Sony is abandoning franchises faster than Microsoft now

>doesn't do constant rehashes
>bad thing

Doesn't this game release like once every 4/5 years? Isn't there a new one coming out soon?

It's not their fault non-self driving cars are done

>what is gtsport
>what is gt academy

>lmaa im REALLY into the racing genre

GT is a racing simulator that's near perfected. They are not gonna annualize the series when there is little improvement to be made. Hell, the series has basically been the same since GT4. The fact that they only release every 4-5 years is good, as I don't feel like buying the same game every year.

Its a dead franchise.
The problem is Sony indulging Polyphony to get autistic about crap like dashboard stitching, only to release a game that regardless doesn't look noticeably better than competing franchises that release yearly with bigger rosters and more complete gameplay

I used to love this series but 5 was fucking garbage. I heard 6 was better, but fuck me I don't care anymore.

GT is deader than Battleborn

Besides this. Are there any Sony franchises from the original PlayStation that are still around.

>still using PS2 car models
Everyone at Polophony Digital should be lynched.

Isn't Gran Turismo Sport coming out for PS4 this year? That's not a dead franchise if its still getting new games.

Crash Bandicoot XD

Its just Prologue by another name - a paid demo for them to kick back and stretch out development for another couple of years.

Parappa the Rappa is getting a PS4 game right?

Sport isnt a spinoff

GTPlanet is strong, there's /o/ threads, Sup Forums doesnt give two shits about racing games unless its Burnout 2 or plugging in Eurobeat into anything

The fuck are you talking about?

ITT: talking out of my ass

>this is a ps4 game

It's not a prologue or demo, it's a full game. It has campaign, arcade mode, multiplayer, and so on.

>Dead Franchise
Yeah, no. GT Sport is pretty much the Prologue for GT7.
And Sport supports PS VR, which might make it a neat tech demo for VR driving simulations

Its a dead franchise in that they've stretched out development so long between the mediocre latter entries, that any hype momentum the series had has fizzled out completely. May as well expect Joe Public to care about a sequel to Porsche Challenge at this stage.

I can't wait for the PS2 car models, vacumm cleaner engines and 40 variants of the Skyline

can't be worse than forza

According to those figures, GT6 barely broke even with GT5 Prologue and that fucking PSP game. Not really helping your case there.

Forza has been curbstomping GT for over a decade, kiddo.

so why is nobody talking about forza ever


GT5 alone outsold the entire Forza franchise last gen lel

because they took like 10 years to re introduce night driving, fuck those guys

GT6 released in 2013 and there's a PS4 GT coming out this year, how is that abandoned?

>oh wow, Rockstar is abandoning franchises so fast now because GTA V came out in 2013.

GT6 sold badly because it came out on the PS3 after the PS4 was already on the market.

Sony should have just made GT6 and God of War: Ascension PS4 launch titles.


Gran Turismo with a steering wheel controller taught me how to drive better than my drivers ed teacher.

GT might be the only game where the Devs can actually take their time and the publisher doesn't give a fuck because they know it will sell more than 5 million

who the fuck bought the psp game?

What other metric are you going to measure a games success on Microshill

GT5 was the biggest piece of shit ever made.

The loading screens alone killed it for me. Loading screens for every menu and sub menu. You even have to wait for it load when you're at the race start screen. You already see the cars driving on the track, what the fuck am I waiting for? Fuck you.

Not Sony
Not a new game.

GT Sport is in beta. Why rip?

Sony/Nissan pulled the plug on GT Academy.

GT is Sony's most successful franchise nigger of course sales matter when it comes whether an IP is dead or not.

GT will continue to live on for ages unlike what OP is claiming so no need to get triggered cuckboy :^)

Racing games need rehashes

Did it fuck, and you're a yank, you drive automatics, if your driving instructor taught you less than turning left and right and using accelerator and brake then he must have been dreadful.

the question was if the franchise was still around, parappa is on ps4 so it's still around.

Well I guess Mario Kart DS is the best racing game of all time. After all, it sold the most copies out of all racing games.

>5 versions of GTA V
>latest one released in 2015
Not the same

I used to play this so much when I was a little kid.
My nostalgia goggles say kino

>RDR last release was 2010
>wow it's dead guys

Giving 8 fucking years of development freedom to their best selling gaming franchise is abandoning it?

Fuck this thread.

Complete freedom is not what Polophony needs.

See GT5

my instructor was a fat woman

>implying RDR2 will be anything other than a budget title

How old are you?

how is this a dead franchise

there is a closed beta happening RIGHT NOW user, what more do you need

>Forza won


Sony only makes movies now.


PolyPHONY is bullshit though. There's no reason for simple car games to spend so long in production. There's no animating to do at all. Everything is just physics. Make a static track, make some static car models, physics does the rest of the work. Still it takes them a decade to shit out some menus and cars.

Western studios pump out car games like it ain't no thang because it ain't no thang. Hell a bunch of indies made Project Cars by themselves and they didn't have a $60m budget.

GT5 was poorly done at release because the ps3 was a pain to develop for.
Kaz even mention that the PS4 is much easier to work with, this on top them having a much larger dev team will make GT7 G.o.a.t

Just give me Dirt Rally with more than 4 fucking countries



Sure if you don't count the music, video games, consumer electronics, insurance and professional equipment.

