Is every single person who blames "bad controls" for sucking at a game a shitter? I personally think so. In my experience, even games with tricky controls can be mastered with minimal practice.
Is bad controls ever a valid criticism for a game?
Is every single person who blames "bad controls" for sucking at a game a shitter? I personally think so. In my experience, even games with tricky controls can be mastered with minimal practice.
Is bad controls ever a valid criticism for a game?
Shitty tasting food can be eaten with minimal practice. It's no excuse to not blame it for tasting like shit.
looking at that picture just casts a certain type of chill resignation to the total entropy of existence
for sure, but some control schemes are objectively bad and could be improved to be more intuitive
a poor workman blames his tools, but even the finest craftsman will bitch at you if you expect him to drive screws with a hammer
Would you mind providing a single example of a game that's ruined by bad controls?
Sometimes they're just bad, yes.
People who criticize tank controls however are just casual niggers.
That analogy makes no sense.
looks like pui pui
he looks like he belongs in the namek saga
>I personally think so.
Play The Last Guardian, controls suck dick.
It depends on if the controls are bad as a matter of opinion (unconventional control scheme due to game mechanics, odd but usable function placement, interpreting a game's physics/floatiness as control-related) or if they're actually fucking bad (input delay, large analog dead zones, inputs that actually fail to register, etc).
Yes controls are definitely important. Aand if enough people criticizes that game for it, then saying the controls takes away from the experience is a valid criticism. As a great man once said " the most important part about any game, is being able to fucking play it." -avgn
>Is bad controls ever a valid criticism for a game?
Nigga you know it is
There are a lot of resentful shitters out there that just want to offload their feeling of failure onto whatever scapegoat they can. I've known someone like this, the first week we played SC2 he thought every race was overpowered and found many opportunities to complain when he was getting stomped. It's things like this that really spell out that you can't handle your own feelings.
To a point. People complain about RE4 or God Hand controls, but they're not bad, just unconventional. The idea that controls can't be bad though is just silly.
>Is bad controls ever a valid criticism for a game?
>tfw I enjoyed Kid Icarus Uprising but couldn't play past the first stage of Star Fox Zero
damn that is not a good look
>are shit controls worth complaining about
Take BOTW. Having run mapped to the bottom B button and Jump mapped to the top x button it just awful. Not only that, but they give you an option to reverse these buttons and nothing else.
It changes the dynamic of the game, just in itself. No longer are you going to be running and jumping on the fly. It's such awkward placement that you're often going to be doing one or the other, and rarely combining the two functions unless it's explicitly required.
Don't get me started on targetting.
>it finally targets
my worst interaction with bad controls is prob dark souls at sens castle
>heres some pseudo platforming and movement sensitive areas
>you see these jumps? hold down sprint then double tap to jump and be forced to do a roll afterwards
fucking genius
If their controller has drifting or some stupid problem like sticky buttons than it's not their fault.
They always make an excuse.
A lot of older games have bad controls. Goldeneye 64 for example. Using the c buttons to aim is one of the worst controls imaginable, doesn't mean it's a bad game though
So many people ITT replying yes, without providing any examples.
Your comments are meaningless if you can't back them up.
>Every indie game where you can't rebind your keys while on an AZERTY keyboard
>Games like Fallout 4, where for example you throw a grenade when you press a button a bit too long, instead of binding it to a different key for people who can afford a keyboard
That wasn't very hard.
>Is every single person who blames "bad controls" for sucking at a game a shitter? I personally think so. In my experience, even games with tricky controls can be mastered with minimal practice.
>Is bad controls ever a valid criticism for a game?
>I didn't live through the Atari, 8-bit, 16-bit or 32/64-bit eras.
Fuck, you just have to watch AVGN to get a comprehensive list of unfair controls.
Don't you need to be 18+ to post here?
Well, in most cases I would say bad controls is a hindrance to the experience rather than ruining it entirely. Some examples off the top of my head:
Mario Sunshine - The camera angle really fucked with the gameplay and perspective
Phantom Hourglass had pretty annoying gimmicky DS controls, among the other ds games this applies to,
Although I've never played it (my brother has)- Skyward sword is said to have been to ruined by the motion controls.
