He doesn't always play on the hardest difficulty setting

>He doesn't always play on the hardest difficulty setting.

Other urls found in this thread:


>he cares about what other do with their lives

post games with good hard difficulty

>hardest difficulty just inflates numbers
>wasn't even tested and balanced properly by the devs to ensure a fair challange

>he makes "he does" threads on anonymous chinese cartoon forums
>he keeps f5 to collect replies to fill in his empty existence
>he gets saged, reported and banned
>he resets his modem, repeats.

Only for shooters since I've played so many of those to the point they're all the same.

Always Hard mode default, not bullshit like Veteran or Legendary though.

>play over 10 hours a week of vidya since childhood
>failure at life
>posts on Sup Forums of all fucking places on the itnernet
>still doesn't always use hardest difficult
you've brought shame to us, what do you have to say for yourself

>the hardest difficulty is just the AI cheating more

Is it wrong that I want to play with the same rules as my opponent?

I have a vagina

disgraceful. Never show your face around these parts again


>Difficulty changes item placement and mission objectives
>Difficulty adds slight changes to cutscenes
>Difficulty increases enemy AI

Right, so hardest difficulty in Chess should be the AI getting free pieces every two turns.

>he puts points into vitality in souls games

>hardmode just inflates numbers
>have to take unavoidable falling damage
>kills you

what a little bitch. "normal" difficulty is evaluated by developers for the average casual player. You playing at normal difficulty is like a casual player selecting very easy mode.

>I'm going to play on the hardest difficulty to prove I am the best to anonymous internet users
>Quick Save, Quick Load, Quick Save, Quick Load, Pause, Quick Save, Quick Load,

Yeah please artificially extend the length of my game

I hate being frustrated by a game.

>Playing GOW on Spartan

>always play on highest difficulty because otherwise I'm through in 8 hours and feel cheated

Games weren't always like this.

>even crazy frog gets a gritty realistic reboot

only stealth games


>playing on the hardest difficulty just to fuel your superiority complex

Some games hide the true ending only if you finish the hard difficulty

What games go this?

>your items/skills/unlocks carry over after completing the game on normal to hard
sometimes the game is designed for you to do it on normal first, buddy

The only game where difficulty actually did something fun as far as I can remember was Resident Evil Outbreak.

Changed some cutscenes, changes placement of all the items, less ammo for you, more health for enemies and they do more damage.

That was difficulty done right. I can't remember another game that did it right.

Smash bros.

Thief games did the first and third things.

He is right and you are fucking retarded. This is the reason why I like changing difficulty on the spot. Since I hate when trashmobs are too easy to kill but the boss oneshotting you with a lorewise shittier weapon than you have. Kills the immersion right away.

I have severe anger management issues and have in past broke lots of gaming equipment so I play it safe and play on normal.

Not him, but I hate googling everytime difficulty differences just to make sure I lose nothing of story

>This is the reason why I like changing difficulty on the spot
what made you think you are worthy of replying to me ? never ever fucking do it again

neener neener

Your autism is beyond repair my mentally challenged friend

DMD, Master Ninja and Lv DIE

>tfw even the hardest difficulty is a fucking cake run and you get bored

all puzzle games

>enemy cares about what other unknown people do

give me 1 legitimate reason why I should and not just a meme like "git gud".

>Implying I abuse those features.


Only shitters do that.

Because good games have proper difficulty curve. In some cases the highest difficulty is a completely different game together

You're a shitter if you don't. I'm literally incapable of playing games on Normal or Hard. It's gotta be Extreme (if it's available).

No challenge = no fun

Kingdoms of Amalur, Knights of the Old Republic, and Shadow of Mordor are fucking unplayable.

you are less of a man if you don't. I mean it literally. It's like still using little wheels on the side of your bike past the age of 6

never played transformers devastation?

Metro 2033 did this. I don't think Last Light did. Did STALKER? I can't remember honestly as I only played it 'nillia once.

Notice how the difficulty icons confirm you're a pussy for not playing on the hardest setting?

what if Im having fun on normal or hard. I dont need to bust my balls to prove something to anyone in singleplayer games. Nor do I enjoy the process bashing my head against the wall until it breaks.
I asked for proper reasons and you failed to do so unlike the guy. So im just going to assume your lives are unfulfilling and shallow and this is how you compensate. Constantly trying to prove your worth yo yourself, even if there is so little of it

Nah. You do you. I just think your opinions on video games are worth less.

>Playing Castlevania Portrait of Ruin on Lv 1 Hard mode
>Even infinitely respawning trash mobs take about 31/32 of my health bar away with one hit
>Boss patterns are completely unpredictable and certain attacks are undodgeable without correct positioning
>Don't even have the easy out of a glyph union like in OoE
I don't know how much more I can take, lads

you're not supposed to beat a game like it's fast food. It's supposed to be an achievement. In other words, keep trying nigga

Dead Space 2 has a "survival" difficulty that keeps the combat as is but limits your health and ammo. You can still get by but it's a bit more of a pain in the ass.

does the game have difficulty changes that aren't just bethesda style? then play on hardest
otherwise it's a waste of time to play on anything other than normal

Yeah, I know, it's just that my damage output is incredibly low and has no chance of increasing, so it seems like the late game will be me having to survive a 45 minute endurance round against bosses with no distinct pattern and attacks that can only be dodged via luck on one hit point


It's fun as hell, actually forces you to use Charlotte

I like difficulty modes that adds more mechanics and challenges to fights, if it does that then I play on hard mode.

If it's just the same fights but the enemies are damage sponges then I don't bother since it's not fun

Ancient armor + thousand knives son

Am Shagar!

