Healer has the easiest job to do in the game

>healer has the easiest job to do in the game
>bitches and complains when a physical DPS misses 1 mechanic out of 100 while trying to keep their DPS up and needs to be healed

Why are healers such fucking faggots? Does the same happen in WoW?

Other urls found in this thread:


Healers toss out any real chance at personal glory healing your stupid ass.

Following mechanics is hard.

>looking for the ff14 thread
>the one up starts with wow shit
you were the faggot all along OP

Square are mega harsh on any harassment in XIV. If someone gives you shit, report them. 8/10 times they will get a warning or a ban.


You're a glorified sissy boi. Heal and shut the fuck up. DPS and Tanks are doing the real work, son.

>Square are mega harsh on any harassment in XIV


I've never seen any punishment. I verbally abuse anyone in my party that isn't playing up to snuff.

This is the same game where you can buy billions of gil and only get a 3 day temporary ban.

Standing in bad helps no one. Stop standing in bad.

>doing work
>in any MMO ever

Your job is to mash the same few keys and not stand in fire, DPS is the most simplistic job in the entire trinity.

You just got lucky nobody reported you.

My friend spammed /slap emote to somebody in a dungeon and he got slapped with a 2 day ban.

Tanking is the easiest job in FF14.

>same few keys
>what are juggling DoTs, buffs, procs, etc. in a precise order with priorities in order to optimize DPS output

nigger please

DPS is probably the only job that requires near perfect input

>Hold aggro
>Don't stand in bad
>do mechanics

>Don't stand in bad
>Do mechanics

>Don't stand in bad
>Do mechanics

Seems pretty obvious who has fewer responsibilities.

>healer refuse to dps
>vote kick failed because tank and other dps are healer's boot lickers or something
>told them that if healer lazy and wouldn't dps I will auto attack entire dungeon
>got kicked after next pack


epic post my man. upvoted

Healers are ranged though so "do mechanics" and "don't stand in bad" is much easier than a physical DPS doing the same thing.

t. shitty DPS

>He doesn't stand in melee range to smack niggas with a book
How are those bads you're playing with? Also aoe's are typically either cones that widen from the boss in which case it's easier for melees to avoid or puddles that appear randomly on players which is equally difficult for everyone.

Most healers think that theyre the most important but forget that theyre part of a team of three. Usually though there are some instances where a DPS missing something fucks the entire group which would be understandable IF they were repeat offenders. Not every healer is such a faggot though

I report all healers who dont DPS.

>Healer DPS
>press a couple buttons once in a while, CS optional, technically not even mandatory

>Tank DPS
>watered down version actual rotation

>actual rotation

I like that art. Is it watercolor?

Holy shit this game does a very terrible job at preparing people for endgame content.
For like 200+ hours they hold your hand through everything, and encourage you that low DPS is okay as long as everyone follows the mechanics.
Then you finally step into EX or Savage crap and they bust your balls with instant wipe mechanics and dying if you do low DPS. Not once does this game ever encourage you throughout your hundreds of hours of playing prior to this that you should learn and optimize your rotation.

Your own ego should tell you to maximize your dps, you sperglord.

>ever thinking they matter
Do any of you shitters realize how easily replaceable you are? I can kick your ass or leave the group and find a replacement in a matter of seconds. You are literally disposable.

Learn your fucking place.

>Ultros trash

how do you maximize your dps if the game doesn't even give you the tools to do so? parsers are against the rules and not in the game, SSS dummies don't teach you how to optimize enochian 100% in fights that involve movement, boss transitions, and other mechanics.

the game just flat out encourages casuals that everything you did wrong is okay because other people will carry you

>Not once does this game ever encourage you throughout your hundreds of hours of playing prior to this that you should learn and optimize your rotation.
The game shouldn't have to hold your fucking hand through it for you to try and get good.
>how do you maximize your dps if the game doesn't even give you the tools to do so?
Read your tooltips and use your fucking head.

you post the same thing in every thread, you deserve the kick for being a lazy petulant cunt.

Ifrit normal
Without healer help it's wipe 80% of time
Manor last boss is dpc race even if you use lamps
AV last boss, if dps don't kill even 1 fruit at time it can be wipe

Gimme that link from yesteday again. I downloaded the mod but lost the password

They arent allowed but that doesnt mean you cant use them. Theyre banned for the sole purpose of keeping people from being numberfags.


Wasnt me that gave the link, was the auraposter but not the linkbro

>Then you finally step into EX or Savage crap and they bust your balls with instant wipe mechanics and dying if you do low DPS

Yeah no shit. It's 100% optional for hardcore players. Want those mounts for bragging purposes? Put in some practice hours or fuck off. Or wait a year or so when you can do it easily unsynced.

Consolefags (which are the majority of this games playerbase) can't use in-game parsers at all. You're dependent on someone else to tell you your numbers and it can be inaccurate as they may not have their parser setup correctly or they can just straight up lie when telling your numbers.

