Remind me why this game got 10/10 everywhere. It's literally the worst main title in the saga
Remind me why this game got 10/10 everywhere. It's literally the worst main title in the saga
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Probably because it objectively isn't the worst main title in the saga
But thats bullshit and if you believe that then you simply weren't a fan of the saga. Thats the thing about UC4, like MGSV, it's a game that's only considered to be the best in the series by people who DID NOT LIKE the series before this game.
it objectively is
>Bought Uncharted Collection and 4 when they were for sale.
>finished Uncharted 1 and now in chapter 23 of 2.
>Already burned out
Who the fuck thought making a game where you spend 50% of the game shooting waves of sponge enemies with weapons that have low accuracy was a good idea ?
I'm already feeling the buyers regret.
Sony money anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
UC2 is the best and that's mostly because of the set pieces, and it also improved on a lot of aspects from 1.
UC4 literally has the shallowest gameplay.
it's better than botw
2 > 3 > 4 > 1
1 gets a pass because its the first game, so of course shit wasn't as refined.
There is no excuse for 4 having dumbed down gameplay and literally 70% less enemies than the previous games
That is a given for any game.
Same happened to me and I took it back a few chapters into the third one, I should've skipped the first because I felt like I enjoyed literally zero of it but by the time I got to the third I was so tired of the gameplay I knew I would probably never finish it.
Anyone who puts 1 or 3 above 4 is full of shit.
I do believe it, and that doesn't make someone any less of a fan. I've played all 4 games, and the first one is objectively the worst. The graphics are garbage, even on the remastered edition, with a noticeably limited amount of animations - even main characters like Sully and Drake weren't fully fleshed out and felt too generic
Plus, you could remove any challenge by doing this throughout the entire game on any difficulty (was never patched)
I had more fun with it than I did with 1 and 3.
4 has absolutely nothing going for it asides from graphics. It has the shittiest story with the shittiest characters and 0 supernatural elements because MUH REALISM druckmann. The smallest amount of gunfights in the game. Levels which are just "exploring" (going from point a to point b because this isn't an open world game) and an actual walk through a museum. The platforming has 0 challenge and the puzzles are all stupidly easy
It's my least favorite.
Its entire atmosphere is different and lacks the "Indiana jones" vibe the previous games had
the characters are all boring until the one or two chapters they're allowed to have fun(clock tower was one of the few moments in the game that was great)
Way too much climbing, to the point they introduced two new climbing mechanics that did nothing to make it fun
Way too few shooting segments
Sam fucking sucks
The vehicle segments are boring
Where the fuck are Chloe and cutter?
"Gee wiz, wouldn't it be wacky if there were pirate ghosts :^)" fuck you game. The pirate colony fucking sucked since there was no mystery. You show up, find out greed fucked everything up, and then you spend the next 6 hours doing fuck all. This also meant that there were no new enemies to shake up the gameplay. Start to finish it's the same enemies you're shooting at.
I also love how drake was fine with shooting "innocent" people now, despite being against it in the last 3 games.
I just didn't have fun with the game outside of a small handful of levels
One's gunplay is shit and it's filled with bullet sponge enemies. Two feels much better and it has more characters present so even the non shooting segments are better.
>UC4 literally has the shallowest gameplay.
What are you talking about? It has the best combat in the series.
If the first 3 hours of the game weren't entirely cutscenes and non-gameplay segments it would be the best Uncharted game.
>The graphics are garbage.
No shit, probably because its a 2007 game, it looked absolutely stunning back then and was the console's graphic's king for its time, but you're a retard if you're going to say it's bad because of the graphics, yeah it's the first game of the series, you'd expect that the other entries will have better graphics.
Same thing goes for the animations
>Characters are bad
Thats subjective but I'll give it to you, Uncharted as a whole never had great characters, everyone is Marty/Mary sue and they're B movie characters, 4 didn't change this with its DRUCKK and instead we got a woman who is capable of taking on 2 extremely buff guys at once without getting as much as a scratch.
But I sure appreciate that the previous games didn't retcon shit all over like 4 did.
>Game is bad because you could do an invincibility exploit
yeah you can also beat ocarina of time in 20 minutes or so with wallhacks, that means ocarina of time is a terrible game I guess.
You have shit taste, user, just face it. I can list you all the reasons why 4 is objectively the worst game in the saga
U4 >= U2 > U3 >>> U1
agreed, I was hoping the lost colony would have an interesting mystery behind it plague or whatever but no, pirates are greedy lol.
Why is U3 considered the worst game?
it's not, U1 is
Wow this rolling and QTE simulator look awesome!
