Persona 5 already fully playable on RPCS3. Why aren't you emulating it and playing it right now on your PC?

Persona 5 already fully playable on RPCS3. Why aren't you emulating it and playing it right now on your PC?

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Because I support the games I believe in.

I've been waiting to buy a next generation Megaten game on console for years.

>fully playable
maybe in a few years or so

because i want silky smooth 60 fps at 4k resolution and japanese audio

Uhm, there is not a single version that runs at 60 / 4k.

>Silky smooth 3 fps

So the power....of the PC.

>fully playable
>that silky smooth 1-2fps
>that blue screen on cutscenes
Sure bud

>last gen game
>runs at 30FPS
just jap devs being jap devs

Because NTSC-U hasn't been uploaded yet

>Need a high end PC to emulate the inferior version of a weeb game
At most it would cost $100 to buy a ps3 and persona

Well I guess you CAN play it that way... but at 10-12FPS, why would you?

>there is not a single version that runs at 60 / 4k.

Turn boost mode on.

because i want to support the series so it doesn't die like SMT did.

Are you retarded? Boostmode doesn't do anything for FPS locks or resolution.

>tfw 60 fps on PS4 as well as supporting jap devs

Then buy a PS3 copy and play on PC? Are you retarded?

>>tfw 60 fps on PS4

>Boostmode doesn't do anything for FPS locks or resolution.

ps4 pro is already in 4k. And you should watch some comparison videos with boost mode on and off. It really does a crapload for frames.

Is it hard to be proven wrong constantly and having your narrative crumble around you?

Because 12fps on PC is still way better than 30fps on a console.

What part of "FPS lock" do you not understand? If the game is capped at 30 it will never go above 30 unless you manage to remove the lock.

Why would you play the shittier version of a game?

>Is it hard to be proven wrong constantly
Nobody has proven me wrong yet.

>Pirating a game means you can't support it post download

Moralfags are such cucks.

>pc cuck will legitimately sit infront of his dekstop pc and awkwardly in a lab sterile environment of emulating a console and attempt to enjoy a game meant for consoles , sitting on a comfy couch, and playing with a dual shock
>little cuck will pretend he's legit part of the gaming audience being the leech he is

>Boostmode doesn't do anything for FPS locks

maybe some games don't hit 60 fps, but boost mode really does let them go over the 30 fps limit. FFXV goes around 30-55 fps in boost mode while limited to 30 fps when it's off. Dark Souls 3 can go to around 51 fps when boost mode is on. Go watch some of those digital foundry videos.

I imagine a turn based game like Persona 5 can indeed go to 60fps.

Why would you need to though?

>What part of "FPS lock" do you not understand? If the game is capped at 30 it will never go above 30 unless you manage to remove the lock.

Boost mode IS the frame unlocker for ps4.

>still using "cuck" in this context

Are they still doing that over at Reddit?

>FFXV goes around 30-55 fps in boost
It doesn't FFXV has a pro compability patch. Boostmode is not active while playing FFXV.
>Dark Souls 3 can go to around 51 fps when boost mode is on
Same for DaS3
>I imagine a turn based game like Persona 5 can indeed go to 60fps.
It can't because it's locked to 30 fps without compability patch.

No. Boostmode can't remove a lock that's coded into a fucking game.

I went ahead and bought the ps3 version from a local store, Apparently I was the only person in my area that even bothered with the ps3 version. they weren't even going to get any in until I already preordered it. From what I have seen only difference is 720p VS 1080p and slightly slower loading times which are still faster than breath of the wild loading times.

>Using 2011 in 2017

Fuck off.

>It doesn't FFXV has a pro compability patch.

the patch a month ago lets ffxv on the ps4 pro go between 40-50 fps.

If you're gonna buy it and support it, then you don't need to pirate it.

>Same for DaS3

40-57fps for ps4 pro

>PS4 lost the only worthwhile game on it


> pc mustard cucks brags about playing persona 5 at 10fps

>Buy a perfectly working copy
>But play the laggy version that needs a high end machine to work

I'm gonna be playing it on the PS3 desu.

Yes. The FFXV PS4 Pro Compability patch. PS4 Pro Compability patch.

Here you fucking retards. This is what boostmode does. Boostmode is not active in Dark Souls 3 and FFXV. Boostmode also doesn't uncap framerates. If a game like Persona 5 has a 30 FPS cap it will be 30 fps, no matter what you hook it up to.

wow, utterly btfo once again by the pc master race. they can play our game, but at silky smooth 5 frames per second. how can we recover?

then you should have know ages ago that it is not a ps4 exclusive since it's been announced for ps3 at the same time.

You have no reason claiming "ps4 lost it's only worthwhile game".

Oh, I'm not that user.

Any reason why you felt the need to say that? Like, no one was even talking about Zelda but there you go.

