Why's everyone so whiny about this game

it seriously pisses me off.

sorry you faggot cant make space clans and circle jerk on a moon base but this game really offers something that others never have.

Its a lot of fun, looks awesome and a great game to relax (smoke + drink) and play

Ive probably played more than anyone on this board and am still surprised by what i find exploring. Sure some of it is the same, but thats the universe. it cant all be special snowflake planets.

the beatuy isnt handed to you on a silver platter, you have to put in time and explore the different worlds and star systems

and who knows, with a couple more updates it might actually become what everyone wanted in the first place.

just the foundation update added SO much content

fuck all of you

The Foundation Update is a blatant ripoff of Subnautica's building system and you shouldn't support it.

get the fuck out normie

shut the fuck up faggot. you will literally never be happy.

its just like any other base building system

i cant tell if this is a real complaint

I'm sorry, but I need something to actually do, besides wander around and grind currency.

Give me a New Vegas plot where I chase down some dickhead alien through the cosmos and every couple of planets has a new breadcrumb

>drinking and playing games
I never got this why would anyone do this unless you were playing some trash party game with friends and were already on the drink



something besides hitting buttons and staring at a colorful screen?

have you tried going outside, buddy?

>It's a game about exploration!
>The exploration is shit
>Now you can build bases!
>De-incentivizes exploration and promotes staying in one place, making the whole QUINTILLION PLANETS thing ultimately pointless

These people need to make up their fucking minds about what this game is supposed to be

I am happy now

The design of the components (especially the round room) is practically identical.

There's nothing to the game. Exploration is shit, bases are shit, the whole thing is a mess of half assed features looking for a game to be in. The fact that you can have fun with it if you really try to doesn't make it a good game by itself. You can have fun chilling out and hanging around in tf2 trade servers, but nobody would argue that tf2 trading (or tf2 itself) is a good game.

>but this game really offers something that others never have.
Error: supporting data not found.

>Its a lot of fun, looks awesome and a great game to relax (smoke + drink) and play
There are many games where this is the case. This is also true of many Windows 98 era Screensavers, and you don't see anyone arguing those are good games worth $60.

>Ive probably played more than anyone on this board and am still surprised by what i find exploring.
So you're here to justify your time investment and money. My question is, why? If the game is so eminently enjoyable to you, if it is so beyond compare: how did you find time to make this thread? Shouldn't you be playing the game instead of trying to convince people who wanted it to fail that several months on, it's actually good?

>it cant all be special snowflake planets.
Every fucking planet is the same.

>the beatuy isnt handed to you on a silver platter, you have to put in time and explore the different worlds and star systems
This is why astronomers use telescopes. It's not why human beings play video games. But if that entertains you, then whatever.

>and who knows, with a couple more updates it might actually become what everyone wanted in the first place.
Not unless it adds multiplayer, fixes inventory, adds interesting combat encounters and survival mechanics and something more interesting to do than building stuff on a planet you're intended to abandon and never see again as you progress through the game.

>just the foundation update added SO much content
The name of that update is intentionally deceptive. The foundation of this game remains the same. Now they've added content on top that argues with the original point of the game, which is to travel in one direction for 60 hours until the game ends. Not sit in one place looking at the same 10 duplo-blox randomly generated enemies while you make prefab buildings on one of 5 randomly generated planets.

I don't like games that lie. Honestly, Star Citizen in it's current state is better than this

>really offers something that others never have.

Which is...?

>So you're here to justify your time investment and money. My question is, why? If the game is so eminently enjoyable to you, if it is so beyond compare: how did you find time to make this thread? Shouldn't you be playing the game instead of trying to convince people who wanted it to fail that several months on, it's actually good?

Really are you really asking this?please re-read what you typed ans kys. im just annoyed about all the hate i see on Sup Forums for NMS, its unfounded.

>Every fucking planet is the same.
literally not at all hombree, have you played it?

> fixes inventory
whats wrong with the inventory? it really seems like you played the game for half and hour and gave up because everything wasnt thrown in your face.

i cant even respond to the rest of your crap, its like your an ADHD child or something. back to call of duty, bud.

umm, offering the best attempt at a simulated universe that you can explore?

>Now they've added content on top that argues with the original point of the game, which is to travel in one direction for 60 hours until the game ends.
This. The game is a walking simulator with more annoyances and hoops to jump through , adding a base building mechanic removes the impetus for doing exploration to begin with

>offering the best attempt at a simulated universe that you can explore?
But it's not a "simulated universe". That would imply there is some underlying attempt at actually simulating something that can exist.

NMS isn't a "universe". It's literally just huge expanses of space between randomly generated planets, completely and utterly filled in every single direction by the exact same density of asteroids, which exist to give you fuel to keep flying. There's no rules that govern it, there is nothing to learn about the universe, there is no point at which you will be in a significantly different place than you were at the start of the game. Same planets, same density of asteroids, same everything, everywhere.

it's skyboxes seperated by loading screens with huge randomly generated chunks of shit floating in them

I just don't get how every single place in the entire "universe" is this uniform density of identical asteroids with only one thing in them.

>thinks smoking is relaxing or cool
Are you fifteen?

