Was there enough push back from Fallout 4 that Bethesda will realize normies don't actually want them to strip out every RPG element in TESVI? On one hand FO4 seemed like the first game with mainstream detractors, but on the other hand it still sold 50 gorrilion units and Bethesda has been getting steadily worse since Morrowind so I don't want to get my hopes up.
If TESVI is to Skyrim as Skyrim was to Oblivion I may kill myself
Isaac Nelson
It will be a reskinned Skyrim
Jacob Cruz
didnt todd low key said in a interview that fallout 4 sucked ass
Asher Ortiz
>expecting good rpgs from bethesda Are you retarded I thought everyone learned not to do this ever since Oblivion came out
Alexander Foster
Every new big release will be dumbed down more and more to cater to normies who buy them in droves.
Grayson Anderson
They're owned by Zenimax.
Don't bet on it.
Matthew Thomas
I know, I know, I just have an itch that replaying Morrowind and New Vegas won't scratch anymore. I don't even need the next one to be that good, just more complex than Skyrim with more varied locations.
Lucas Torres
The thing is, i'd never played a Fallout game before FO4 and i thought it was great, Skyrim was my first ES game too, so i'm not sure i understand the 'getting worse' narrative.
Pic unrelated
Thomas Howard
No, next Elder Scrolls game will be more dumbed down than Skyrim and Fallout 4.
Just play New Vegas and see what a first person WRPG should be. Bethesda games all satisfy that one desire for exploration decently well which is likely what you were enjoying, but every other aspect has been in a complete nose dive, including the writing, character customization, complexity, and worldbuilding. The story in Fallout 4 is a travesty.
Henry Peterson
Ever normies were upset about Fallout 4 to some extent, they can't release something on that level again without it being torn to shreds this time.
Ryder Myers
Fallout 4 was good At least better than Fallout 3
Nathan Rivera
it will be utter shit
Oliver Roberts
Honestly the dialogue wheel was so offensive to me that I'd rather play FO3. I'd say FO4 has a some improvements in certain areas but the dialogue is so bad I don't care
Nathaniel Stewart
they could add some new mechanics, but the rpg stuff will never improve
Nathaniel Sullivan
>Skyrim was to Oblivion an improvement?
Levi Howard
it sold like hotcakes and it will happen again. once you have a well established brand, you can literally shit in a box and people will still buy it. there's literally no other way to explain the popularity of games like call of duty, final fantasy, mass defect syndromeda, or the 3d fallouts.
Caleb Roberts
I know what you mean. He said something like "We tried some things and maybe they didn't turn out as well as we hoped." He also acknowledged how some fans were disappointed by some of the smaller things like how how skill checks were missing.
That interview wasn't so soon after Fallout 4's release too so it's quite surprising a lead director was quite honest about some of the game's shortcomings.
Logan Wright
The dialogue was a trainwreck, but exploration and combat are much better than in Fallout 3 Which is basically all you do in a bethesda game
Jason Hill
Depend if they lost sells or not because of it.
Blake Turner
Hm, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think enough people had said the same things they disliked about Fallout 4 and Skyrim that they'd do things a bit differently.
I have faith, but it is what it is. If it isn't good, don't worry. If it is bad, don't worry.
Owen Miller
I mean how the complexity has been decreasing each game.
Skyrim had a bit more interesting world than Oblivion, but in terms of things like number of weapon types and the magic system and quest variety it's a huge downgrade (just like Oblivion was a huge downgrade from Morrowind)
Nolan Wright
Shit, meant to reply to
Christian Robinson
Call of Duty has been selling significantly less with each release since Black Ops II, Final Fantasy has been on rocky grounds since 13, Andromeda sold significantly less than ME3 did. The next Bethesda game is going to sell less unless they directly address the problems people had with Fallout 4.
Joseph Sanchez
Looking at the pamts on the head retarded fanboys the game has : Nope
The memes surrounding this game are too hard and too many normies are involved.
