It's time for this thread, what are you farman today
I'm feeling kinda sad because pretty soon I'll have a kid, finish the fish list, and get every town rank to S, and then there won't be anything else to work towards and I'll probably stop playing at last
Why is it so fucking hard to clear a field? It takes my whole stamina bar to clear on fucking patch.
Cameron Robinson
This is only really a problem in the first spring at least, once you upgrade your hoe and watering can once or twice, let alone to max, the stamina use from farming becomes a non-issue
Elijah Turner
Yeah I'm working on getting the materials for that now.
Dylan Jones
Stardew Valley clone? Is it any good?
Ethan Perry
You mean with a sickle? Just put the field away during customization.
James Johnson
Carter Campbell
Joseph Rivera
Jayden Ortiz
>started playing this on a whim a few days before Persona 5 >can't put it down to play Persona 5
Isaiah Gomez
If you aren't good at juggling games just finish this up first, Persona 5 won't go anywhere in the meantime
I just did that recently, Nier Automata has been my most awaited game since its reveal basically but I got it on release and didn't actually touch it for like 4 days because I wanted to wrap up Zelda first, just avoided Sup Forums until I finished both to avoid spoilers
Jace Mitchell
You're right. I should be avoiding it anyway for another few days, until hey release the audio track.
Alexander Nguyen
Best girls
Owen Gutierrez
Camden Rivera
Just means you have a really good base for a Miracle start once the DLC comes out!
Anthony Rodriguez
It's the series Stardew Valley was based on, and yes it is.
Gavin Gray
Items and most importantly seeds don't carry over do they?
>you marry her >her entire farm is now a waste of space
Eli Robinson
Miracle: This personality will use the save data from your currently saved game and carry parts of it to your new game. The continued-on features will be the number of stamina hearts you have, your money, the cooking recipes you know, your clothing closet items, the trophies tied to your cooking level and outfit collecting, and your farm degree level. The saved game you pull your data from WILL NOT BE ERASED unless you intentionally overwrite the old save with your new game.
Connor Gutierrez
The game really didn't need another field to water every morning.
Zachary Kelly
Looks like I'll have to cheat 5 star seeds in if I do decide to do NG+. I'm not raising all of them again.
Jason Nguyen
We got a text dump for the base game. I hope someone also does one for the dlc.
That's the only reason I'm looking forward to it.
Mason Lee
Jason Reed
Liam Bell
Does this game end like Harvest Moon did or does it go on forever?
Gavin Parker
only a few HM games actually ended, this one gos on til you put it down
Brayden Brooks
There's a set goal and end credits, but you can go forever.
HM games almost never have a set end.
Henry Parker
Cool I only have experience with the snes and gbc games. I was such a huge fan of the snes game that I ended up working on a farm for a couple of years.
Sebastian Ortiz
>kiss >vulgar
fuck, I hate the Japanese sometimes
Jack Jackson
Slut detected
Ian Davis
It's not slutty if you've only kissed one person, no matter how many times you've kissed them
Ryan Robinson
No one likes whores, user. I bet you kiss all the boys.
Jack Fisher
>searching for artwork on pixiv >have to look through pages of fujoshit art and general husbando art
>find a picture of a girl >it's poorly drawn
Hudson Mitchell
This thread made me buy the game. I even bought it from the eshop because I couldn't wait.
Good shilling friends
Lucas Baker
It's a genuinely good game and an excellent HM game.
The beginning is a little slow, but it picks up as you unlock the next town on spring 15.
Matthew Clark
The Harvest Moon Curse is real. Also the Yasuda Curse.
Asher Davis
>HM will only get garage kits and never anything official
Lincoln Lee
>someone will buy this just to hotglue it
Jose Sanchez
It's the right thing to do to Dessie.
Xavier Martinez
Are there really only two events for everyone except for dating candidates? What's the point gaining 5 hearts with them then except for silly gifts?
Robert Young
You need to have all of the villagers above a certain friendship level for one of the latter town link tasks. Events do help with this, but by the time you get there most everyone will be above the level as long as you participate in festivals regularly.
Joseph Hall
Thats been a constant thing in HM, alot of the work goes into the waifu/husbandos compared to the regular townspeople, for obvious reasons, would be nice to see them try to do more with them in the future but i doubt it as HM has always been rather cheap with the social aspect of its content
Ryan Perry
Anyone ever bothers bringing animals out? I never did this once and my animals always have zero stress.
Hudson Roberts
I have herding dogs do that for me.
My animals do get slightly stressed out, especially on rainy days, but after cleaning and brushing them it resets back to zero.
Daniel Jackson
I do mostly out of habit due to needing to do so for golden produce. I think it helps either lower stress or raises some sat but since treats exist its not that bign an issue
Juan Roberts
>it's another episode of waiting a month till the mineral drops that you need
Aaron Wood
Do tea leaf bushes count as trees, meaning they never need to be watered? Whether or not I feel like growing them hinges upon this
Jose Campbell
You never need to water them and they produce leaves every season except for winter. You should grow some anyways since the tea makes for easy gifts and the leaves sell for decent money.
Juan Richardson
Is there a list that shows with whom you can have lunch and at what times?
Brayden James
>when you get married another article of clothing gets added to the clothesline in front of your house >after you get a baby a smaller shirt gets added at the end
It's the little things.
Elijah Lewis
I know Kasumi eats as soon as you wake up and is done by 7:00. She also eats dinner much later around 20:00 I think.