It felt very disjointed to me, the previous games had a decent narrative flow tying the set-pieces together whilst 3 felt like they had a checklist of set-pieces before they had a plot and just threw them together.
I just played through all 4 games for the first time a month ago. Anyone saying the first one isn't the worst is beyond retarded.
Please explain to me how it has the best combat in the series.
First of all: There's barely any combat, I'm not lying when I said that the previous game have twice as many enemies in them.
In UC2, by level 3 or 4 you're facing armored opponents, in UC4, they don't show up until the final act of the game.
In UC4 you can only carry 2 guns, all the guns feel samey and have a ridiculously small ammo limit.
It has the most simplified melee combat in the game with 0 challenge, it's just mash square and roll away if you're about to get hit.
UC2 has 21 weapons vs UC4 18
The cover shit is the same as its always been, and they also removed the live grenade throwing from UC3
4s combat has factually less features than the previous games
They literally created various scenarios "lol Nate on a sinking ship!" and then wrote the plot around them.
U1 is the first game so fans are hesitant to say its THAT bad
Because it came after 2 and fell flat on its face.
2 was simply so good that ND couldn't replicate its success
2>3>watching 1's cutscenes>4
Uncharted games were always designed to be review bait. They have just enough gameplay to make reviewers feel like they were in control, but lots of cutscenes, and parts where you just walk around while while people talk to give the impression that the plot and "important things" are happening. All wrapped up in a short and easy to digest package that can be completed by reviewers before the embargo lifts.
>In UC4 you can only carry 2 guns, all the guns feel samey and have a ridiculously small ammo limit.
this is to keep you changing weapons frequently and using the game's whole arsenal by scavenging weapons off of dead enemies. I quite like how it forces you to use everything you can find to survive
the whole series is shit, you're retarded if you enjoy this game.
it literally plays itself.
Man I honestly don't know if I hated UC4 because I played it on hard/very hard. I couldn't do half the shit thats in these webms. The AI would bumrush you and kill you in half a sec, they would also shooat the boxes first and break them in 3-5 shots so no point in using that cover.
I feel the game was very poorly balanced for the higher difficulties.
Although 4 has probably the best gameplay, I didn't like any of the new characters or the locations you go to. Story was meh.
Do people consider this good gameplay? It's just spamming x and square
>Not letting players carry 3 weapons so that they can actually enjoy the full arsenal
>Believing 2 weapons will make you switch them constantly, when it actually pretty much force you to keep the FOTM pistol and the AK because they're the only guns you'll find ammo for.
How does it got good gameplay? Platforming is automatic, there are no hazards while doing it with the exception of some small parts like the slippery slope by the end (the whole game should have had platforming like that) and the combat objectively has less features than its predecessors.
90% of the platforming was climbing ledges, which was literally harmless, there is no way to die while climbing ledges unless you press circle ON PURPOSE. Because the game doesn't even lets you make a jump if Nate can't grab another ledge after it.
>Pacing (most important in these games)
>Set pieces (second most important in these games)
UC2>UC3>UC4>UC (UC4 has the best set piece in the entire series but all set pieces combined result in this)
I think we can all agree on this.
man I'll drop my AK and use up a shotgun with only 4 shells in it then just pick up another AK from someone I killed with the shotgun. There's no sense in letting better weapons go to waste just because you want to be guaranteed that you will have ammo reserves at all times. Your pistol is good enough until you find a new long gun anyway
He was using more than that mate. Aiming, shooting, throwing grenade, breaking out of a melee grab and rolling are on different buttons.
Regardless of controllers. You're not gonna tell me throwing nades and aiming are revolutionary mechanics.
The "flavor" in that clip comes from the melee combat which is still just mashing square
And breaking out of melee grabs with triangle. Not to mention the fact that you have to be out of line of fire.
he killed all but one of the reinforcements (like 10 guys) by grenading them and blowing up their trucks before they could get out of the way of the explosions. It just shows how the game rewards taking risks. The player could have just gone into stealth mode and killed all the guys one by one instead of running towards them in an open field while throwing nades, but it would have taken 10x longer
I personally don't know, whenever I post my list to shit on UC4, I always get told it has the best gameplay and that's really what matters above everything. To me it's just a graphics showcase but still a crap game.
>4s combat has factually less features than the previous games
wrong, there are more physics involved, the use of things like the grapple hook, and the actual shooting mechanics are so much better in Uncharted 4 than they were in 1, 2, or 3. It's the only Uncharted game that actually has competent shooting mechanics.
