A duck goes into gamestop
A duck goes into gamestop
>Going straight to the guides
Fucking casual duck.
What are the best games over behind the duck?
Go on
Duck game. He's just hiding.
it becomes
How does it feel to know that this duck is now dead?
Urbz obviously
Ducks live 10 years
>used xbox games
90% chance it's dead
25 to life was released in 2006, which means 11 at the very latest. I haven't looked through all of them, and these are just used games. The 360 was around in 2006, so I'm sure if you looked at a 360 section you'd see newer titles.
Chances are it's an elderly duck, around 8 or 9 years old.
someone post the pigeon in gamestop pasta
Kotor 2
>Duck waddles behind me in line for checkout
>Have copy of Duck Hunt in my hand
>mfw I'm at checkout and she rings it up
>mfw I can feel him staring at me from behind
>duck shoots diarrhea out of its ass and leaves the store
>walk in to a gamestop
And he says to the man behind the stand; "Hey. Got any games?"
>The Warriors
>The Suffering
i wanna go back
Everytime I see Xbox/PS1/2 era games I get nostalgic.
Enjoy your young you fuckers