H-holy fuck!

h-holy fuck!

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How is this legal?



>supporting poopoo gimmick hardware

Brazil posters should be shot

Making money of the promise of being able to play a Nintendo game on other hardware?

This could go on and set a precedent towards making emulators illegal. Good job, guys.

L-Law suit any day now guys!

just like the last time people sold emulators?

oh wait..

hmm let's see... hmm.. I can take a switch anywhere and play for up to 3 hours... hmmm let's see if I can do that with 2 monitors a 80 pound pc,cables, and desk
Oh right I can't

Sony already tried to sue a for profit emulator and lost

this has to be some odd kind of money laundering

>80 pound pc


On average it's less than $5 per patron, if every patron paid $300 each for this emulator, it would be $2,211,000 a month

is this real? so coding some shit on a PC for a month takes 30000 bucks lol

They sure love to play zelda.
I don't.

generally about how heavy a pc weighs if you are a gamer

I'd do it for free but i dont know how to publicise it

user... You're not implying you actually play videogames outside of your own house, are you?

Well I don't "own" a house but yes, sometimes at work on breaks I will play video games.

is this a meme or something? its like 1/4th that

the point is it's too heavy to lift and impossible to play quality video games mobile

Are you saying,you often play your Nintendo handheld in the sight of public? Is this what you are telling me?

Everything is worth what ever people will pay for it. Manchildren desperately want this kids game on their PC and will pay $4+ a month to see it happen.

I'm just left wondering why people are donating to these cunts and not the RSPC3(or whatever it's called) team, the PS3 had like ten times more worthwhile exclusives on it than the WiiU did.

Joke's on you, I have a gaming laptop with 8+ hours of battery life while gaming.

>this with some rocks added inside is generally what a "gamer" pc is


Is there some kind of problem with that?
Choose one faggot, those things cost as much as a car which only faggots buy

How much drugs do you think the development team is wasting on this money? They're probably smoking a shit ton weed.

>playing games in public
>not a problem

don't forget the whores

Their donations multiplied by like 10 times since they showed they could emulate Zelda.

Sigh, this is what PC gamers always hide behind. You're almost as bad as women who would bother me at work and ask me about shit I didn't care about. Do you know how hard it is to play a game while some woman blabbers at you about shit? Very hard. It's my time not yours and no Pokemon GO does NOT I repeat does NOT count as a video game.

>Paying for emulation

And BotW is still a buggy mess.

>Choose one faggot
Why? I got it cheap and a while back. It's not like I bought it only for children's interactive pixel movies.

Only faggots buy a switch, which is basically a 300 dollar toy.

Stay mad, viadinho.

this is why noone will touch your penis, you know that right

Delete this thread, sir.

They're not paying for the emulation, they're paying to get it first.

I do agree, only retards give money for something that is free and doesn't cost a dime to develop on their free time.

>All these suckers paying for an emulator so i don't have to.

You pay more for your phone you upgrade every year, why not get a switch that has QUALITY games? Oh right I forgot "muh pc"
>I can't argue so LOL SEX!!!
I forget how simpleminded some people can be

>Wants it to be done on the developers free time and not them working 8 hours a day

Why do you want to wait longer instead of shorter to play video games.

I used to take this attitude until I got a decent job. Now, a few bucks a month to support something I like is totally cool. I don't donate to cemu but there are a few cool content-driven patreons I have no problem giving a few bucks to a month for them to churn out quality content. I make $30/hr, who cares about $5/month?

>tfw you bitch at piratefags all the time so they would buy games and support the industry while being piratefag yourself and reaping the benefits

>he doesnt know


hows the Xbone emulator doing

>You pay more for your phone you upgrade every year
But user, I don't upgrade my phone every year nor do I pay over 150€ for one. I literally got my first android phone last august.

>why not get a switch that has QUALITY games? Oh right I forgot "muh pc"
Why would I pay 300 dollars extra for a toy that has "quality" games that I can play on my computer?
A 300 dollar phone is justified, because it makes life easier. A switch just makes you a victim of marketing, since it's literally made for nintendo-only vidya.

t. virgin

most people on patreon are too lazy to work a real job, not sure what great content they produce worth even 5 bucks

>make nearly 400,000 a year off cucks
>nearly no actual expenses except a low bandwidth site to pay bills for

let's be honest the devs are going to strip clubs with the money

>pay to steal

really gives my brain the quick rundown

>quality games
You mean multiplats and inferior ports?

>You pay more for your phone you upgrade every year
Speak for yourself i get years out of a phone and don't replace them till they are falling apart.

I'm finished "talking with you"
That has nothing to do with it

I donate to the primitive technology patreon, which only bills when new videos are posted. I really enjoy the videos and don't mind donating.

