How many hours in are you ? Anyone sick of the game yet? Update us anons
Comfy BOTW Thread
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Drones are cancer.
>125 hours in
>65 shrines
>64 korok seeds
>beat the main story
>working on side quests and exploring.
22.66 %complete. I don't see 77.34% of game left in this game.
>Skeleton Lizalfos arms work like boomerangs when thrown
>Moblins up in an enemy treehouse camp started throwing the explosive barrels at me
>Blue Chus drop elemental jellys when killed with elementsl weapons
>Pebblits can be picked up and thrown to kill them instantly
This game, man
You can kill Pebblits in other ways?
>upset pro controller doesn't have headphone jack
>remember my tv does
>run long cord from that to me big headphones
Really gets you deeper in the game
Did DSP ever finish this game?
is there a recipe compendium for stuff you've made or have you just gotta remember that shit?
>fighting enemy
>a small flame has started on a log
>shoot arrow just above log
>catches arrow on fire and kills enemy
Every single Korok constitutes 0.8% to the map completion percentage.
Better get hunting.
>77.34% of game left in this game.
About 50% of that is the korok seeds and shrines you haven't found. Rest is side quests.
I'm nowhere near sick of it but I think I just have to beat the game and let the ride end for now.
There's tons of great games out or coming out and every time I play something else I just want to go back to Zelda.
I'm 85 shrines in and I've got 203 Korok seeds with two divine beasts. Every time I play I get sidetrakced and wander around for eight hours. I can't wait to come back and do a completionist run later when all of the DLC comes out.
0.8x900= mathematically impossible
Playing on Switch with Pro controller.
110 hours in, haven't even uncovered the whole map yet and even the I regions I have mapped I still haven't fully explored. Absolutely blown away by the ambition and execution of this game. The best game I've played in the past 20 years. Thank you based Nintendo.
I think it's kind of sad but if you set a pebblit down instead of throwing it it will struggle for a second and then slowly stop moving and explode.
110 hours, 113 shrines 260 koroks, 2 shrine quest left, 15 side quests left, 42 % done
>Stalmoblins will occasionally throw bokoblins at you if they're in the general vicinity.
>Bomb arrows absolutely annihilate swarms of keese with one arrow.
>If you parasail over to lynels, you can land on their backs and mount them for 5 free hits before the battle begins.
>Just having the flamesword or great flamesword on your back will melt ice.
>Wearing the Dark Link or Luminous Skeleton sets with automatically make villagers scared or assume a battle stance.
It's weird really. I love the game and it feels like I can keep playing forever, but anytime I end up going to the top left part of the map (hebra?) I just want to stop playing because the place is boring as fuck.
Oh what? Gonna go try this next time.
About 130 hours in, 115 shrines, 200+ korok seeds.
I've been stuck on this shrine quest for days. I can't figure it out. Am I retarded?
I've been spending hours searching for the twelfth photo memory as well. I've searched every wood in Central Hyrule at least twice and it is no where to be found.
I'm using a guide to get to the last 20 shrines remaining. Am I pathetic?
just go on the platform and on ur knees, whats so ahrd about it lol?
Holy shit I feel the same, Hebra is fucking depressing, I hate it.
I've got 5 left but my resistance is waning. I'm also missing 4 sidequests and I'm pretty sure I've met everyone in the world.
Over 100 hours in, all shrines, all main quests, Ganon beaten, 458 Koroks. I'm done, I don't want to turn the game back on anymore. I'll just wait for the DLC
I wouldn't say I'm sick of the game, just kinda bored. Trying to find the last 30 shrines without a guide is really slow.
I also know I won't want to replay the game so I don't mind this first playthrough taking a really long time. A second playthrough just won't have that magic, that feeling of exploring the unknown.
Anyone over 125 hours yet?
which is the strongest armor?
About 60 (stupid switch only tells me "65+ hours)
Not sick of it at all, 2 beasts done, half of the map not open yet, can easily go for another 60 bours.
Also, where do I find that gay horse? Does it drop rupees if I kill it?
there are quests that only trigger at night or day
Did you take all the pictures? If so, crouch on one of the platforms. As for the photo memories, best thing to do is go around the Stables in the central Hyrule province and ask the Kakariko guy.
In terms of defense the fully-upgraded Soldier Armor and Ancient Armor have the same amount, but the Ancient Armor has set bonuses while the Soldier Armor doesn't.
Champion tunic
I'm at 115 hours but stopped playing. Wasn't bored or anything, just don't know what to do next.
Just use a hammer
you find it north-east of the Bottomless Swamp in the woods at the rock
Open your anus and put the disc or cartridge inside.
I see ragdolling Moblins still kill the framerate a bit even after the patch. I wonder what the specific problem with them is.
They do the same if you hold them for too long, too.
It says "when the two find their place" so I thought I needed two of something like apples, palm fruits, shrine orbs, something. There's only one me. And how is crouching kneeling? I'll give it a whirl. Thanks for the advice user
I just bomb them
I personally think the combat system is a bit.. boring.. about 40hours in and im done with it for a while, good game for sure but 98? Man thats a tough one
Before yall get your panties in a bunch its only my opinion and in no way will affect your enjoyment of the game
Nigga there's a villager that literally sits there and tells you what to do.
How's it boring, user?
I agree with you in the combat system in that it can be boring, but because the game is more than fighting I guess I don't really mind.
also nice b8
No i agree that the exploration is top notch, and its definitely one of the best games ive played in a while.
I just personally felt that the combat couldve been a bit more.. exciting, and no i dont know how it could be made more exciting its just how i feel, and dont worry, this isnt the only game that has a boring combat system after 40hours of having fun
I got way more fun than id usually get for 60euros
Dude, 64 korok seeds after 125? You suck.