Ludus and his Grandma have dinner much later in the day as well.
Frank has lunch around midday.
Hector and his family are also around midday.
Jacob Martin
>be multi millionaire >still air dry your clothes like a poorfag
Gavin Reyes
Why do the animal byproducts never fucking stack after you collect them? Every single time my bag maxes out because each egg and each milk takes one space and I need to sort it out all the fucking time.
Asher Hill
>Harvest Moon will never die >it'll always be a mainstream meme game even when it's rotten corpse can be seen a mile away I was watching Family Feud the other day and some retard answered "who's the hottest woman?" with Pamela Anderson, Harvest Moon is Pamela Anderson tier. A complete zombie franchise living on past name recognition
Jaxon Edwards
Caolila and her family eat every day at 10:00 and 16:00, if I remember correctly. Wayne eats at 11:00 if you don't mind getting dicked. Tigre eats somewhere between 11:00 and 1:00 but I don't know the exact time.
I think Ford eats at 12:00 but his meals are shit so don't ever eat with him.
Benjamin Lee
Why are the house designs so shit? There's only like three good interiors.
What kind of person is actually going to pick those oldschool paper japanese houses with bad interior gardens and only a futon for a bed?
Hudson Wilson
Items of different quality don't stack. In the previous game it did automatically combine items with similar quality (i.e. the same star and half-star level), but this time the items need to be completely and perfectly identical or they don't combine automatically.
There's a hidden quality value, even though they're both functionally 5 stars for shipping and recipes, one might be 5.1 by having a couple extra points in a hidden quality stat
It's a weird system
Liam Nelson
so there's no crop rotation or anything in this game right
do I just fill all of my fields with whatever crops, or what?
Kevin Barnes
No rotation for soil quality if that's what you mean.
Plant whatever you'd like as long as it's in season. Remove all crops before the next season starts.
Thomas Butler
Really shitty system.
Michael Howard
>Make it to Spring year 2 >Need shiso for fermenter >Will have to wait a full season to get it now I'm mad.
I did get the title of Eligible Bachelor for getting all the guys to green flower, so now I'm an official slut so that's fun.
Gavin Fisher
You'll also need shiso for one of tsuyukusa's town ranks, so make sure to grow enough.
Check the raw materials section in the pastebin.
Lincoln Sullivan
Is it good?
More importantly, are the waifus good?
Caleb Clark
>being a slut Shameful.
Owen Thompson
Yes Yes
Liam White
? Is Inari a boy or a girl? Also Komari is cute. CUTE
Nathaniel Anderson
It's solid with some interesting stuff in it. World feels really alive. Waifus are not as good as husbandos in this game.
Juan Powell
>Is Inari a boy or a girl Yes
Owen Morgan
>Is Inari a boy or a girl? Yes
Matthew Evans
If you pick male character she is female and vice versa.
Christian Perry
>Is Inari a boy or a girl? They're whatever you want them to be bb
Caleb Ramirez
Its a great step up from SoS1, waifu's are fairly solid though it seems like they put more work into the husbandos
Elijah Diaz
Thank you for the reminder, you know the only one I'm worried about is coconuts since I don't even have them unlocked. Worst case I wait till year 3, not like I'm in a huge rush. >Not playing the field for thosr easy points towards the rank Events help with that, the only downside is now I don't know who I want to date.
Ryan Brown
Just noticed you can zoom out with the dpad after a year in game time though not like it matters much.
Dominic Harris
are there gay options
also how hard is it to marry Inari
Juan Smith
You could also zoom out one extra level in the cellar. I wish that was also possible on the regular farm.
Brody Reyes
>are there gay options
Cooper Wilson
There is a gay mod patch.
Nathaniel Harris
So what's the optimal way to raise the three towns' rank? Focus on all three of them equally or max one and then focus on the rest? I just unlocked Lulukoko and I'm almost at rank C in Westown.
I guess the most important question is should I direct the shipments to one place or distribute them equally.
Jaxon Brown
Do them as evenly as you can, you'll actually need things you unlock from one town to level up another later
Luke Cook
Just work on them one at a time and once they lock switch your shipments to the next while you work on clearing whatever town rank requests they give you.
The best way to raise ranks with everyone is by buying tons of cheap items from the stores in addition to shipping things to them. Like fertilizers or soil.
Jose Powell
Protagonist definitely feels like a west town resident although the game treats you as if you're part of every town.
Isaiah Fisher
Logan Lewis
Is Lisette the most boring waifu?
Nathan Butler
They honestly fit in the best in japan town. I mean they don't have to be taught how to greet people like the other two towns.
Leo Foster
Lisette is the most vanilla, but there's an appeal to a naive vanilla girl. She's normal if you will.
Eli Martin
They treat you all exactly the same with extreme kindness like the cucks they are but protagonist is an aryan male and his only relative in trio town is a west town resident. Weebtown is surprisingly only japanese in aesthetics and not in the way they talk or act. Alohatown is kinda annoying with their forced hawaii words.
Nolan Hughes
It's always weird to me how Komari talks like a southern hick even more than most of the Westown villagers do
Christian Rodriguez
Yes. Characters like Lisette have no soul. I wish they would more often show different sides and serious flaws of anime grills.
Kayden Gray
John Bell
y-you... love me, senpai?!
Logan Lee
I do. Both your spaghetti side and confident smug side are perfect.
Evan Richardson
Feels bad to marry her since she is weeb bait but there is no one better.