Most of the time. It depends what they are complaining about. If they are complaining about the controls being non-standardized or not what they expect, then they are impatient.
If they are complaining about responsiveness, then that's a problem.
I beat Killzone 2 on the hardest difficulty when it came out and it was brutal. But only because the controls were so slow. I wouldn't blame anyone for walking away from that.
There is also the army of Wii and Kinect games that flat out don't work as well as they should.
And again, I think it becomes a problem when a significant percentage of the player base has a complaint about the controls. see Now adays, companies have learned from the shitty controls of the past so it isn't as widespread a problem, but back in the atari- ps1 days, it was more detrimental. (see dick tracy, superman 64)
>using low quality gifs with 20 frames over 2 seconds
webm you cretin
>Skyward sword is said to have been to ruined by the motion controls.
Everything is ruined by Nintendo's sub-par motion controls.
It depends.
End of thread.
Man this isn't even about racism. It ain't about ableism.
That is a duck.
check your privilege that is a proud crocodile who don't need no toofbrush
idk man red steel 2 was pretty friggin sweet, that and wii sports i didn't really mind the motion controls for because it felt natural, fluid and responsive
>Is bad controls ever a valid criticism for a game?
Of course it is. It's not an excus for you being shit at the game, but it's a valid criticism nonetheless
>Is bad controls ever a valid criticism for a game?
Let's put it this way, I don't think a single person picked up Dark Souls 2 or 3 and went "oh yeah jumping is O + direction + L3 that makes perfect sense and is not awkward at all"
If bad controls no longer bother you that means you play too much vidya. Sure you can get used to it, but you can also get used to shitty graphics and bad sound and glitches and the humiliation of being caught playing bejeweled on the train
I get the feeling every time I see this picture the quality has gotten a tiny bit worse
Literally just playing need for speed 2015, holyyy fuck the steering is janked to shit
People from Africa actually look like this?
It is a bad game senpai, you just grew up with it so you don't see it that way.
Imo goldeneye for the gc is way better
I'm sure this guy got sat on as a child
I felt the same actually. I loved jumping in Dark Souls 2, but hated it in Dark Souls.
Final Fantasy 15. Hear me out.
The combat is fine, no real control issues there. But the problems are the following:
1. Jump is the same button as interact. Which is totally fine, if you didn't have to have the utmost precision when trying to interact with something. Now, when your camera is slightly off from the interact able object, you jump, have to wait for the animation to finish, and try again. Shit is obtuse
2. The control scheme is different for walking, driving, and chocobo riding. This is generally fine, but simple things like opening menus just become tedious. Now I have to remember does the touch pad open the menu or the map (ds4), does the o button jump or sprint? Of course these are ameliorated when doing that action for a time, but every new instance of driving or riding it's just a strange adaptation that really would have been made better by a little more control consistency.
Overall, I sincerely feel ff15 would have been a better game with better controls.
dark souls 2 guard breaker and jump attacks had an impossibly small input window on KBM
>Is bad controls ever a valid criticism for a game?
Yes, if it makes the game less fun to play.
Having to fight the controls never makes for a pleasant experience. Can it be done? Sure. Is it enjoyable? Fuck no.
>In my experience, even games with tricky controls can be mastered with minimal practice.
Then your "experience" is limited to games with only slightly inconvenient controls.
You don't know shit about bad controls until you've played Chinese bootlegs.
almost entirety of my time playing fighting games was spent using analog stick
everything became so much easier after switching to d-pad
All these fucking casuals.
Your argument is that noticing the flaws in final Fantasy 15s control scheme makes me a casual...? Maybe you're just an apologist. I even clarified that it would just make the game better, not that the game was hard or something. Illiterate faggot.
Found the Dark Souls II and Castlevania: CotM fan.
>first post is a food analogy
I disagree that bad controls isn't a valid criticism but yeah anyone who sucks at a game because of it just sucks at games
I'd fuck the shit out of this pretend negress if it weren't for the fact that she's already race mixed with some disgusting brown goblin.
Although red hair is negro genetics, she's actually a blonde who dyes red.
StarFox Zero's controls created such a barrier for me that I was never able to fully enjoy the game. I always felt like I was constantly fighting my controller rather than flying an arwing :/