>people still give money on pateron and other memefunding sites
lmao just wait a week or pirate it


So how much does a PC running CEMU shit properly like Xenoblade/Zelda actually cost? I'll wait for Bayonetta to get a PC port

>Pay for a 4 dollar ski mask
>Use it to help you rob a million dollars from a bank
>paying to steal

>waiting a week to save five doll hairs

only worth it if you're poor senpai

>You pay more for your phone you upgrade every year
I buy a newer iPhone every 3 years, and its usually used and for around $200. I then brick it by writting random shit to nvram and replace it for free with a new one at the Apple Store.

Cemu is not theft. Cemu does not directly support the act of theft any more than an actual console does.

Cemu is software. Creating software is not illegal. Giving people money for creating software is not illegal.

What IS illegal is how the user uses it, which the Cemu team is not at all responsible for, in the same way that Smith & Wesson doesn't get charged with murder, and JIF doesn't get charged with bestiality.

>I'm finished "talking with you"
But I just came into this thread.
>That has nothing to do with it.
Keep saying that.

>bleem went out of business
>somehow think Sony is the loser here
>meanwhile CEMU devs are making 3 million and no one is betting an eye.

>he's unironically paying for something that's free

>all those people failing the marshmallow test
Humanity's doomed I tell you.

I hope this is sarcasm. Stop wasting your time at a job you hate playing shitty games and do something with your life.

So, new build when?

I'm over with this thread, PCgamers keep kidding themselves they are better because "emulation". Sorry if you aren't a true gamer... Some of us are.

>lmao just wait a week or pirate it
Does it even count as piracy?

>implying I pay for cemu
But if I wanted something seven days early I'd have no problem paying $5 for it because I'm not a poorfag.

You don't even have to wait, you can pirate cemu d1

People post a link to the latest version in these threads every single time a new version comes out. There's no need to wait, there's no need to pay money, you just need to get it from someone who HAS paid money.

emulation is illegal and gets shut down all the time

taking money for it is lol, just counting the days until the feds are on it.

that's one cool cat

Bleem! going out of business has nothing to do with Sony. They were just pants on head retarded with their marketing and pricing.
The only one comparing who is better is nintentards while crying "m-muh 300 dollar toy purchase is justified and pcgamers should off themselves".

I know this is bait, but still.

He doesn't notice it's all up for grabs through torrents and directDL as soon as it's released.

Based Team Cemu doing their best to get emulation outlawed, eat shit PCfats

>Bleem! going out of business has nothing to do with Sony.
Except it did?

Emulation is not illegal and never gets shut down due to that reason, you literally do not understand what you're talking about.

Sony has tried to sue 2 emulators but the lawsuit failed because it wasn't illegal. However, the people making the emulators went bankrupt from legal fees, despite not having done anything illegal.

>He doesn't want emulation for no reason
>When all the WiiUs in the world are gone or all of the games, he doesn't want to still be able to play WiiU games on his computer

>emulation outlawed
You'd have to outlaw so many other pieces of software that it would never go through.

You cannot outlaw intellectual property.

>YFW Someone gets a working Switch emulator out by August

>lol i troll u xD

But you can just buy the remake or hd version for full price

you get to buy the same thing over and over again and you should be thankful


They got a free pass in the past because they were literally doing it for free. Making money off of patreon changes everything.

thanks for proving my point, build your clay hut in the jungle yet user?


>So how much does a PC running CEMU shit properly like Xenoblade/Zelda actually cost?
Realistically? No less than 1k buckaroos if you buy ALL of the components, including a monitor and an OS.



Emulation such as CEMU is already very illegal

It won't be a working Switch emulator. It'll be a working BotW emulator.

They focus so hard on one game that their updates break previous games. The previous Zelda was perfectly playable in earlier versions, but now it isn't.

It's only 2 people with $30k a month pressuring them to get this one single game working. Do you really think they can get the whole library working?

lana rain

>80 pound pc

how do I achieve this?

>there's no problem with playing handhelds in public what are you talking about?
>yes I am a virgin what does that have to do with anything?
really alkalines my water

I own a 760/i5

>Switch system seller is now playable on PC

No it doesn't. When Dolphin, the Gamecube/Wii emulator, was in earlier development, it also made people pay for it.

It still exists today and is probably one of the most successful emulators since vidya took the step from 2d to 3d.

>donating money to a channel with 4 million subs
im sure they get by just fine user

>closed source

Enjoy that nintendo lawsuit up your ass, CEMU fags.

It really isn't. See

>all of this effort to play MAWREEOH and fucking Zelda

kek, are you niggers serious?