>that entire lost woods sequence
>that music
>that miyazaki-tier entrance into the korok grove with all of the koroks watching
>that entire trying to wield the master-sword sequence (especially when you fail)
>the deku tree actually has the least shitty VA in the game
new favorite moment in the game tbqh bros
Probably because it very simple.
I have a shit ton Bokoblin horns. What can I craft with these?
sell them and buy ancient gear
I think this game is probably the best 1st play through of any Zelda game, but probably has the worst replayablitly.
Where's a good place to find Energetic Rhino Beetles?
I just did the lost woods bit last night, and that shit was fucking amazing. Coolest vidya moment I've experienced since I was a lad.
I completely disagree on the Deku tree VA though. I thought he was laughably bad.
i thought the VA for the king, ravioli and the deku tree were all the same?
I still like it quite a bit. Feels a lot more physical than other games like this. I think with a few tweaks it would actually have really good combat.
You can use elemental arrows on chu chu jellies to change their color. You can also just drop them in areas where the weather is the color you want, in the case of hot and cold. Don't know if you can get lightning to strike it to change it to yellow, but I wouldn't doubt it.
i dropped a tree on one and ny game nearly cŕashed
I haven't been looking for them. If it's obvious there is one I'll stop.
About 65+ hours, got 6 shrines left and then I am heading for Ganon. Gonna finish it up just on time for Persona 5 on Tuesday.
Korok forest is probably the best area in the game because you spend the most time there doing stuff that matters as well as the whole area exuding its own personality. Also the best looking area despite the shitty frame rate.
I very much enjoyed the combat but there weren't really any areas that it shined. There's a solid foundation for them to build on for the next game though.
Well, the last shrine I did was that fucking motion control one, and it sucked ass.
I'm told I have to find some special locations in a collection of photos, but I can't for the life of me find them. Where the fuck do I go? I was standing in front of that split canyon or whatever it's called, and still nothing.
Favorite Area to explore is...
140 hours and I'm pretty much done, unless I feel bored enough to go Korok hunting some day in the future. All shrines, all memories, but only like 200 Koroks. I think I'm good until we find out what the DLC holds.
55 hours
72 shrines
120 korok seeds
2 beasts out of 4, currently climbing death mountain, I fucking love this game and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it, just like OOT, it's just so full of life and things to discover, I love hunting koroks and dropping stones on their heads, so fucking cute, also I just did the zora sidequest where you inspect the slabs and discover their story, the fucking feels man, Zora are as always the best race.
>65 hours
>114 shrines
Did you look up a guide or something, thats way too fast. Im at around 70hours and only have around 75+ shrines
3D. Ordinarily I like games such as Seiken Densetsu 3, but I don't like 2D Zelda. I got bored with Attp pretty quickly.
140 here, beat the main quest, got about 90 shrines and god knows how many korok seeds.
Not sick of the game, not even bored with it. I wasn't impressed with the boss fights and wish they'd have leaned on the sheikah aesthetic less but I'm still enjoying the game immensely.
It's weird, I know the game isn't perfect but when it works it just works so well that I can't tear myself away from it. I nearly failed this past college semester because of it
I got to about 102 before using a guide. As I said, wanna get it finished before P5.
The sea. That area with the bird that plays an accordion.
>finish the Tarrey Town quest
Oh my god I loved it.
Faron tropics/Necluda. I'll probably never visit a rain forest in my entire life so I'm grateful for this game to be able to explore it.
Lanayru and Necluda
Is there a way to see how much time I've sunk into this game or are all you anons just guessing?
You know you can kill ganon easily at your level right? You have more than enough hearts, you probably will cheese it if you have barb armor. I actually recommend not killing it too fast.
whoops lol, meant for
What custom armour and colours are you guys wearing?
I've only dyed the whole stealth set white, but plan on making the hylian hood red...
He probably means 0.08
I've only been playing it at my friend's while he houses me during my contract work because I got laid off and don't have a place of my own right now besides my parents'. The contract is done, I'm on my way back home. I won't be able to play it for a while. Hold me, /v.
Ragdolling is such a bullshit concept anyway, I wish Nintendo hadn't included it.
Wii u has a game timer
You have to stand pretty close to the exact spot the picture was taken and a gold area will light up for you to examine. Check the picture against what the area looks like to see if you need to back up or change the angle.
on switch go to your profile, shows you there (after a week anyway)
>That ending
Kekked pretty hard tbqh
they're all obvious as fuck tho.
After 51 hours I decided to just beat it. The Ganon fights and ending werr pretty lame.
Now I'm waiting for Persona 5.
Alright, thanks. At first I thought maybe I had to take a picture of it or something. Did that and to no avail. Clearly I'm not standing in the right place.
Sucks being the only one who just started this, because everyone is way past this point. Feel left behind.
in your profile
switch too
Speaking of cold, I just got to some mountain where that fucking cold resistant armor doesn't work. How do you forge cold resistant food again?
>just started playing
>black bokoblin oneshots me
are they avin a giggle
>anti-fedora shrine
I got BLACKED by those guys as well. I think it's their special spiked clubs or whatever the fuck they use.
that's the game's way of telling you to learn to use a shield
Does anyone know if enemy damage is just their weapon or base damage+weapon damage? It'd be pretty lame if moblins and bokoblins did the same damage with the same weapon
Bugs for elixirs or spicy peppers for food.
b-but ive only got 2h weapons
That's the game's way of telling you to dodge or space yourself right.
Breath of the Wild Zelda should be: According to my research, semen contains every vital mineral the body needs. How could I not swallow.