>Sup Forums said this game was goty
>its actually shit
what else was Sup Forums wrong about?
>Sup Forums said this game was goty
>its actually shit
what else was Sup Forums wrong about?
buttmad third world pc faggot or whatever
there's already yakuza thread you idiot
You must hate fun
>what else was Sup Forums wrong about?
Apparently thinking that you wouldn't have shit taste
They pump these garbage games out every year. A good game isn't made in one year.
Never buy yearly rehash weeb games.
And it's also got a sega logo on it, telling you it's trash
>yakuza 5(2012) - yakuza zero (2015)
>every year
What point are you at in the game, OP? Have you learned any combos yet?
Have you ever played the previous Yakuza games or Shenmue?
While I wouldn't call Yakuza series shit, it's not something everyone gets into, people started to play 0 because of normal-fag youtube shilling.
Games are getting shat out each year and have barely any improvements, they got lucky with 0 but not with 6 which is true colossal shit.
Her head is too big for her body.
>a contrarian says a game is shit
>it's actually good
whats with these depressed faggots? Go get laid.
It's just a leaf or aussie shitposting about Japanese games
/vint/ was a godsend
Sup Forums is wrong about everything as usual
Mass Effect Andromeda is my GOTY
of course he fucking hasn't, this is Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums says a game is good
>dislike it
>talk shit about it
you could just drop the game and play something else you know?
pic unrelated?
>different animation
>different overworld and minigame
>different equipment
Sup Forums was wrong about Zelda BOTW.
What did i mean by this?
>falling for Sup Forums falseflaggers and shitposters
>falling for Sup Forums shitty taste
Why would you listen to Sup Forums? are you mentally retarded or just 12?
Care to explain why OP?
>tfw you realize she owns the empty lot
>tfw you see the bat tattoo
Fucking oda , I didnt see those plot twists coming. Also this game made me glad Dojima dies at the start of Y1.
Man 0 has the best story since 2
Had Shibusawa been as good as Ryuji it would have been the complete peak
>start Legend playthrough
>have to protect Miracle Jackson
>blast most zombies with the objects around, Miracle's at roughly half health
>right in front of the yakitori restaurant
>four zombies spawn at once
>right in front of Miracle
>unrelenting, get one of them dead, knock all of them down
>bicycle breaks
>all of them attack Miracle at the same fucking millisecond
Honestly if this was the last chapter of the Kiryu saga it would have ended on such a high note. Makes me excited for Kiwami though its a shame Yakuza 6 ended up so lackluster.
The Kiryu saga could have ended at 2, 3 or 0
Honestly 4 seems like they added Kiryu at the last minute. He has much less to do with the plot compared to Saejima and Akiyama
just started Sup Forums said this was GTA but set in japan all i've seen is like an hour of cut scenes followed by holding R2 to follow the guy and a shitty minigame. I just stopped here because the game is garbage.
>GTA in Japan
Sup Forums never said that
>Sup Forums said this was GTA but set in japan
Everybody in Yakuza threads says that this isn't the case. Sup Forums is literally the one place that does not spread this misconception.
0/10 - not even close
I hear the subtitle for 4 in Japan was "Successor to the Dragon", so they easily could have cut him out outside of having him whip the newcomers heads into shape. It would have been better than seeing what happened to the plot with Y5 and 6.
Nobody ever said that. They might have said its viewed as highly as GTA in Japan, but the two arent even identical in terms of gameplay or mechanics.
Besides, why would you buy a game without even looking up if its your cup of tea?
I have never seen someone on Sup Forums say it's like GTA