they would have to give each race completely different dialogue and stories

Higher a team that actually knows how to write and model for a video game.
Ignore SJW and the LGBT community.
Aim to make a decent game with no hidden agendas or push any stupid message about diversity and inclusion.


Set it in the Star Wars universe and make it KOTOR 3.

And let Obsidian make it.

>different alien races

This needs to happen, but it won't. Bioware is too stuck on the "you need to be human to relate to the protagonist" bullshit. Four games about humanity is more than enough. A Mass Effect:Origins style game would be pretty neat.

>Turian soldier
>Asari Commando
>Salarian STG
>And a human to shut up the normies

Each has their own backstory like in Dragon Age Origins. It can be done, Bioware is just too lazy to do it.

After destroying the reapers in 2186, Shepard jumps on an ark and makes everything better.

retcon it

>It's another let's pretend Obsidian is any better than Bioware post

The game would have just as many glitches....If not more. And would be delayed like 6 times until they run out of money, then they would launch a game that is like 60% finished.
Obsidian is a shit developer, there is a reason no one will work with them anymore.

The end was shit, so forget about it and go on.
>the good guys won, end
Placing the action in Andromeda is already retarded lorewise anywhere