Say something nice about nu-Sam

Say something nice about nu-Sam.

Looks like he forgot to shave this morning.

He's the most handsome Sam and his game was good.


April's fools is over user.

He's cute!

He's right on both counts though.

On opposite day.

Oh user, you're such a trickster!


He's a dick to everyone and is angry all the time.
I couldn't really care much for him.

I'd preffer Michael Ironside's Sam Fisher over that one any day. Even the one in Conviction.

Blacklist was a really good game though, and if the story wasn't so bad and the upgrades didn't make the game super easy, the game would be top tier.

>people unironically think any splinter cell game released since chaos theory is good

Double agent (depending on the version) wasn't complete shit but after that the series functionally died

>He's a dick to everyone and is angry all the time.

In his defense, his best friend was in a coma, they had to race against the time to stop terrorists who were mostly one step ahead, his team consisted of a hipster numale, a woman he hates, an arms dealer he hates and a wannabe, and he probably operated on little to no sleep, I can understand him being a bit intense.

No, is the trickster.

Conviction was garbage but Blacklist went back into the right direction, just do a max difficulty non lethal run

It's uncanny.



If they REALLY wanted to do a young sam, why didn't they make a prologue to the whole splinter cell series on how sam was still in Seal Team six before the whole Echelon thing?

Sam isn't really young in Blacklist, he's definitely portrayed as a veteran.

This, Sam did nothing wrong.

>younger face
>more gray hair

Blacklist is the best horror game of the past 10 years, get over it.

Beloved Chaos Theory is babbys first stealth game just like fucking MGS3, Pandora Tomorrow shits all over it anyway.

BL is good on the hardest difficulty. Really good. You cunts just love to bitch. Also gotta love how the main issue and complaint is


Nigger go read a book if you want characters.


Clearly meant to type stealth obviously


I can't. At least Conviction let you smack Grim around.

Why did they change grimm from a butterfaced computer geek into a half-baked, edgy antagonist?

>Almost the middle of the game is filled with dialogues and expositions
>G-go read a book if y-you want characters

Regardless of the ingame contextual reason for his behavior, I'll give you three guesses on how fun and interesting it was to watch this gruff hardass interact with people. Just kidding, it sucked and was boring.

Stronk womyn

I was more pissed off about how they brought back Sarah. Her death would have made the more brutal and angry Sam of the later games more understandable. As it is he's just a grumpy asshole in Blacklist for no reason.

They should have left him alone at the end of Conviction and gotten themselves a new protagonist.

You should be the one reading a book judging by how badly you butchered that sentence there, foreigner.

Not an argument
I'm a spanishfag, btw

The first smack was business, the second was pleasure.

i'm still pissed that they gave you the option of shooting Lambert or shooting that bad dude, yet Lambert still dies and is never mentioned again

also, Sam becomes an emo and infiltrates that terrorist org in DA just because he's suicidal and can't deal with her death, and then, poof, here's Sarah she's alive, it was just a prank bro

Ubisoft took a massive shit on the story line (and the series as a whole) post CT, which also coincides with the launch of the 7th gen, what a coincidence

Conviction is basically a John wick game and the COOP was probably the best in the series because of the ending