New Kirby game to be revealed April 27th for Nintendo 3DS.
>The game itself first involves a world map representing a themed set of worlds. Rolling the dice results in either Kirby,Bandana Dee,Meta Knight or King DeDeDe moving to the appropriate space on the board. Depending on the landed space, the player must clear a level in that particular world, defeat bosses, or enter shops, among other things. On some zones, Magolor appears and if any one of them manage to meet him , he will drag them some spaces back to an arbitrary location. Moving the players in the game is similar to playing a Japanese sugoroku board game.
New Kirby game to be revealed April 27th for Nintendo 3DS
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A day too late user.
Puyo Puyo X Kirby when
>kirby party
I hope not
>The levels themselves are simple platformer segments. In these segments, the characters must traverse from left to right (and sometimes right to left), while avoiding hazards and defeatingWaddle Dees, Poppy Bros or other creatures. In order to defeat enemies,The Players their respective forms of attacks. i.e. sucking,hammer, etc. There is an overall difficulty level of "medium" to the game; providing frequent breaks from the low-difficulty horizontal scrolling action stages with mini-games that have a high level of difficulty.There are also powerups such as Spicy Curry(energy) and stars (in-game currency). In a few cases, a powerup is a trap.
It was posted on Futaba Channel.
Sounds dumb, but honestly we're more likely to get another Kirby spinoff next rather than another core game. A weird Kirby party game is honestly not that impossible.
>Moving the players in the game is similar to playing a Japanese sugoroku board game.
>The levels themselves are simple platformer segments
I hope this turns out just as good as Robobot was. I'm getting skeptical now. More Kirby is always good though. But I never really liked Mass Attack.
april fools was yesterday
Waddle dee.
There's has never been a eingle bad Kirby game.
Prove me wrong.
Mass attack
squeek squad
rainbow curse
>Mass attack
Mass Attack had Kirby SoS.
It's forgiven.
Tilt and tumble
The 2 flagship games
>Canvas Curse
>Squeak Squad
>Mass Attack
>Planet Robobot
>Pinball Land
>Dream Course
>Tilt 'n' Tumble
>Air Ride
>Tilt 'n' tumble
>Air Ride
I'll fuck you up m8
>Shittalking Amazing Mirror
You fucking take that back right now.
>playing boardgame spinoffs on a portable
Why does Nintendo keep pushing this?
Fuck this shit, I can't think of a single game that uses that concept that I actually found fun as it ALWAYS drags out.
I even like Monopoly, and Sugoroku is way more tedious than that.
Squeak Squad is nowhere near bad. It's just as good as the other main Kirby games. How did that meme even start?
All good to average. Try again.
Rainbow Curse
Squeak Squad is..okay.
It does have the worst last boss though.
It's an opinion, not a meme.
It must have been really bad because I actually can't remember it at all.
Squeek Squad is just average in the realm of Kirby games. Doesn't do anything particularly good or particularly bad.
Yeah. That's how bad it was. It feels more like a midboss then. Well. A Kirby last boss.
wait,is this the game we are getting for his anniversary ? a board game ?
i was actually expecting a mainline kirby game
>Star Stacker x Puyo Puyo
Just so I can listen to this bitchin final boss theme again remade.
Sounds like something trump would say
Anime Dedede is similar too
>Bandana Dee
Is it wrong that I want a Robobot sequel where the Robobot armor can scan even more powers?
>no Robobot armor fighter copy ability
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Weird how it hasn't show up on the anniversary page, even characters like Gryll, Adeleine, and Marx have made appearances.
Wait a minute if this is a board game and they only confirmed 4 characters to be playable, wouldn't that means there would be more existing playable characters? Who /SqueakSquad/ here?
this we need kirby's avalanche 2 badly
>no Robobot Water Ski ability
I really want that to happen.
Pretty sure that's just a hoax posted on 2ch
rainbow curse is the only bad one
anyone who disagrees hasn't played it
I want a Souls-like set in the Kirby universe.
This. I want to see the return of Kirby's trash talking.
What do you mean by "Souls-like"?
It wouldn't be a too far fetched idea. Heck it could even work if done properly.