ITT: cringy vidya fanart

ITT: cringy vidya fanart

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wasn't she already preggo in the game?

Is that really the best you could find OP? A generic pregnancy morph of a 3D model?

Yes. I'm sorry


I won a shirt with sonic on it smoking a joint I think it said chronic the hash-hog.
Won it from a crane game 16 or so years ago. Never wore it.

yeah lol wtf? hahaha

I thought she was sterile...

no game is sacred


haha... ha?


that's kinda hot.

>posting Nikuringo
OP said cringy, not arousing.

The western post-coloring is cringy desu


Just browse deviantart if you need more.

>doesn't like what's cringy
>posts on Sup Forums

Wew lad

>signature is shaped like a penis

Something cringed

In my pants

Oh. Yeah, fair enough. Color jobs that rely on the colorize filter are usually pretty bad.

Try to survive this

No. In fact, she's incapable of carrying a pregnancy to term.

She got infected with the krogan genophage right?


Her dad had her DNA messed with while she was being made so it's impossible for her to carry on his "legacy" by herself



how the fuck would that even work

She was mucking around Tuchanka with Shepard and she never had a helmet on. She probably breathed it in. Do you not remember this? It was an important part of her development in ME2.

No user, Miranda did not contract a genetic mutation targeted at alien DNA

Um no, her test tube baby genetics are why.

Miranda is sterile, but was Oriana fertile?

The alien DNA is why she's sterile


Hey look, some fresh cringe

no she was born a man

Agreed, can't stop cringing
I need more

Man I cringed when I saw this


It's hotter if you imagine she's holding in the biggest BBBBBRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP ever

The same way Quarians would get infected with diseases from other biospheres.

Except they don't, Tali tells you it's all allergic reactions by a fucked up immune system


>someone actually finds this arousing

How much can I bet that you're Canadian?

That's a retcon from Me2 that they made after everybody pointed out how stupid it was in ME1. And it still doesn't make sense because it doesn't explain how their immune system would interpret foreign bacteria as allergens.



I know how wrong it is to presume one's functionality or mental state from their fetishes, but I can't help but feel some furries like that are developmentally damaged in some way.


I won't lie, i used to have this fetish when i was a kid, glad i grew out of it

Yeah sure you did.

>tfw plasma snake is garbage now

Vital was just sonic in his adventure pose with red eyes and a joint in his mouth. They also recolored him purple.

Remember the good times


Oddworld is the only game I would never jerk off to
Unless it's the stranger

No idea what I'm looking at

>haha, I'd tentacle rape you if I was an Octopus


>anything involving miranda
Yep. What an ugly character inside and out.

Every fan art is cringe

Has he even done anything in the last two years?

Delte this!

Writer Chris L'Etoile explained it after he quit ME.

The original story was that Oriana was Miranda's daughter, which is why she's 18 years younger than Miranda. She had the child as a teenager to defy her father, and then had to give her up to adoption to protect her. Which is why she's so gung ho on keeping her safe from her father.

But Casey rejected the storyline because he didn't want the box art bimbo to be "damaged goods" and forced them to change it to sister, and then forced the sterility storyline so all the dudebros would think Miranda is for consequence-free boning.

The original point of all Miranda's "muh legacy" talk was that you were supposed to ultimately help her decide what to do with HER legacy - should she let her daughter be happy with her adopted family, never knowing the truth, or should she introduce herself to Oriana and reconnect. That was supposed to be the big decision.

I thought hues were the dedicated brapfags

What are some other lore changes?

Is there one for mask of the betrayer.

Unsurprisingly, /vint/ exposed Canadians for being the worst posters on our board. What DID surprise me is that literally ALL of the lowest quality shitposts were fuckin' leaves. All of them.


You have to feel sorry for whatever few immigrants and passerby unknowingly found themselves in Leafland. Poor bastards are surrounded by heaping piles of shitposting given human form.



these ""people"" can draw and are wasting their talent on shit like these

i want to fuck a stomach.

There's no way this isn't satire


I love this so much

Money is a powerful thing

Its not always autism that drives an artist down this road.

You wouldn't fuck a stomach!


this may be the weirdest fetish i've seen.

yes i would

Not when it's cringey fan art!

if it's a cute girl with a big fat gut i want to fuck it, cringe or not.

This shit doesn't even phase me anymore. Can fetishes get anymore outlandish from here on?

>chronic the hash-hog


Wait till VR becomes big enough to implement a fetish filter option?

What if there's no belly button?

just post most of dobsons works and call it a day

step the fuck up

I'll just knead into it anyways.

There was so much clinically cringy autistic furry and Sonic art dedicated to 9/11/NEVER FORGET and "THE TROOPS" during the early-to-mid 2000s that it made me swing to the left for a few years.

>cringy fan art
>actually a fatposting thread in disguise

that's actually pretty solid in both concept and execution

It hurts.