2 > 4 > 3 > 1
2 is probably the definitive experience of the game still
4 would be great if it wasn't intent on "not being fun" and having constant scenes where literally fuck all happens
3 was polished but really kind of throws everything at you with no rhyme or reason
1 is the jankiest and has little for interesting scenery, unless you really like boats, castles, and forests for the entire game
You can't do half of that shit on anything above normal, sadly.
I actually agree with this, or at least the small details I disagree with are inconsequential.
As long as we agree Golden Abyss is the worst because they tried to force every Vita hardware gimmick.
>oh boy, it's a smudge up your screen to get a charcoal rubbing segment.
Why no one mentions that the first game is the one with fewer scripted sequences? It's a plus for me. More video gamey.
>never owned a vita
m-myeah man! haha ;_;
all the webms ITT were on crushing difficulty
I liked 4 and I find your argument laughable. Please tell me which shooting mechanics are different in 4.
Uncharted literally has no shooting mechanics, it's barebones TPS gameplay, the shooting mechanics are just aim and shoot, people throw the word "shooting mechanics" not even knowing what they mean
I got it as a PS+ game, it was okay
Aiming is much more responsive in Uncharted 4 than the previous games, enemy animations and their reactions to being shot are much better, guns have much more stopping power than in the previous games.
I think 3 was worse
my main problem with it was there wasn't any magic enemies this time
No they were not, especially this one He took like 3 times as much damage you can take on crushing. Also healed much faster. You're not fooling me shill
at this part I just dove into the water and went behind them all
Why are all sony first party titles so shallow?
Why bother with a PS4?
if it wasn't crushing then why did he kill a hunter at 0:26 seconds? Hunters are only present on crushing difficulty
>Aiming is much more responsive in Uncharted 4
Bullshit and this can also be changed on every game by changing sensibility/aim assist
>Enemy animations and their reactions to being shot are much better
This is not a gameplay mechanic and in a TPS enemies who clinch after every shot actually remove challenge, look at GTA IV, V and Max payne for reference, basically in this game shooting an enemy once = enemy dead
>guns have much more stopping power
Again, bullshit, I think you need to replay the saga before making up arguments.
None of those were shooting mechanics btw
Every enemy is present on every difficulty. "Hunter" is an MP sidekick. The guy at 26 was a regular armored enemy
Those guys show up in every difficulty, and enemies in crushing have pinpoint accuracy, they don't flail their guns as much as they did in that webm. They are also programmed to shoot the destructible cover if you're behind it (And it breaks down in 3 shots at most), not shoot above it like retards
>It's literally the worst main title in the saga
So you haven't played the first title then?
yeah people think it's easy even on hard / crushing but it's really not
Hunters only appear in single player on crushing difficulty. If you don't believe me play one of those end game fights again through encounter select and you wil lsee. The fact that doesn't even know that they are in single player at all should be proof enough
political regurgitation is always a plus for reviewers
There is literally no indication of them being called "hunter" on SP, you can even google "uncharted 4 hunter" and you'll only get MP reference, here you go
No hunter listed. And those guys show up at every difficulty. ND is not the kind of company that hides shit behind difficulty levels
I'm on the 2nd game and man I really don't like it.. The first really sucked bad, didnt enjyo one bit.
The second i like the cutscenes and some "cool moments" but mostly its just really annoying when u get into segments and you know that "oh shit im gonna have to stay in this cover and kill everyone hiding". Its no difficulty just pure stupidity, no cool gameplay.
>ND is not the kind of company that hides shit behind difficulty levels
Well, they did here. Sorry that there's not much information out there about the SP enemies in Uncharted 4 (that site you linked is just someone random's JOOMLA blog because there are no other enemy references out there) but the hunter is definitely present on crushing and he is certain death if he grabs you. because it takes like 6 elbows to the gut to get him off just for one second
Was the Vita game any good?
>Hunter is present in crushing.
Yes he is, never claimed otherwise. He's also on every other difficulty
No, he's definitely not. Believe me I played the fuck out of encounter select on hard and crushing, and they're not around on hard mode
2 had both the best single player and multiplayer tbqh
You're wrong m8
where do you ever see one on hard mode?
Any story is always going to be a relection of the politics of the writer on some level. Whether intentional or otherwise. You can hate his cuck politics but he said nothing wrong in this tweet.
Yeah, why can't PS4 have a game like this?
whenever you see them on crushing :,)
They may appear more on crushing, but they're also present on the other difficulties.
Halo Wars is a good not great game that earned every point of its metacritic score on its own merits.
PS4 exclusives only have good scores because of paid shills. An honest 79 is worth more than a shilled 94.