>Did you play le epic Fallout 4 >YEAH MY SETTLEMENT NEEDS YOUR HELP XD
It doesnt matter that the graphics suck compared to Witcher 3 , Horizon Zero Dawn or even zelda it doesnt matter how fucking stupid the story it, it doesnt matter how shit the gameplay is people would simply buy it because its Fallout and fanboys would create enough hype .
Isaac Perez
downloading nv again, and again forever.
What mods should I use?
I refuse to play fallout 3 cause it sucks.
Zachary Bennett
>Is there any chance the next Bethesda game will be good? It has to be, otherwise their profits are going to tank. Normies are already waking up to how shallow nuBethesda games are.
Justin Hill
As someone who really enjoys TES games, and even got some 100 hours in Skyrim with mods, I really have no hopes for a good Bethesda game anymore.
Fallout 4 was offensively bad. Like, terrible. The only redeeming quality was the improvement in gunplay, but then again the guns themselves were uninspired, unpleasant to fire, and different guns were just the same submodels stitched together.
Dialogue was TERRIBLE. The story was TERRIBLE. Almost all quests and sidequests had the same structure. They could've learn from Witcher 3: sidequests were mechanically similar (le ebin following of footprints) but story and characters almost made up for it.
And jesus fucking christ, can they seriously not afford licencing a modern engine? Even with all the garbage they've glued to it, Gamebryo is still trash. No shitty shader added on top is going to make up for how clunky and buggy it is. It's time to let it go (but let's be real, they're not gonna do it).
Fallout 4 is seriously one of the biggest disappointments in gaming in recent times. It's egregiously bad, yet normies and Sup Forums bought the shit out of it and motivated Bethesda to keep dumbing it down and making even less effort.
Blake Rodriguez
I still can't believe that the final UI is what it is in the released game
It looks like some alpha piece of shit
Andrew Russell
No. Gameplay will keep getting dumbed down and gimmicks will sell the game. The writers won't change so it will always be a story heavy shitfest instead of the freedom new vegas offered you. I liked making my own character not some faggot looking for his dad or some faggot looking for his son.
There should of course be a main story to follow but the choice to ignore it completely is nice.
Fallout 4 was a success, it was a shit game but it sold well and was well received by the everyone but a few select groups such as Sup Forums.
Jordan Gutierrez
My grandfather works at Bethesda and he tells me that Fallout 5 will be located in China, using as base the RPG elements of Fallout 2
Isaiah Roberts
It will use Denuvo so I won't buy it.
Lucas Turner
Anons on Sup Forums still don't understand why games they don't like sell well?
It is ok to like midget porn It is ok to tell people you like midget porn It is retarded to tell other people they should like midget porn as much a you.
Christopher Gonzalez
Most likely not Fallout sells a huge amount of copies because of modding
Ayden Reyes
except that is the other people the ones who are buying midget porn there are some things that yes, are a matter of opinion, but there are things so objectively wrong that are impossible to defend
Nathan Bell
I want to say that Bethesda are in the same boat Gearbox is in:
>Everything they have touched in recent history has been shit, even little get rich quick things they try. Their next game is sort of a make or break last ditch.
Sadly Bethesda are in a position they have no right being in; Everything they do is sub par but normies buy it in bulk and they have lots of money so they are doing fine.
Gearbox however are literally in the shit. Bord3rlands is their last rodeo, everything since Colonial marines has been a shit show and Borderlands is their last respectable franchise that has no right being as popular as it became.
Colton Carter
Maybe Bethesda isnt as evil as we thought, or maybe they are...
Connor Garcia
>Everything they do is sub par But literally no one makes games like bethesda does, so there is zero competition
Evan Reyes
they definitely are
Christopher Rodriguez
this image is such cherry picked dogshit, if you prefer the dungeons in oblivion to skyrim you might actually have autism
Evan Mitchell
That's incredibly vague and doesn't face any issue directly.
Isaiah Murphy
Why make a good game when you can shit something out with the same engine and people will eat it up?
