Sonic Colors

>Sonic Colors
>Eggman brainwashes Tails to fight Sonic
>The effect wears off

>Sonic Lost World
>Deadly Six brainwash Tails to fight Sonic
>He was fooling them all along

Why do they keep teasing us with this?

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Sonic Team has pretty crappy writ-

Are you implying Tails has any chance against Sonic?

I wonder if Tails ever jerks off in his lab haha I bet he sits quite close to the window and every now and then he looks out to make sure no one is coming haha I think he would do this about 3 times a day. He probably cums on the floor then cleans it up with a warm damp cloth. Do you think anyone has ever walked past the window and caught him? I bet he would be so embarrased haha

Maybe 1992-2005, yes, but 2006 onward, he'd get maimed.


What does he think when he jerks off?

That don't happens right? you just lifted that plot point from Mother 3.

What the fuck?

Is this even a official character?

Which one?

Of course.



Honey the Cat, she was a planned character for Sonic the Fighters

>Not knowing Honey

God Tails was such a loser during that part, he did nothing but feel sorry for himself.

she is actually an extra character based on a Fighting Vipers char


I guess that's just similar to how Sticks is based on a Skies of Arcadia (I think) chick.

The funny kiss

>You will never fight Super Sonic as Knuckles

That's the real crime right there

Tails wouldn't even be a challenge against Sonic

Which tier does the newest Boom waifu go?

>Sonic Colors writers take over
>Sonic is now a reckless meme spouter who tries to throw in a punchline at every single opportunity
>Tails is a smug cunt who is visibly annoyed by Sonic's bullshit
>Robotnik is a wacky villain

I want them to leave

>newest Boom waifu
Which one?


Oh that thing. Well she is kinda meh.
Ugly cunt but still fuckable

>cucumber body

which boss battle is this

Lower than meh tier to be honest.

only good boom waifus are Zooey and Perci

>mfw reading this thread
I hate being a part of this fanbase, I hope you all get cancer

>comic is cancelled
now I know how megaman fans feel

>>comic is cancelled
Wait what? source

Hey don't lump me in those degenerates, I tried discussing the bad writing in Pontaff Sonic and how one sided a modern day Sonic Vs Tails fight would be.

The last issue of Sonic Megadrive is cancelled, as well as StH, but StH is going to be resolicited, so it's not "over" yet.
>The final major update is a bit of a worrying one for those following the Mega Drive series. The order form for April 2017 has been uploaded onto PreviewsWorld. It shows that Sonic the Hedgehog #293, currently listed as coming out March 22nd on information pages, is to be resolicited. Two Sonic products are listed as being cancelled by the publisher; Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 5 (the graphic novel collection of all the issues that made up the Champions arc), and Sonic Mega Drive: Overdrive #1. The latter issue was the final part to the highly acclaimed series of one shots that comprised the Mega Drive arc, so if it is truly cancelled it’ll be a blow to those who wanted to see the story concluded.

>the tournament arc lasted 109 issues
I fucking hate stories like this, worse than goddamn Yu Yu Hakusho.

it's in X5. Lots of shenanigans have to be done involving crashing the colony into earth practically intentionally so you can play the third final stage as Zero. There's also an upgrade/armor capsule for Zero on that stage.

Archie let the Pendering happen, so they can go out of business for all I care.

The Pendering was a blessing
It cut so much dumb shit out of the comic it's ridiculous.
And now the comic is far better off.
The only problem is that Archie is now in financial trouble.

Which is good

It's nice having normal Eggman instead of a robotic Eggman from a different dimension that aliens abducted and turned human.

Good, the comic sucked.

Almost nobody buy comics.


>People hated the story in Sonic 06 (partly because it was rushed and poorly developed)
>Sega responds to this by making all Sonic games self aware with little story

Is anyone else kind of sick of this? It was funny at first but I'm starting to wish Sonic would take itself seriously again

Sega can't win either way so they're going down the road of least resistance.

The Storybook games really nailed it by having a dark tone, high stakes, and still keeping Sonic's personality in tact.

I'm willing to forgive Sonic Colors for all its faults (which there aren't even that many) given that it was the game that pulled us out of the Dark Age, but Lost World really went too far to the other extreme when making it so lighthearted and Saturday Morning Cartoony.

They'd win with good writing.

I feel like it worked better for Colors. Maybe because the game was decent so I stomached it better? Either way I'm a minimalist when it comes to story because I'm a classicfag. That said the cheese in the SA games is pretty good.

>no more Fighting Vipers ever
>no more Fighters Megamix ever
>Candy and all the other girls will never get upgraded like the VF girls

The wrong child died.

Classic sonic needs to get the saturday morning cartoon humor

Modern needs to bring back the bullshit anime story lines

My biggest gripe with Sonic Colors was the double jump. It's like they realized they fucked up with the level design by making many jumps too far for too high for Sonic to make so they just decided to "fix it" by giving Sonic a double jump that barely covers any distance or height at all. It screams lazy.

Not to mention Eggman was the villain from beginning to end, whereas Lost World tried to force the Deadly Six on us (who at no point ever feel like a threat to Sonic).

>They'd win with good writing.

Not really. People are extremely against the mere concept of a Sonic game with some kind of narrative after 06 and Ow the Edge. Forces is already being called 06 2 because Eggman is an actual threat this time.

>Adventure Eggman has YOU JUST TOLD ME FOX BOY

What signature line does Pollock Eggman have

Wow, Amy looks surprisingly good in that outfit.
Sally does NOT look good in that outfit.


Probably Shadow the Hedgehog's "YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY..."

>Forces is already being called 06 2
By who?


Aka the only good line from Lost World

Blaze doesn't look good in that outfit either.
Come to think of it, Amy doesn't really look good in her own outfit. She's really rocking Blaze's outfit there though.

Flustered lesbian Blaze is god tier

That's because Blaze's design is nice. As for Amy her classic look was better. Was never a fan of the modern design.

blaze was made for Italian plumbers



Wait a minute... those teeth...

>that subtle hint of underboob with rouge

>fuck you tails how could you betray me