Before Creator came out I played WoW for the first time and spent some time in the endgame. Everybody has parsers there and I've encountered ONE instance of people being toxic over it and the person who was bad deserved it. Here fuckups who don't know what they're doing is the norm and other shitters cover up for them. Most of the time people don't even know what good gameplay is supposed to be like and you're essentially forced to group up with them.

Healer is harder than DPS for sure. I don't tank so I can't judge either way.

Sure, you might not be able to get the optimal DPS+buff rotation without outside help, but the game still gives you enough with skill descriptions and potencies that anyone should be able to figure out how to play any job well. The problem is that XIV's community is just incredibly shit and lazy, and won't do basic maths to figure out that using Chaos Thrust is more DPS than spamming Full Thrust.

>Be healer.
>That dungeon with the poison everywhere.
>Team stands in the fucking poison goo while fighting.
>My friend is tanking, he is the only one not standing in the shit.
>Rest of team bitches non stop about me not healing right.
>We whip to first boss 3 times because only two of us are doing the mechanics.
>Get kicked.
>Tank friend tells them "good luck finding a group now cunts." and leaves.
>We get guild group together.
>Already having a bad time.
>Mechanics done correctly, heals are just fine.
>Boss down in no time.

I hate being a healer, its easy a fuck until somebody gets in your group who is a complete clusterfuck of "WHAT DO I DO!"

Similar, healing during 3 group raids is also a nightmare.
>Other team expects me to be healing their party and not mine.
>the spare healer of our group is busy DPSing.
>Guess its just me and OUT OF MP!

yeah. naw. Both of them are literally facerolling rotations, except healers are responsible for keeping the other idiots facerolling alive. So by default, they are the harder class to play because they have two things to do instead of one.

True, but the XIV community is toxic. Given chance they would. Yoshi always points to a specific incident where an idol figure was pretty bad at the game and a bunch of Japfags bullied the shit out of her because of it. It may not happen often, but he'd rather avoid any incidents altogether

They really aren't the majority. But to avoid incidents like above, its a sacrifice that the devs can live with

Go back to servicing cock you dumb healniggers

He probably kept the chat log thing on and got banned for "spamming". People get banned/warned for spaming macros too. Has nothing to do with the actual emote used.

>never played ff14
>see pic
this has to be one of the greatest covers for a game that i have seen in a long time.

>healing other parties in raids instead of just your own and dpsing as well
just let them die
they aren't worth the mp

Imagine being such a worthless beta cuck you ended up as a healer.

Healers, Tanks and DPS should all just get along, its called a holy trinity for a reason. They all need each other to actually do stuff.

>those hotbars and keybinds
no wonder people are still doing less than 900 DPS at level 60

Yea, at least we're not any filthy "support" degenerates

Never seen Yoshitaka Amano's art before? He does art for every FF game.

>>Other team expects me to be healing their party and not mine.
Fuck those other guys. I'm not targetting their alliance unless their healers are dead and even in that case I still won't rez them because they deserve a full wipe if they were bad enough to all die.

The problem is that 90% of dungeons are designed around healers carrying entire group, and the ones that required some actual input from dps like vale and vault were nerfed pretty fast because retards complained

>actual input
What do you mean?

i know a view pieces of him, but i really like thisone.

Stopping my HP bar hitting 0 isn't carrying, it's doing your job.

>first healer and 2 dps dies during pyramid
>another sch dies because he didn't dispell bleed while resurrecting everyone
>in 40 seconds full party is dead

why are healers always women or gay men? straight male healers are so rare

Wotlk killed manly healers
Before if dps fucked up he would die fast and get shitted on by everyone in the group, since wotlk it become norm in the mmo to just heal through everything

After playing MMOs for a while and doing every role, my only respect goes to the DPS.

They're the only ones who have to perform at their very best to ensure the boss goes well. They have a standard that they have to reach that the other two roles don't. If you're a shit DPS you're the most worthless person in the group.

Tanks just have to practice their maneuvering and positioning skills while healers just have to make sure they're not wasting mana and overhealing.

Yeah I agree but I still have little interest in the actual game.

how comes girls never play tanks or melee dps? it's always healer or ranged dps for them.

they're lazy and don't like responsibility so they choose the easiest jobs

My tank is an irl girl, but my gf is a ranged DPS so /shrug

Idk I've encountered a lot more straight male healers in this game compared to others. But there are more gays and women in this game in general, prolly half my static is queer and our MT is a grill

Nah. A bad dps can very easily be carried by good dps in this game.

One of the top nin was female normalfag
One of the top geared whm was male mangaka
Can I have source on your statistic?
Because I suspect that you want to push some agenda without even having facts to back it up

I don't have hard facts or statistics, I'm just saying what I've been seeing playing this game for like 2 years. I've been in thousands of duty finder and party finder groups.