Jace Foster
We will find out when Prey 2 comes out.
Camden Diaz
As crap as Fallout 4 was, I'm hoping to god the basic power armor mechanics carry over. That's a retcon I'd be happy to deal with, as it provides a real world explanation for the larger height and frame of the past games - as well as making them actually feel mechanical.
Sebastian Rogers
Denial aint just a river in Egypt user. Some on Sup Forums will wax poetic for days on "What is an RPG?" They have a very particular taste in games.
They can't seem to understand why nobody else likes midget porn like they do.
Owen Roberts
Maybe Todd isn't
Beth on the other hand, wew
Wyatt Miller
Link to interview?
Luke Gray
Todd somewhat admitting they may or may not have fucked up doesn't excuse that entire shit company.
Gavin White
i liked fallout 4 :^)
Xavier Anderson
They should be more like Troika and go out of business like a proper RPG studio.
There is a reason all the companies who make games you like go out of business. You have shitty taste in games.
Sorry I was the one that had to tell you but someone had to.
Levi Wilson
>implying he isn't lying >implying the next Beth Fallout won't be even more dumbed down to bring in the big bux
Adam Robinson
You're allowed to hate bethesda without being a codexfag, retard. It's not mutually exclusive.
Eli Thomas
normies loved fo4
normies don't want rpgs
they want action-scavenger games where you play every class at once
Dylan Mitchell
I am sure that happens but it is rare. If you hate Bethesda you find your way to the Codex or NMA eventually.
It is ok everyone deserves a hugbox.
Juan Gutierrez
Chase Allen
fpbp, they will continue to milk the skyrim formula, because that game was such a massive success in spite of being absolutely mediocre. reskinned skyrim is all we're ever gonna get, until they bleed their IPs dry or go under.
Austin Morgan
Like I'm sure you made your way to the Bethesda forums at some point. Whatever you say Todd.
Dylan Sanders
but Troika made ambitious and GOOD games, even if they were terribly flawed. bethesda didn't make a really good game in how long?
Nolan Smith
Kayden Sanchez
Ha its amazing how honest you can be after your product sold millions.
Don't be an idiot if the game had sold poorly they would have clamped down.
Bethesda just doesn't cater to oldfags and hardcore gamers anymore. They've moved on for greener pastures.
Isaac Garcia
Even Oblivion's combat was better than Skyrim's, as it still had some form of spellcrafting left in. Fuck Skyrim's "BioShock-esque" spell system and flat combat.
James Reyes
i agree completely
skyrim felt dull to me
Chase Lee
You know I would be fine with that if there was shit worth exploring, if the gunplay was topnotch, and the item customization actually meant a damn.
Landon Green
I think Todd is the kind of guy who has big dreams for his games but cant stop himself from promising way more than what the studio is able to do. I dont think hes a bad person, hes just misguided and too ambitious. Like the people at obsidian.
Ryder Jackson
>Snow land with totally scripted npc interactions >More interesting world
Connor Sanchez
>There is a reason all the companies who make games you like go out of business. >You have shitty taste in games.
Not that user, but its most likely related to market competition and budget investment.
Usually, those developers who actually care about games seem to prioritise game development over marketing, which does not gaurantee success in sales.
Adam Hernandez
>implying I paid for fallout 4
Xavier Hill
Todd isn't evil, the problem is that Zenimax is basically EA-tier in how greedy they are.
Brandon Powell
I just mean medieval Scandinavia is slightly more novel than medieval western Europe
Nolan Sanchez
>being this familiar with the ins and outs of reddit lingo bonjour reddit
Connor Allen
You handwave the "flawed" part like it is not the reason they are out of business.
If they were as talented as they were ambitious they would still be in business.
Nathan Gonzalez
Too bad Oblivion has both of those things.
Thomas Flores
but he called him "fellow redditor" he wasn't hiding it
Austin Hill
True. Still I find their games more memorable and enjoyable. And I like Bethesda games, I just find them uninspired and mediocre.
