Your GOTY so far?
Your GOTY so far?
Probably Yakuza 0, but I still haven't played a lot of the other contenders
Yakuza 0
playing Nier now, it's fucking great too
gonna play Horizon next
My GOTY or who do I think will win GOTY?
My GOTY so far is Horizon because thats the only new game I've bought so far. Gonna wait for bargain sales on Nier, NiOh and P5.
But BoTW will probably win GOTY unless RDR2 come out on time and put up a fight.
The bitch is ugly as fuck but yeah this game probably tops the list.
Zelda, I don't think anything else comes near for me ATM. But we still have most of the year to go.
It's Zelda or Red Dead if it's out, there is no other competition in most critics mind.
I guarantee it. Persona and Horizon might win some fringe websites' awards but that's not really relevant.
Haven't played any 2017 games yet
For Honor I guess, but my GOTY will be either Sonic Mania or Battletech.
Horizon sucked.
Nier, Horizon, then Persona. Played Persona for the later part of 2017 but I imagine it will top a lot of people's GotY list when it comes out stateside.
Persona is 2016 game
Zelda so far. Horizon isn't even the best PS4 game this year
Resident Evil 7
It was reluctantly BOTW, but then I played NieR and nothing that comes out will be able to make NieR anything but GOTY.
>nothing that comes out will be able to make NieR anything but GOTY
But you just said you played Zelda
That doesn't say much. Pretty much all the contenders are PS4 games.
Persona 5. can't wait to play it
Right. Nier only has better gameplay, writing, voice acting and music.
Yea, but zelda has zelda written on the box.
God that's fucking annoying
Thanks for the (You). Zelda was okay, but NieR made me cry and has replay value.
>tfw it's fucking March and we already have like six GOTY contenders
what a good year
Is that supposed to take away merit from the game? retard.
NieR easily.
>most GOTY contenders are Jap games
>they don't give a fuck about western meme awards
Mass Effect Andromeda
Do you still have to force this meme? Nier never has good writing.
Before you had to repeat and force the meme since the gameplay was bad too so you had to force something. But now that Plat has saved the combat with its B-team and 2B has sucked in moe fans with her butt, you don't have to pretend the story is good anymore
Let it go and enjoy the Plat combat and anime fanservide
Zelda, but that's only because Persona 5 isn't out yet and I'm waiting for Nier, Yakuza, and Nioh to go on sale.
If Horizon is really your GOTY, you need to branch out a bit and try something new.
>people will fall for this b8
The best indie game this year.
>Better gameplay
>Better story, writing, voice acting
Might as well say Michal Bay makes good movies because they always have great special effects and explosions.
It did not have a good story and was not particularly well-written.
Horizon as well for me.
Good argument
>It did not have a good story and was not particularly well-written.
It certainly was objectively better than Zelda's shit stain of a story that didn't try at all, whatsoever.
Remember, you're playing a Nintendo game. They don't care about stories, only gameplay. Which Automata also objectively has the better of.
Either BoTW or Nier.
You certainly did.
>plays zelda and persona 5
>tells other people to branch out more
Probably Nioh
Yakuza or NieR
maybe I'll play Zelda next year
If red dead doesn't revolutionize the RDR formula it'll be a 7/10. RDR was good but God fucking damn was it one of the most boring and lackluster open world games I've played. That's partially due to the time period but there's a lot of stuff they could explore to actually make it fun and have more longevity.
How does it have better gameplay? Is it because the combat is slightly better? Because I don't constitute running around an empty open world for 30 hours with a combat system as shallow as MGRs objectively better. Yes the combat is better than Zelda but Zelda has so many more things that make the gameplay interesting and better.
Aloy's game.