Find me a single youtube clip of someone fighting a hunter in SP on any difficulty other than crushing. You can't
I'm not going to scout YT videos for you lil' shit, and stop calling them hunters
>only Sony has paid shills!
kek, yeah I'm sure Sony really shilled a lot to make obscure shit like Gravity Rush 2 score better on metacritic than the Xbox One's only release in 2017.
> grenade re-throw
> good in a fucking cover shooter
It's literally the worst feature that ruins UC3. You can play the whole story on any difficulty by camping in an indestructible cover, re throw grenade, and blind fire any enemies who walk close to you.
UC4 forcing you to move due to destructible cover and grenade makes the game much more challenging and fun, forcing you to be aggressive.
>snipers have the same HP as regular enemies
that guy is just making things up. Snipers take like two to three times as many bodyshots / melee attacks to kill
Every PS4 game is shilled no matter how low the budget. Reviewers are so mindcucked that that don't even need fresh paychecks to praise Sony. They will reflexively give a sony game 4 points out of 10 higher than it actually deserves purely because of the psychic chokehold Sony has on the games industry.
>The vehicle segments are boring
>Where the fuck are Chloe and cutter?
I agree with your points but these two. The two best set pieces in the game, clock tower and motorcycle/car chase, happen subsequently and were lots of fun.
I also don't see the need to bring back old characters for every single adventure. It should just be Nate, Sully, and whatever new sidekick they need.
Even if I get a ps4 at some point I probably won't pick it up.
I loved 2, but 3 just didn't cut it for me and it seems like 4 has a bad case of it being designed around "look how awesome our graphics and set pieces are", while having the actually decent combat only be 5 minute segments at the end of each level.
>doing a gig where I house sit for someone
>kid is playing Uncharted 4 on hardest difficulty
>mindlessly plowing through it
>this is what's considered Citizen Kane-worthy in the industry
MGS is my favorite series.
MGSV was amazing, the best MGS from a gameplay perspective, I enjoyed the episodic day in the life of Big Boss structure, and the story being bad is more of a meme than anything.
The only two legitimate complaints about MGSV are that it over promises like a mother fucker on it's second act, to the point where I doubt so much backlash would exist if they didn't split the game into chapters. Also that cutting 51 was ridiculous, and it is canon considering without it there's a giant plothole as to how Eli doesn't genocide every English speaker by MGS1.
Maybe people have different opinions, shockingly maybe they even have ones that go against the circlejerk.
I played the first one than the second after a few levels I quit it was just boring
I was a massive fan of UC2 and UC3 before UC4 came out, and I still think UC4 is the best. I wish it had as much action as UC2, but the action it does have is so good
When I say vehicle segments, I'm referring to the sections where you're in a boat or jeep driving across a massive, empty landscape looking for point b with maybe 1 or two outposts consisting of like 3 people.
The thing about Chloe and Cutter is they just fucking dropped off the face of the earth. I wouldn't be so mad about it if 3 didn't just throw them away because Cutter landed a gig in the hobbit.
Uncharted 2 has the best set pieces and its first half is really well paced but both the games story and gameplay nosedive after the train crash and never recovers from it. The only good set piece in the whole second half are the car chase, which is the worst iteration of a car chase in the series, and the tank, which is also the easiest one to break. The game tries to up the tension with endless gun fights instead but Uncharted's gunplay didn't get anywhere near enjoyable until 4.
Uncharted 4 in comparison has worse pacing at the beginning, with three separate introduction sequences for some fucking reason, but by the point you're in Madagascar it never dips back down. The climbing sections are a lot more frequent but they at least threw in elements like the grappling hook, pick and slides to add some timed bits, which is a big step forward in a series that'll let burning manors patiently wait for you to jump before collapsing behind you. Meanwhile the gunplay, while less frequent, has such better level design that every single instance of combat in Uncharted 4 is more memorable than anything in the PS3 trilogy outside of the train in 2.
4 is also the only Uncharted game with passable writing, I don't know what the fuck the complaints are there. I'd understand the complaints about Sam coming out of nowhere more if the game failed to address the other major characters, but Sully got his closure in 3 and Elena was critical to 4's narrative. He also parallels Drake well, the two have a solid dynamic. It's also got the best ancient city and mystery, actually having a sense of place and detailing the context of Libertaria's fall when the rest are utterly generic mystical societies you're not given the time to invest in.
Uncharted 3 isn't worth talking about because its gameplay is a weaker retread of Uncharted 2 and it's story is an awkward prototype for Uncharted 4. Anyone who calls anyone better than anything is deluding themselves.
*Anyone who calls Uncharted 1 better than anything is deluding themselves.
Should have proofread my post, sorry about that.