Jace Long
Not really, all the Oblivion cities are the very traditional walled cities you'd find in medieval England, France, and Germany. Even Bruma, the one up in the mountains closest to Skyrim had a cathedral and castle, neither of which you'd ever find in dark ages Sweden or Denmark
Nicholas Wood
Well, Oblivion and Fallout 3 were pretty shitty and I had no hope for Skyrim but it turned out pretty good. So there's hope I'd say
Jason Gomez
At this point Bethesda is riding the accomplishments of Skyrim and it's modding community. The next game will sell like hotcakes no matter what it's like, but if it's bland shit like Fallout 4 their popularity will take a hit.
Zachary Miller
How will the normans react when the next Elder Scrolls trailer lands and they realize they are getting yet another iteration of gamebryo?
Wyatt Nelson
Oh but I thought only gameplay matters? Isn't that what you keep trying to tell me, Sup Forums?
Tyler Perez
Ah, you're referring to architecture. You'd be correct then.
Lucas Russell
They'll preorder it for Xbone.
Isaac Harris
They will give no fucks about the engine. That is strictly the purview of autists.
Sebastian Bell
Graphics are part of gameplay. Anything you experience while playing the game is part of gameplay.
Tyler Moore
I want to fuck that rabbit.
Jacob Nelson
>If TESVI is to Skyrim as Skyrim was to Oblivion I may kill myself Please do so you won't make nay more shitty thread about stupid shit no one cares about faggot
Parker Roberts
Dude, they're just video games. Nothing you should put your faith in.
Jack Nguyen
I'm not sure, people bitched about the graphics in FO4, and on release it ran like shit also. At this point, the whole thing is some unholy Frankenstein monster of a game engine.
Still, there is absolutely 0 chance of Bethesda abandoning it, and building a new one from scratch. They will add godrays or tessellated pubes or whatever nvidia shit they can pull out of their asses, and call it a day.
William Stewart
I enjoyed 3 more than NV in all honesty. And 4 had better gunplay than the rest.
Ethan Sullivan
Henry Clark
Fallout 4 was amazing though. You hating on it doesnt mean the game was bad.
Jason Martinez
Bethesda has always been one to acknowledge faults, and actually work on past issues. They're not the best programmers, and only as of Skyrim have they actually put out more than a handful of patches per game, but they're improving slowly but surely. Fallout was probably the biggest step back mechanically, but as they said they took a few risks and they realize a lot of them were mistakes.
I can't see a voiced protag returning for TES especially.
Isaac Brooks
>there are people contrarian enough to pretend Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas in any way My favorite part was when Fawkes refuses to go in the radiation chamber and makes you do it
Leo Cook
Fallout 4 was a highly repetitive open world shooter, with decent fps mechanics. You take a quest, go to a place, shoot shit up, take the loot, use the loot for autism citybuilding tycoon, rinse and repeat. It was enjoyable but nowhere great at all. And it's an abortion of an FPS, and raped the lore.
Nathaniel Ramirez
>popularity = quality Sorry but you're clinically retarded.
Hudson King
>contrarian No, I just found 3 more fun. The world was more interesting to me and I liked some of the characters more. Also wtf are you talking about, Fawkes activated my radiation chamber with no problem. Was there a patch when I played it?
Owen Wilson
It does exactly what they want so I don't see them abandoning either.
The graphic were fine to me.I honestly don't think graphics ranks high on the "Will I buy it?" meter for Bethesda games by and large.
As long as they don't fall to Andromeda tier they will be fine.
Ryder Ramirez
kek, thanks for the reminder. bethesda games with all their fucking flaws and bugs still remain ejoyable and somewhat competent.
unlike nubioware. holy shit, they dropped the ball hard.
Charles Howard
>he thinks the lack of rpg elements is the problem The game is just a fucking mess. The level design, story, characters, game design, is all appalling
Hunter Harris
>Was there a patch when I played it? Must have been.