>I'm playing the game because I genuinely want to play through it and get past the challenge
Hardest difficulty.

>I'm playing because I just wanted to see the story.
Easiest difficulty.

I just wanted to reply to this once since it has been a meme on Sup Forums forever. Even if the changes are only health / resistance of enemy, it doesn't mean it doesn't necessarily impacts the gameplay in a meaningful way. In dark souls for example, even without formal difficulty level, the difficulty of the game can drastically change in respect of how much you will chose to level up or how much points you will invest on optimal stats, directly reflecting how much hits you can take or you have to inflict to defeat your opponent. This results on vastly varying experiences of the game with mostly a lot of people saying that the difficulty of the game is way overblown. The reason for that is that the more you have health and the less hit you have to inflict on your opponent, the less you have to actually learn the gameplay. I've seen countless cases of people just completely tanking through boss with their estus and large pool of health, just defeating them by abusing optimal dps and poise. Anyone complaining about the way poise works in DS3 ? you can immediately assume he is a complete scrub who has never actually learned how to play the game.

It goes the same way for a lot of games with difficulty settings. When a single hit won't kill your opponent and you have a high chance of dying when faced with several opponents, you have to come up with different solutions to approach the fights. I'm not talking about actual bullets sponge that just make a 10 minutes fight into a 30 minutes fight without ever a chance of dying for you, this is only true for certain types of shitty jrpg and it is used as an excuse as Sup Forums to turn off the difficulty. Shameful

The first System Shock does this incredibly well.

>witcher 3 ng+ death march rat swarms
>harder than literally every boss in the game

except you're using an example of a game that doesn't have a difficulty option, and talking about the player's statistics
the difference is in a bethesda game you can have terrible stats or amazing stats and either way the game is a fucking slog if you move that slider all the way to the right
indeed it's so bad the uesp guide for oblivion basically says to not do anything other than summon help, since your damage output is so abysmal

resident evil remake

>game is shit but i wanted to play it , maybe gets good - easy
>game is fun and not a chore to play on hard = hard

I use Charlotte anyway

I'll have to try that when I actually get that far
Took me like 50 tries just to beat the first boss. I had to learn how to manipulate its AI to win


>Sup Forums of all places telling anyone how to be more of a man.

Is a playthrough of any EDF game on Inferno difficulty possible on a new character right off the bat??

Never has happened once in the entire history of video games.

I used that example and clearly explained that I used it because the argument used is always that simple health / damage output changes supposedly aren't legitimate difficulty adjustments and supposedly don't impact gameplay meaningfully

>Dat cooking mechanics.

Is it a heavily underrated game?

It actually gets much easier after the first boss since you get more tools to cheese the game. You might wanna get Rock Riot for the early game bosses, it tears them apart.

>There are very few offensive spells
>The only one that's good one shots nearly everything.

most games have shit hard modes.
i just want the experience the game was centrally designed for. and unfortunately hard mode is typically just something slapped on at the end of development that raises the enemy variables and/or lowers the player's. and for most games that doesn't work very well.
some games i'll always play on the hardest.
like thief, since it adds more objectives and i'd be just as thorough anyway.
i'm curious, do you play the souls games?

>He plays singleplayer

>That entire puzzle with forging mithril weapons

It was released when Morrowind was out so it got screwed hard.

Released too close to Morrowind and got overlooked.
Still worth playing today with Arx Libertatis patch.

it depends how it's done really
it's awful in bethesda games or any games that use that similar style of difficulty, because only the player is affected by the slider, so only the player does less/takes more damage
generally all boosting health of opponents does is makes them spongier, while increasing damage done is decent because it increases the punishment from getting hit

>he only plays on the setting that the game was not designed for and thinks he's cool for beating enemies with more health/damage

>Halo 2
>A fun time

>Jackal snipers

Thief and Perfect Dark.

Depends on if "hardest" is a gimmick difficulty like in Revengeance or if the second hardest on the list is the true hardest.

Well, the cheese equipment is still a ways off from the point I'm at. Still trying to get to that second portrait right now, so unless the Yagyu Shuriken has properties I'm unaware of, there's not much I have now that I didn't in the beginning


Fuck that.


Yeah I'll pass on HP sponges.

Entire souls series

>He always plays on the hardest difficulty setting.
>Has to tell everyone that plays the same game that he plays it on the hardest difficulty setting.
>Is possibly also a vegan.

I've always started with default difficulty and then replayed on hardest if required for achievements/trophies.

>Uncharted 2's train level on Brutal difficulty

There is no fucking way ND made sure this difficulty made some sections fucking broken

>thinly veiled Arx Fatalis thread
still haven't played it after buying it two years ago, my backlog is so fucking full
aren't the environments really dull over time? the game seems pretty big, but from what I can see everything's inside caves, which could burn me out pretty quickly

Most of the game is caves, but there are plenty of setting changes due to regions being temples, at least as far as I've played.

>He wants to play the game on the hardest difficulty setting.
>You have to beat the game first on a lower setting to unlock the hardest one.

The game world is actually pretty small, and the levels have pretty distinct settings to them. There's only 8 levels, and you find some really cool places if you explore them.

I don't know if he's a vegan, but your brain definitely is a vegetable if you play games for achievements/trophies. Literally kill yourself, cancer.

I don't recall exactly about the environments being dull (played it when it came out) but I remember being too busy getting ass raped for being in the wrong places too early to care about the environment

And usually, it doesn't because most games don't let you tank things on autopilot to begin with (again, unless they're shitty JRPGs as mentioned). The vast majority of games with a hard difficulty just make you take longer to do the same things you would do on normal mode

Deus Ex, Thief, a few Resident Evils

>being retarded