>come home from school
>toss backpack on the floor
>boot up old gateway desktop
>open internet explorer
>*clack clack clack*
>choose low settings
Come home from school
Other urls found in this thread:
Every summer I would pick up a random MMO back in middle school.
Air Rivals (Space Cowboy Online)
Lineage II
>lose stamina in 5 seconds and have to walk around for like 15 minutes
>get lost trying to get from limbridge to varrock somehow
>trying to equip goblin armor
>begging people for gp
>not 2001
Fucking casuals.
I was literally the first guy to find out about the game in our school, got my friends playing and started the whole fad in our local area.
>wcing / fishing
>say something every so often to not look like a bot
Fishing lvls?
Kys newfag.
I loved Runescape when I was a kid. I was so hype when Old school RS was coming back recently. I played it, and just wasn't interested at all.
It wasn't nearly as fun as I remembered.
What happened?
You grew up.
>get lost trying to get from limbridge to varrock somehow
>you will never be a kid again
Adulthood is awful
Take me back
Its a stepping stone mmo to WoW or something.
After you experienced games that are something other than grinding it kinda loses its shine.
I miss when games allowed you to get lost.
Yeah, I'm sure everyone these days talks about how cool you are.
>there are people in this thread who don't think of this when someone mentions runescape
was that even half as popular as the second runescape?
i wonder how the new version has done in comparison
>tfw never grew up and now play Oldschool Runescape
The second version was probably a lot more popular but this old thing also had thousands of people playing at all times which was something fucking amazing back then.
Grinding isn't as captivating as it once was when we were younger. Grown adults play clicker and idol games, tho, so maybe there's hope, still.
Also, you can try doing the quests without looking at guides. I would go to zybez cause fuck me if I were to forget something. Playing through dungeons and combat was a good time. I didn't care much for dialogue trees personally, but the dry British wit was always a good time.
Dat theme blows. Muting it was always first thing I did.
No, Runescape 2 was by far the height of popularity around 2006-8. Now Runescape 3 has maybe 30000 players at any one time, even the reboot of Runescape 2 has more. Runescape 3 has microtransactions to bring in the money
>tfw still playing osrs in the year 2017
Kill me.
>ask mom if I can make a Runescape account
>says no
>do it anyway
>a week later comes up to me while I'm playing
>oh shit I'm about to get busted
>"Run Escape, huh? Looks kinda like Robin Hood."
I'm still not sure how I got away with that.
It still baffles me that nobody has tried to cash in on that Runescape nostalgia yet. A point and click MMO doesn't seem that hard to code, relatively speaking
And his massive penis
>Trimming armour 20k
lets be friends
But Jagex already has.. They released oldschool runescape
This You'd have to ship with a fuckton of features and content if you wanted to compete with what they already have.
>Cutting gems
The catching system was pretty neat.
I miss og runescape. It was the best.
>mfw listening to prog and indie rock while slaying and doing clue scrolls
bullshit OP, you didnt get sound on low settings
The best part was exploring the second story interiors on the seedy side of Varrock at 2 am in the morning. You'd always find one or two weird fuckers just idling up there, nothing else to do.
I had that book
I was transferring items between accounts via drops and was waiting for you to leave.
I was one of those weird fuckers. I don't know how much time I wasted just doing strange shit in Varrock.
>dress up as priest
>hang out in church
>shout scripture all day
That's a violation of Jagex's terms and conditions, user. I was doing you a favor really.
>tfw doing cluescrolls in the wilderness
>tfw still playing to this day
>tfw only hit first 99 a few weeks ago
I don't know how people don't burn out playing MMO's hardcore. I've been playing for years and I never do anything at more than a casual pace. Keeps it enjoyable for when I've got nothing better to do.
Who /OSRS/ here?
Anyone else got PTSD from doing this one?
What are you guys doing
I'm at Wintertodt
mining for 4 hours a day on schooldays
8 hours a day on weekends
i finished that quest the other day on osrs
i started, stopped playing for two days because of it, and came back and finished it the following day
shit sucked
I played from '06 to '12, minus the period where they removed free trade and wilderness (still the most autistic, baby-pandering thing in the history of MMOs, but thats besides the point). I never focused on missions or leveling up until late in the game, so I ended up only being level 68 or some shit. Feels kinda bad, man.
