Join the room and share your favourite vidya music

Join the room and share your favourite vidya music


Other urls found in this thread:








>nobody joins

Did i make the room too early?




this happens

it is possible you might have fucked up the link

Nigga just put dub and track together

>This room is private. Sign-up or Log-in to join with the password.

It takes literally five seconds to register,you can even use a temporary mail.

I still don't have the password

you can use your throwaway twitter account you use to follow shithead e-celebs if you're the type
also the password is vidya


There are no passwords


And if the room ask for a password (it shouldn't) just put in "vidya"

Seems neat to me, have a bump

what game?

Bulk Slash



I miss aesthetics like these so much



Oh fuck I loved Geppy-X






Come on faggets






Stop talking about your waifus and join

Don't open

Magic doesn't exist skelingtons do




>this room is private
You're a retard nigger, OP.

You should be able to join regardless,anyway try now.










>Register in this shitty site
>Music limit of 6 minutes.

Fuck you. Heres what i wanted to post

6 minutes is enough

