ITT : Characters that want to gargle our MC's cum
ITT : Characters that want to gargle our MC's cum
What about characters that regularly gargle on our MC's cum?
I seriously, seriously hope she doesn't end with Varl
Avad? Fine. That drunken fagggot Erend? Whatever. Vanasha? Sure why not
But never Varl
The guy is willing to die for his people and is one of virtue. Youll discredit him because he's black?
Which is more virtuous? Ben Carson the black surgeon, or Jeffrey Dahmer?
This game was a thing right?
Avad literally drops this pickup line on Aloy.
You know she's dropping her unwashed savage panties for him the moment all the PLOT in the series are resolved.
I guess Avad has a nice brown sheen in his skin. But he doesn't have the African aura of domination. Varl could snap this nigga in two hahahahahah wtf is this nigga even hahahaha
Reminder Avad actually stormed Meridian and toppled his dad's regime prior to all this.
Varl might as well be a goat herder.
With the help of a load of armed guards, not like he did it on his own.
I mean come on look at the guy.
>So ehm, after you take me back to my place, how about we do some... overtime?
Wait. The game hasn't ended yet?
They guy used a bunch of other people to do it. Even one of the guys who were instrumental in getting it done became insane and did a bunch of shit. He also needed help from Erends sister God rest her soul ;_; God that was such a phoned in partalso i don't believe in god
the aesthetics of this game is so off-putting
3 million people disagree :^)
I really, REALLY hate the aesthetic of this game.
I love that guy's band
I do too, everyone looks like wax figurine.
I liked Nil for Aloy
Really? Hate it?
Nigger I don't care about you waving your purdy grafix at me when the costume design is garbage and the monster design is worse. High-fidelity vomit doesn't become beautiful.
>4 years ago.
>can clearly see each polygon on the ear and bald head
??? ???
>cut out the lower part of the screen because it looks atrocious.
It has, people just haven't actually managed to finish playing it.
I dropped it after ~30 hours.
>the Sun's rising
is he referring to morning wood?
>can clearly see each polygon on the ear and bald head
??? ???
>posts wax figurine
really gets the noodle doodlin'
Just imagine what could have been
>t.nintenbro who has to deal with ps2 tier graphics
>a white woman with ethnic defining facial traits for a white woman is feminism
I guess this lady is feminism too?
The lady in your picture looks fine to me. I don't get what you are trying to say?
You can bet she will be riding the Bull by the third game.
screencap this.
Niggers are willing to die just so they can steal an ounce of copper from a high voltage power-stations.
Nothing about niggers being niggers is impressive.
Not very discreetly either
she has strong white features like aloy. The pic I replied to is titled "aloy before feminism".
It's fucking retarded. Aloy literally has the features of a typical nordic/european white woman, but that's considered "feminism" because on Sup Forums anyone who doesn't look like a same face ayy like their animu is "sjw".
She doesn't look like a monkey though, so that sort of invalidates your point
>don't show any interest in whatsoever
>don't flirt or show any indication you like them
>acts like you've been lusting for him
Virmire'd his ass so fast.
pls don't go
neither does aloy you fucking memeing retard.
>hurrr your real life example isn't 1:1
kys retard.
Considering she literally has no reaction whatsoever whenever he fails at trying to get her attention, and also chastised Avad, but openly told Erend she'd make time for him after the game was over, I'd say Erend won the Aloy-Bowl.
>neither does aloy you fucking memeing retard.
Jesus christ have you people lost all touch with reality or how real women look?
Holy shit, they even got his pock marks. Good job Guerrilla.
Nah, Avad immediately tries to go after the big fuck who leads the robots at the end, and he was going to do it shirtless and with no back up.
Avad earned his kingdom and clearly had the respect of a lot of very capable fighters. He didn't get it from making other people do his work. He was manly enough for Erend's sister, too.
This is how you come across to any girls you might interact with desu
>Jesus christ have you people lost all touch with reality or how real women look?
The irony in this post is beyond amazing.
>implying aloy doesn't get with EVERYONE and then leave after the kids are born.
Sun Kings have a harem. The queen you save is not Avad's mom.
What is it with PS4 shills that when you say "aesthetic" they think you mean "the strength of the software running the game" and not "the design philosophy behind how the characters actually dress/behave"?
When is the expansion going to be? because the game hasnt even tackled the whole reason of the story... who attacked Gaia Prime 19 years prior? That was the real question, without that the Sub Systems would not go rogue nor would Gaia be forced to birth Aloy.
I'm 100% certain that's sequel material. The DLC will either be some kind of Rost prequel or where you play as some other character or just some little arc after the game is over.
You posted the wrong fish. Link and Sidon is the canon pairing.