A good DPS can carry everyone. My point is that if everyone is a good DPS bosses are getting fucked left and right. I love nerds who read up everything about their class and try to maximize their output.

Bad DPS keep shitting it up for the people actually trying.

Not him but ive been in 6 statics so far.
All of them the healers were girls or gays.
Tough one time the tank was a girl too.

It's like trannies/bitches and lizards, something just draws them to it like a retarded moths to a flame.

Somebody gib me the password for naughty patch. I wanna be a degenerate

>fucking up mechanics
>crying about someone else

FFXIV has some of the easiest mechanics of any MMO. If you fuck them up you are a complete retard. The cast/move cutoff is incredibly generous for casters, and melee range is massive

My static in Final Coil was all male except a girl SCH. She had a nervous breakdown on Phoenix because she couldn't handle white/black fires and quit in the middle of our raid time.
Replaced her with a straight male SCH who hadn't even stepped in yet and still had an Book of Diamonds and we won in a week.

Arguing about role difficulty is useless when the minimum/average is so abysmally low in this game.

minimum(as in, easiest to fuck up with):
tank(hold aggro) > heal(press heal) > dps(literally nothing)

dps(actual rotation) > tank(easier rotation + aggro) > heal(press heal)

actually trying(optimal):
tank(stancedance/aggro/damage/mitigation) >= heal(stancedance/damage/party healing) > DPS(optimizing rotation)

it installs a rat into your comp, not sure why people are using it

>t. tank

>FFXIV has some of the easiest mechanics of any MMO

Have you done any EX bosses? They're easily some of the hardest mechanics out of any MMO

Optimizing rotation is kind of ridiculous on some classes

Your job is to mash one key on one target, don't talk to anyone about difficulty


One or two EX Primals have a lot to keep track of, but the 'hardest mechanics out of any MMO'?

>optimizing rotation as DPS

Gameplay wise, I'm pretty sure DPS have it the hardest.

nice argument

agree, but looking at timers applies to tanks and healers as well for using mitigation/abilities as effectively as possible

honestly all three are very close if you're trying to max out their effectiveness, just in terms of things that each role has to directly juggle, DPS just have it the easiest due to them only worrying about themselves/mechanics that affect them

The exceptions don't disprove the rule. I can show you intelligent niggers, it doesn't stop the vast majority of them being dumb as a rock.

Just curious, do you have an example of a non-FF14 boss that has insane mechanics?

hardest mechanics out of any MMO probably goes to wildstar. the endgame raids require lots of movement and jumping and everything is much faster paced than FFXIV.

The only reason you're relevant at all is because potions have a cool down

Already answered.

Nothing in xiv is particularly insane either, outside of digititis in a3s, the cat phase in a7s and intermission 2 in a8s, there's close to zero meaningful randomness in xiv's boss fights. Everything is scripted and memorizable which automatically means the difficulty is trivial.

Ex primals are of course laughable and shouldn't even be mentioned in the context of difficulty.

> They're easily some of the hardest mechanics out of any MMO
t.someone who hasn't played any other MMO

Why can't you provide an example?

This is why no one wants to play healer

classes where you have to move and stay away from dmg are harder than those where you sit still

>Tanks are doing the real work, son
Not on fucking Chaos they're not.

Then again, nobody is on Chaos.

>finally manage to get my FC to start a ZurvEx party
>as soon as I get them all together they start ranting with eachother about fucking anime and ignore my pleas to start the fight for over an hour
i just want to fucking clear this garbage fuck

If you want to be that way, DPS have to optimize their cooldowns the best they can just like how Healers have to press cooldowns and abilities to not die.
Plus thinking DPS are 100% selfish is stupid. There is tons of mechanics that they have to do to not kill the raid, but they do do them risky as to keep as much DPS uptime as possible. Not to mention a lot of DPS bring utility so tanks can stay in DPS stance as well as mitigate the amount of damage the healers have to heal.

Cause I'm not that guy, but since you asked, most end-of-tier bosses in WoW on mythic have moments at least as difficult as I don't play wow anymore, but the last one i remember was mythic archimonde's wrought/focused chaos. Which was basically a linear chain lightning cursed voice debuff, that got put on 5-6 random people and jumped to different targets several times. If you were bad there were addons just for that mechanic to tell you where to stand.

Nah fuck that. Don't see why it's ok for the healer to be lazy but not the dps.

Why can't you provide an example of XIV having the most 'complex mechanics of any MMO'?

What makes learning a completely rigid rotation and playing 'stand outside the bad thing' so amazingly complex?

I just want an example of a non-FF14 boss that has insane mechanics.

Literally just name one. That's all I'm asking.

Not either of them, but at least in WoW mythic Blackhand and mythic Archimonde had some really hard ones, especially Archimonde. He got a lot easier with the legendary ring though.