>Why's everyone so whiny about this game
No one would give a shit about it if they didn't hype it up like second coming.

you must have only played day 1 version?

i forgot no one on Sup Forums actually plays video games

wow. why do you even talk if you havent actually played the game?

astroids can contain almost every mineral in the game


Whatever version has the base building.

well i do work 38 hours a week at a big boy job

So yeah, smoking a little weed and having some wine is relaxing

One day you will get a job and value escapism more. until then keep jacking off

ive been in a star system with almost 0 astroids. it happens

This is either the most elaborate troll thread in a while or you are literally 16 years old.

kys faggot. im a troll because youre wrong?

go back to your virtual reality anime sex games, maybe those are in yer face enough homo

Why are you so angry, Sean? You already made millions off of retards

because your all idiots who havent actually played the game or gave up 15 minutes in.

I wouldnt even be mad if any of the criticism had any merit, but it doesnt. sure it didnt have multi player, thats all you really have.

everything else is a misconception due to not playing enough
>muh inventory
>muh astroids
>muh base building looks like other base building (?)
>muh bases stupid! its like a cant build another another one somewhere else!
>too boring, i want a linear plot in a game about exploration
>ect ect

>this game really offers something that others never have

That's not quite true, and even if it was, just the fact it did isn't enough. It needs to do it right, otherwise it's just a failure.

>38 hours a week is somehow impressive

>you will never have this much buyer's remorse
Feels good.

sometimes i work 28 hours a week. its salaried so i try to spend as little time there as possible

Adding muh to criticisms you don't like doesn't get rid of said criticisms.


that screen shot makes this game look awesome. maybe i will go out and give it a try

>he doesn't see the literal same planets right next to each other
And that's why you don't trust a developer that says shit like "BAZILLION GILLION DIFFERENT PLANETS!!!!"

Inventory "problem" fixed by freighters

Asteroids not actually a problem in any way shape or form.

base building is cool,




I didn't waste 60 dollars on a shitty boring space game with zero fulfilled promises, so nah, I think I'll keep on going.
Your anger is from Buyer's Remorse and the frustration that no one likes the game, and that's amusing.


no im angry because you idiots are all so dense. back to CoD kiddo

>everyone's dumb but me reeeeee
>go back to CoD kiddo
Nice projection

Probably the most underage thread I've seen on Sup Forums

I'll take star citizens POTENTIAL promise of a Real-Time 3D Open World MMO Space-Flight Sim

ANY fucking day over No Man's Sky, despite the fact that I've not put one dime of skin in the game yet.

I hope to hell all you star citizen supporters aren't proven wrong, 3,000,000+ USD is a lot of fucking money to be conned out of.

And it's a rare instance now adays where game devs hold up their end of the bargain.

hurrr durr thinks im under 30 years old

you all have the attention span of a tweety bird, you cant appreciate something that isnt shoved in your face (or up your ass) or done for you

No Man's Sky has nothing and Sean Murray lied his ass off before release about tons of features, multiplayer being just one of them. That alone should be enough to convince you not to support it, but if you really need more reasons

>the planets are missing several details that were present in pre-release trailers, such as the giant sandworms and other types of fauna
>the gameplay consists entirely of mining, selling, repeat, with the exception of the new base building which is just a rip of Subnautica's
>vehicles are useless when there's nothing of interest to drive to on planets
>planets are a lot emptier than the initial trailers display, and the alien life is literally just rng-generated abominations instead of carefully crafted designs, like the trailer implied
>when you get to the center of the universe, all that happens is you get teleported to a new planet to do everything over again
OP is going to do some autistic screeching at me now, but all of this is true. You're better off buying any other game of this genre or similar genres.

ummmmmmmmm, kys marketer

>works part time
>big boy job
Lol this is an 18+ imageboard senpai

Lmao everything on each planet is literally the same in the same place, same cloud formation same ocean shape in the same locations. Literally the only difference is the hue

Man star citizen looks like the perfect space game, I really do hope it turns out as the devs promise.

But I've learned my lesson about vidya hype, countless disappointments especially within MMOs tell me it's gonna suck.

>game so bad you can only enjoy it under the influence

I figure if it manages to come in at least around 65% of what it promised, or hell even if the Squadron 42 is 80% complete, it'll be pretty fucking fun and maybe worth a discount buy.

(smoke + drink)

yeah OP i also thought Mass Effect Andromeda was good until i stopped playing it stoned.

saying "bro when i'm tipsy and stoned it's fun" doesn't apply to literally anyone else but you. You are no longer judging it by the same standard.

I'm sure if you put me in a room for 12 hours with a paintbrush and some Acid i'd rate it a 10/10 experience. Take away the acid and it's just not the same

honestly I play most of my vidya stoned, I feel like I've outgrown video games and being high is the only way I can really enjoy vidya.

Still couldn't play NMS for more than 4 hours before dropping it completely.

thats how i feel about literally anything i do for 4 fucking hours

Nice Reddit pacing

because you're probably on the autism spectrum




When you build a base and leave the planet, is the base still there when you return?

You need to add him holding a bag of money when he is running away.

Base building in NMS is somehow even more pointless than Starbound's building. At least that allowed you to have farms, but both games have the issue of having "A BAJILLION PLANETS" so making a base on one is fruitless when you'll just be leaving anyways.

So OP is one of the 2k people still playing this game.

there is no permanent base. it is more like a tent.