Their video games are just interactive movies.

western studio car games got no heart though
whens the last time an NFS title had everybody buying it
how about that dirt series? absolutely niche crowd
games like driveclub and the crew weren't anything special
but when a new GT comes out? It suddenly becomes one of the systems top sellers? Geeh I wonder why?

>Coming out in an era when 3rd party racers are catching up in features, realism and physics like F1 2016, PCARS, Assetto and DIRT Rally
>Sony lost the Nissan deal and GT Academy is kill
>Kaz is still doing auto shows instead of working on the game
>The PD racing team is now a Privateer BMW M3 GT3
>GT Sport has the same physics as 6 with stiff suspension, no body roll, no dynamic aero and bumper car physics

Hope they are ready for sub-2 million cause even neogafs gifs can't damage control it (In fact it makes the track scenery downgrade look even more obvious). The beta is bad and everyone's roasting on it.

There was no other racing games on GT's level before 5. After 5, even NFS Shift started shitting on it in features and phsyics.

I bought it twice. Once for my PSP, once for my Vita.

>tfw no GT Vita game

Sometime I hope for a GT Vita but I know it's just a dream. And GT PSP lack a career mode.

>there will never be a Drive 2: Electric Bugaloo presented by Gran Turismo

Dude, GT vita would just be a port of GT5 just missing a feature from the main game.

There won't be GT Vita.

The first few GT games are some of my favorite games ever. But I'm not optimistic about Sport. Ever since 5 (or the PSP game, I forget which came out first) the series has been consistently disappointing. And now Sport is going away from the typical GT structure even more so than before.
My favorite part about GT was starting from the very bottom, without even so much as a racing license, and slowly making your way to the top. It's something no other racers do as far as I know. Forza starts you with faster cars almost immediately, as do all the others. In old GT it was starting with a shitty used station wagon and earning your way to the cool shit. It was incredibly immersive and maximum comfy and something no other racer does.
Sport throws all that out the window completely. Then there's smaller stuff like the lack of proper damage STILL and I just am not expecting anything approaching greatness. I don't know if Polyphony saw significant staffing changes or what but ever since the move to HD consoles their output has been mediocre.

It would end up being another Wipeout 2048 except with cars.


They already confirmed Sport won't have PS2 models so what the fuck is this thread bullshitting about?

GT Academy 2017 is also already confirmed and will be using the engine of GT Sport.

Seriously what the fuck is with the misinformation ITT? Is this just April Fools 2.0?

>there wont be another sony handheld

After what you saw them do to the Vita, why would you want that?

6 sold like shit because it's the same fucking game as 5.

Vita was a great handheld, just that Sony fucked up with memory cards and marketing.

SONY abandon's franchises as much as it starts them. Sly, Jak, SOCOM, Motorstorm, Mod Nation Racers, Resistance, Ape Escape, Syphon Filter come to mind

The Vita had fantastic third party support and was super comfy to play on

And the lack of games for it outside of obscure weebshit and emulation of older games

Won what exactly?
GT5 alone sold more than the entirety of the Forza """""franchise""""".

>there will never be another Jet Moto

Recent Forza games are better. I still prefer GT overall because of how great 1-4 were but the recent games have been huge disappointments.

>b-b-b-b-but sport will come out

lol who gives a fuck the last good gran turismo game was 3 and the series peaked with 2. 4 and beyond is when they started to pay way more attention to realism and less about making the game fun

You sound like a Ninten-drone and their excuses for the Wii U. Vita was shit because it had nogaems

People still care about this garbage? Forza is way better.

>because of how great 1-4 were but the recent games have been huge disappointments

They are literally the same games with better graphics and physics. One of the main critiques that GT5 and 6 got is that they are way similar to the old games and haven't changed much.
You should take off your nostalgia goggles.

Forza Horizon is great but it's not a sim.
Forza Motorsport is boring.

>GT is a racing simulator that's near perfected.
Engine noises still sound like farts down a toilet roll tube though.

>racing sims are boring

Color me surprised. I was still able to get some fun out of the Motorsport series. I'll buy 7 when it's out on PC

What was up with GT6?

wasnt it online-only or something?

>same games with better graphics
No way. They made it much easier/quicker to process through the ranks, added in tons of unnecessary shit like Nascar and moon driving, completely fucked how used cars are sold, had the jarring standard/premium divide, and had horribly outdated car rosters. 1-4 were much better games.

Standing behind your franchises is what people want, how is that a bad thing? It's the banner that reminds people "this is why you bought our platform".

Nigger they've been doing this during the start of the ps2 days, when they sold crash and spyro.

>sony sells zero dawn to nintendo
>it becomes a good game

Nah. Look at Halo. Should have been put out of its misery long ago.

Gettign sick of seeing iconic games getting beat up and forced to prostitute themselves until some John finally cuts them up.

this. i dont think theres a single sony ip that started on the playstation and is still alive. twisted metal is probably the closest.

no, I also don't want any more uncharted etc.

>Be Sony
>Ruin your movie division with SJW bullshit
>Games division still doing well.
>start infusing sjw propaganda into your gaming division
What could go wrong!?

They release Ghostbusters, become laughing stock of the movie industy.

They release HZD, become laughing stock of gaming industry.