Why has console gaming turned so awful?

Why has console gaming turned so awful?
I switched to predominantly PC gaming right near the end of the PS3 and 360's lifespan.
Yesterday someone set their xbone up in my living room and we tried to play vidya. Here's how it went.
>He takes it out of his backpack
>Oh neat, no power transformers, just an AC cable and HDMI, that's better than the 360
>It turns on, and immediately asks to switch from 1080p to 4k, cool it autodetects technical settings
>"What's your wifi password user?"
>I'm not autistic so I give it to him
>Do we have to connect it to the internet?
>"Yeah it works better"
>Can we try just playing co-op?
>Start Borderlands 2, it's cool how they allow emulation of old games, that's new and convenient for xbox
>Game immediately asks him to log into xbox live
>He enters his info
>Profile cannot be downloaded at this time
>Well that's okay, we can just start a new game
>We start playing, framerate is a bit choppy, some graphical glitches
>Xbox notification pops up that he was now signed in
>Xbox notification pops up that he was now signed out
>Suddenly game switches from splitscreen to single player, no pausing, no warning, just switches
>"Let's go back to the main menu and try this again, I guess"
>Sure, I guess
>We started without signing in because it wasn't working, so no save
>Start over completely, now signed in
>Get back to maybe 5 minutes before where we were
>Game makes a screeching noise and freezes
>Have to restart xbox
>Restarting takes much longer than I remember
>"Lets play a different game"
>Tries to start up Rocket League
>Xbone prompts him to sign into xbox live, again
>He signs in, oops error, can't sign in

>Quits to dashboard, can clearly see that he's online
>Can access store and friends list
>"Let's just play some gears co-op"
>Sweet, I used to love gears
>Syncing game data
>Syncing game data
>Syncing game data
>Syncing game data
>Syncing game data
>Game data can't be downloaded at this time
>Okay well we can start wherever your local save is, right?
>"I dunno, let's try"
>Please sign in to xbox live
>He signs in
>Syncing game data
>Syncing game data
>Syncing game data
>Game data can't be downloaded at this time
>"Wanna watch TV"
>Sure, grab me a drink
It was just super disappointing. Nothing has gotten easier or more convenient. This isn't how technological advancement is supposed to work.

Nice blog. Liked and subscribed.

They decided they wanted to be PCs/multi use systems but because of being consoles they can't offer as much but still took all the bad stuff, and made it worse because they're closed systems.

The Xbox one is the worst console no shit you were having problems.

itt stuff that never happened

So always online is still their thing on Xbone. That sucks, but then again, there's nothing to play on there.

PS4 and Xbone are garbage, news at 11.

Because custom hardware stopped being viable. With that came comparable hardware prices to desktop - with that came low-spec systems.

You need additional selling points to justify the low-spec system, especially because marketing heared that the ps2/3 sold with their dvd/bluray advantage, so they dumped in every bullshit they could find and hoped some of it would end up as a killer functionality. This ended up being at the expense of game functionality.

Data mining was also needed to make the whole affair less of a losing game, so they leveraged online capabilities as much as possible, but without spending the money to make it not suck.

this is complete bullshit

1.No it's not and never was.
2.Nice meme my friend.

this happened to me and a friend too
>buy rare replay
>go over expecting to play perfect dark co op right out of the box
>we have to wait 2 hours for every game to download even though we have the disc, so we just watch a movie instead

literally what the fuck

All PS4 and Xbone games require an install to HDD to play since a HDD will load faster than a BD drive, and so they can cheap out on the speed of the BD drive to save money.
Sony made their downloads only require so much before you can start playing while the rest downloads, and installing from disk can happen as you go, Xbone requires the whole download or the whole install before it'll let you play.

>bought switch
>place dock in the main room
>have two roommates in my dorm flat
>roomie knocks on my door
>"wanna play some vydia, user ?"
>plug it in, use controller, roomie takes joycon grip
>play fast RMX for two hours
>have fun

I am going to buy mario kart in a month unironically, because i never bought a WiiU, so it is going to be completely new to me.
I will admit Nintendo fucked up a lot with the switch, but the social and convenience thing worked out pretty good.

Games consoles aren't purely for games anymore.

They're there to extract and collect data about your online behaviour and habits.

>Sony made their downloads only require so much before you can start playing while the rest downloads
same with Xbox desu

BL2 came with my Vita and I tried to play it on the bus but it wanted an internet connection and wouldn't even let me play single-player.
Xbone has really slow disc and it's annoying.

Don't connect your Xbox to the internet and you will have a better experience

If you have the disc, it only takes like 5 seconds to install from disc to hard drive. You don't need to download anything.

Oh my mistake.
Could have sworn at launch I remembered hearing the install times for Xbone were way worse than PS4.

It's the same shit on ps4, you're just a Nintendo fag trying to feel special.