What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Has a main saga FF title ever been so...lukewarm? Nobody talked about it, it just kinda released, it was mediocre as fuck and nobody gave a shit.


Where you living under a rock?

The production and eventual release was discussed to death. We all know what went wrong; bad management.

I think everybody is just glad we are finally done with Lightning.

I tried making a thread when the Gladio DLC came out and it couldn't even break 50 posts. People really don't care about this game

Probably one of the worst parties ever seen in a RPG.

Who the fuck would want to play as a fucking boyband?

I think people are done with Final Fantasy on general now

I liked it when I played through the game, but the DLC just isn't enough of a reason to revisit.


>We all know what went wrong; bad management.
Exactly, even tabata admitted it

It's a spin-off that was brute forced to be mainline and lost nearly everything that was interesting about it in the process.

What else is there to say.

E3 2013 Trailer,

"I can't stay any longer" said Nomura through Stella, "My heart won't let go" said Noctis who represents the player, us. "Don't worry about me (Versus XIII, Nomura). Live your own life".
"The world we purport to know is ever changing ending as we speak. So it is and must be for all existence." (Versus XIII is ending) And at the end : "you want the truth ? it's complicated".

E3 2013 Trailer has been a goodbye from Nomura you fucking faggots, we didn't deserve his Final Fantasy. Fuck.

>tfw you watch that trailer and realize the truth
>tfw that trailer is Versus 13

>tfw we could have gotten FF13vs but Nomura wasted his time making trailers and tech demos
>wasted almost ten years doing this bullshit
>gets off scott free while everyone blames Tabata for having to put together a game in less than three years because SE had a contract to fulfill

It's decent, story was pretty bad though. They clearly struggled to implement open world and the story they wanted to tell. Also end game combat is pretty terrible. I got the collector's addition on sale for like $70. I'm just going to wait until all the dlc and story patches Come out before playing it again

redpill me on the XIII fiasco

XIII was worse.

You can love or hate the writing in the final fantasy games, but it's a fact it's the very core of these games, and to have the plot take a backseat was a massive mistake.
Zelda can get away with it because it's plot was always light and more of an excuse to get the game going and tie it together. FF simply does not work that way.
Hopefully next time they'll manage to find a balance between the shitshow that was 13 and the garbage that was 15.

Lmao stfu.

It sounds like with The Last Guardian where when the hype simmered down people saw the product for what it is.

Plot was literally never a thing until VII
Even then, I haven't actually played anything from VII on, so I'm doubtful even those games have good plot

Gameplay was shit and it had no waifus in your party

>Plot was literally never a thing until VII

I do not understand you and this is coming from a person that can stomach almost any story in FF as long as the combat is even slightly fun.

final fantasy is an overrated series with only 1-2 good games. no wonder dragon quest is more popular in japan

Still better than 13.

4, 5 and especially 6 had really good plot, presented from different perspectives and in a meaningful way. They consolidated and generated tropes. Plot was always a thing.

Good job showing you give a shit you bored fucking loser.

FFXV is great but flawed.

An expansion that extended the game about 15 hours and gave you insite onto the minor characters would have saved it.

The current DLC looks decent but not exactly what the game needs.

>but the DLC just isn't enough of a reason to revisit
>Ringed City released at the same day
>multiply threads non-stop

You seem to be upset

All of the first 6 games were literally nothing more complex than
>Gather crystals and defeat evil boogeyman
>Topple evil empire and then possibly also a behind the scenes puppetmaster
>A combination of the above two

The latter 3 games focused a little more on characters, but that didn't make their plots any less simplistic

I would disagree besides the fishing. However that is enough to make you correct.

>FFXV is great

Nostalgia fags think FFVII-X is good but those games are boring as fuck.

I farted. That's how upset I am.

They're still better than XV.

Are you retarded? Plot was the focus of every Final Fantasy besides FF1 and the original FF3.

Shit story. It's sad when the spin off Final Fantasy from 2016 (World of Final Fantasy) has a better story than the mainline Final Fantasy released in the same year.

FFXV was a spinoff that got spun off into being a mainline title. Everything from the story to the gameplay was changed to accommodate the change in branding. The game's development, design, and the way they responded to demos and pandered to western gaming tastes makes it clear that Tabata had no actual directorial vision and was simply a fixer assigned to finish the game and get it off Square's back.

>Has a main saga FF title ever been so...lukewarm
Do people just remember X through rose tinted glasses?
X is the progenitor to all of the subsequent FF's problems. Linearity, horrible characters, nonsensical story, overdesigned models... X was so bad I decided to stop playing FF games for nearly a decade.

I bet if they announced a FFXVI tomorrow people would flip their shit.

People like you make me think everybody on this site is a joke.

I haven't really liked one in over a decade, but there was so many of them that were good that I can't not be a fan and get excited for a new one.

Only because they're slaves to the brand. They'll keep getting burned over and over and never learn.

Not that user but how so?

Shit thread. Fuck off

Like Kingdom Hearts fans.

Hello Emu.

Star Wars is the second thing there so it's plot must also be shit

How's it like to be fourteen?

All I was talking about was how plot nearly always took a backseat to gameplay with those games, and the only ways in which it didn't were the shitty times in IV and VI where the game decided which party members you could use for you through often fucking retarded contrivances in the story