I did that on RS3 like last year.
It wasn't that hard, just followed a guide carefully. Can't imagine doing that guideless.
>friends at school all play
>everyone mostly just grinds on their own
>attempt to meet up with them in-game one time
>much lower level than them as I joined in the fad late because my PC couldn't run runescape at more than 10 fps (but it could run GTA vice city perfectly somehow).
>tell me to come to ardougne so they can give me stuff
>first thing they do is try to lure me with that lever so they can PK me
>both kill me with DDS rushing
>lose my full green dragonhide set
>go back to grinding on my own
>there are people who used the north staircase
all I remember from that time is that avenged sevenfold, linkin park and lil wayne were all anyone listened to.
>Turn on the TV
>This plays
Set quality to 240p for maximum effect.
>there are people who didn't
the north staircase was geographically closer to where you wanted to go (Varrock etc) so it only made more sense rather than venturing left
fuck you
also missing
>Unregistered Hypercam 2
Man, at least post one with the original music.
>play runescape for the first time
>some guy immediately walks up to me and asks if i want his account
>uh sure
>has fuck tons of gold and good shit
>don't know what im doing and immediately walk right into the wild
>die and lose everything that i had just gotten minutes ago
>never played again
i feel like i missed out
i always have the most nostalgia for runescape classic so many good times when you could pk anywhere
>geographically closer to where you wanted to go (Varrock etc)
What the fuck does that have to do with getting to the top of the castle?
What are you talking about, man? You're not using either of the staircases when going to Varrock etc.
Hahaha holy fuck. The early 2000s were a strange time.
All the important shit was to the north of lumbridge so it made sense mentally to just stick to the north side of the castle because otherwise you're venturing further away from the action even though technically it's the same
if you're picking up what I'm throwing down
>do this long list of steps
>all while being constantly attacked
I didn't come back to finish it until like 4 years later
the worst part about it was that you get some item at the end of the quest that you have to keep in your bank
if you destroy that item you have to do all the steps over again to get it back
Brings a tear to my eye every time
>tfw instead of a home teleport spell, people would ask random strangers to kill them in a duel
>tfw being able to duel people anywhere at anytime
I get what you're meaning, but still..
come play Sup Forumsscape then
Who /fruitsalad/ here?
>"Yo kid, think you can run up in there and fetch me the Wine of Zamorak? I'll give you some gold.."
fuck I loved pking with that slot machine tier combat
it was so simple but fun
shame fagex killed it completely
Play breath of the wild
I get sidetracked so much just from looking at random things that look slightly out of place on the landscape I have to force myself to stop playing
why would you play that instead of osrs?
>go above the ranger shop
>people are cybering on the 2nd floor
fun times in varrock
>tfw you still have no idea if switching combat styles did anything but you did it anyway because it felt like you were doing something
>tfw clicking desperately towards the lower wilderness when being approached by a gang and your character runs back and forth
It depends on which way your dick hangs.
Those were the times
>that time when they nuked the wilderness
>my friend got me into runescape in 2004
>eventually found myself into a clan
>used to do all sorts of cool shit with them
>became a contributing member to runehq, hung out in the IRC a lot
>did cool shit with them
>got scammed, scammed, got banned(mostly by one of my shitty friends), got permamuted for calling my irl friend a cracker when we were fishing
>permamutes aren't permanent
>everyone drifts away
>sometimes still log into runescape to relive old memories
I should probably stop playing runescape, it just makes me sad
>see white dot
>log out faster than the speed of light
I was horribly afraid of the wilderness
>tfw you first upgraded to high detail
>Play with friends in school
>Hella broke in game
>Would walk around with just rune 1h no shield so it's look like I actually had a 2h.
fuck off classic fag, you dont even like classic you just play it to be a hipster little cunt.
>tfw being first in my group of irl friends to get membership
>sleepover at their house to show them
>first thing I do is go through that gate above falador and buy an addy 2h
shit was tight
After you do quests RS is just grinding and kind of awful. The social element helps a LOT.
>how do i equip goblin mail
>watching RSMV
>unregistrered hypercam2
did anyone of you actually attempt to make one? I did, regretted it
>he wasn't able to position the camera just right so you only have to one click your way to get to the stair case
>too deep in wilderness to tele out
>palms sweaty, hands shaking
i-i just wanted to explore