His post wasn't even about Zelda until comparing it to P5 at the very end, calm down Nintenbro.

beause im not a poorfag.

>being a corporate slave

Are you Holden Caulfield? Grow the fuck up.

Not paying for videogames if I don't have to, that's who I am.

because the loading times in breath of the wild are a good comparison for P5 loading times on the ps3, P5 ps3 is slightly shorter than the loading times for botw on the switch, while the ps4 version is almost instantaneous. I said nothing else of BotW but its loading times you fucking gravy girl. kill yourself fucking curry nigger

is the pro really worth it? I still have a normal ps4.

no, neither the ps4 or the p$4 pro is worth owning beLIEve me.

x s p

That will be SMTV, not this game.

You call that playable? What am I missing here?

No, Persona 5 is also a Megaten game. Also SMTIV was casualized garbage and I'm not sold on the next game unless people with actual talent work on SMTV.

>gravy girl

Hey man, would you be a pal and upload the iso? I doubt you will, but y'know, if you felt like being a bro.

sure on Tuesday, just for you bby

silky smooth 8 frames per second

Because my limited edition steelbook copy is being sent on the 4th

Uploaded :^)

No sweetie. If you want to play you gotta pay.

Cause I'm already watching a full playthrough of it. The true cinematic experience, just like on playstation.

can a 4770k run the rpcs3

Got me there for a second.

> tfw Persona 5 is the last new release you will ever play on your ps3

We had a good run.

Sony BTFO! I'm happy I don't have to buy a ps4 now. Fucking piece of crap.

>Patreon still above $1k at the beginning of the monthly cycle, meaning the Russian can keep working on it full time

There is justice in this world

If you truly loved video games you would support good devs.

>PCfags think they can honestly play this when the game is loaded with stealth segments
>PCfags think this will have anywhere near the development speed CEMU had and will be able to play it in the near future

But Nekotekina is a good dev. You do realize outside of Persona 5 the PS3 is effectively a dead console, right?

Sony should seriously pose as emulator devs to get their info, then assassinate and destroy their work, $10k investment for the long run.

Literally no one thinks this, you fucking underage retard. Emulators are always playing catch up, and that's fine, because they are for enjoying games later, when the original platform is dated/broken/shit etc.

The whole cemu fiasco is a deviation from the norm, and will be harmful in the long run in one way or other. Nintendo is just much too Jewish and asshurt to let that shit fly, they will fuck up the devs sooner or later and set a precedent.

t. ps3 owner wanting for his console's swansong to release

>destroy their work,
>For an open-source emulator


To me, pirating is like renting. If I really like the game then I buy it. If the game is crap, then they don't deserve my support. In fact, I strongly believe that pirating has led to better-quality games, as it has led to a sort of natural selection. The good games get supported and the shit developers go under.

>Killing people just to permanently destroy videogames

But why?

If only I had enough free time to even bother pirating games I'm not sure I care about.

>If I really like the game then I buy it

don't be a fucking fucking pussy telling lies, I just pirate because it's free

>killing people to permanently save videogames
Fixed, piracy is cancer.

>Destroying the only way many games end up being able to be played in the future
>save videogames

No, to destroy. Without emulation console exclusives eventually disappear forever when the last consoles that can play them die out.

The people who make emulators are the unsung heroes of gaming.

i'm pretty sure that if you bought a ps3 and persona 5 now it wouldn't even reach the 200€ and skip a lot of emulator related headaches.

>in less than a month Persona 5 went from 3 fps to 12 fps and 20+ in battle

how did they break through?

Top kek you ugly niggers. People are still playing consoles from the 70s. Emulation should only be done 10 years after the console died off, not when its still getting games. Modern emulation is piracy.

>fully playable
>inconsistent frame rate and graphical/sounds errors

>dat Jun Fukuyama voice acting

worth the wait

Wait for what?

Multiple reasons. I'm away from home until Monday, so I won't be able to access my computer, and I already have it preordered for PS4. Besides, my computer is a piece of garbage, and I can't even emulate gamecube at full speed.

> tfw play the ps4 version first, then emulate it in 4k on pc.

feels good to be an idort.

Yeah. I'm sure all of you guys end up buying the games you pirate.

No officer, you don't understand. I was just renting this car. I was gonna pay for it if I felt like it was worth it.

Are you fucking retarded kek

Why bother lying about it?

More like idiot.

I only think pirating is acceptable for those old-obscure games that you can only get legitimately from overpriced sellers. Soldier of Fortune 1/2 comes to mind, as they aren't on gog or steam

Can I run it with a i3330 and a GTX 760?
Probably at 5 FPS

We know who you are now, brazilian nigger.

I've already seen a few shounen animes and they're all terrible.

... come on guy, this is pathetic.