What does Sup Forums think of Absolver?
What does Sup Forums think of Absolver?
Another fucking Souls clone? This has to stop already.
Watch the video. It's nothing like Souls.
"God Hand meets Dark Souls"
9/10 It's okay.
Looks more realistic than DS but more loose than for Honor.
I really don't Know if that's good.
>online game
And into the trash it goes
>third person camera
>lock on system
Its literally a dark souls ripoff holy fuck kill yourself
You can only discuss per-approved AAA games on Sup Forums or ones with anime waifus.
Fuck off.
Not just online, online MELEE game
Yeah no thanks, I don't want to be 10 feet away from the enemy and get hit. I've been dealing with that shit since 2011 and I'm done with that forever
>You can be a mentor to another player and teach them moves you know
implying that automaticly makes it bad.
>oh its 3rd person combat so its a darksouls ripoff
yeah sure and every game with ego perspective and guns is a counterstrike ripoff
It isn't just that. Look at the bottom left of the screen. The game also clearly looks like it is going for Souls style level design. Not in look, how it is structured.
Dark Souls did not invent the quick-use cross
Looks pretty interesting.
If the mechanics they're talking about are actually present in the game I'd gladly buy it.
this!!! There is even a healthbar and everything and everyone knows Souls invented level design
yes it did I didnt see this shit in skyrim you fucking retarded faggot
Jesus if a small hud element is enough to make a game a ripoff, than any game with health bar is a Dragon Buster ripoff.
Why is everyone wearing a mask?
That screen shake on everything is really annoying, other that that, could be okah I guess.
i've actually been wanting a fully martial arts based souls game so I'm ok with this. It looks JUST BARELY new enough to warrant existing.
But I can tell you right now, the world looks like shit I'm afraid. Part of what makes souls actually entertaining is exploring a beatiful post apocalyptic world that is packed to the brim with detai. Absolver, like all other souls clones, seems to be lacking in a nice looking world.
Also, fighting samey looking humans over and over looks dull.
>inb4 bane jokes
It seems like exploration is less important and pvp is a lot more important than in Souls games.
I highly doubt think the levels and environments will be able to compete with anything from Souls games.
From what I've seen so far, I think npc enemies are just there to fill the void, you are supposed to be constantly running into other players and either fighting or helping each other out.
By far the most interesting thing for me is the combat deck and different martial art styles. The rest isn't too exciting I'm hoping it's just because they've only shown the first level, we'll see.
This is so dum. Overgrowth is gunna be out any day and that is way better then this game.
Probably a requirement for those striving to become Absolvers.
so The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a Dark Souls rip-off?
Overgrowth's combat system is shit. It's too fast to be satisfying and feels like you are not really in control of it, just giving general directions to your character.
>youtube overgrowth
>bunny men
>close tab
Fuck you retard.
But is there voice communication so I can play I'll make a man out of you while training my apprentice?
But it's not?
I swear, the day that everything being an online game starts to end will be the day vidya quality starts to slowly climb again.
Imagine what kind of game this could be if they chose to make it an actual story game not not some ninja arena game that will last a week.
Overgrowth's combat is focused more on the ai and how to trick or outsmart them, than the actual combat. Which is why there are no combos or shit like that.
But you're definitely in control of your character, completely disagree with that point.
What, you've never played a game with anthropomorphic animals? No Crash? No Gex? No Ratchet & Clank? No Sly? Seems like a boring childhood.
What are chances the PvP is peer-to-peer?
>Narrative focus would make the game better
You are partaking in the wrong medium, friend. May I suggest movies or books?
>every action game is a souls clone
This has to be the most annoying thing about soulsbabies
The combo builder looks like Remember Me.
What I meant is that you can't dictate the pace of a fight that much. It's a very reactionary game rather than an active one. The combat focuses on countering way more than attacking.
>multiplayer fag teaching anyone about video games
Was gen 7 your first console?
What's wrong with pong?
My first console was the Master System and my last console was Playstation, newfriend :^)
>online action
third person Zeno Clash?
What's wrong with Mario?
And you think pvp arena game is better than game with actual level and enemy design?
I think that both qualities can exist at the same time, and making claims about things like level design based on limited footage is retarded.
You will be fighting masked people at all times, but gameplay variety is more important than visual variety, and all the possible combinations of styles that the enemies can have ensures gameplay variety.
Their character modeler can't into faces.
Looks like that WHO CONSORTS WITH BEASTS game but with worse combat. Also this made me long for a new Zeno Clash game for some reason.
platformers? yes. a serious 3d action game? Nah you're a faggot my main man :)
Why is it acceptable for platformers and not action games? Bloody Roar was a fine fighting game.
>Context sensitive fighting game
You should be able to throw punches when and towards whatever you want, not just when there's someone there to punch. Overgrowth does not realize this.
I'm interested. Reminds me of Blade Symphony.
>all these people saying it isn't a souls clone when it clearly is
Just because it is focused on hand to hand combat doesn't mean it isn't another by the numbers Souls clone you fat neckbearded autists.
this, probably
Saves a lot of time
But because it's in third person and has a lock-on it is a Souls clone? lel
>Overgrowth's combat is focused more on the ai and how to trick or outsmart them, than the actual combat. Which is why there are no combos or shit like that.
That's Lugaru. Overgrowth is that plus simplifying all fight to a single button.
Honestly it seems like I would dig the shit out of this.
just like escape from Tarkov, its deal breaker for me, I dont mind a multiplayer experience but thoose games will most likely be dead within a year so its simply not worth it, plus I'd rather have an actual campaign/story.
I didn't know there was gameplay out
I'm reminded of God Hand
Here's hoping they have some joke moves you can humiliate people with like the yes man kablam
>Tfw haven't played BS in like 3 years
Is it still active?
When will games have proper netcodes, and home constant internet aka sub 50 wire ping?
QUICK, Sup Forums!
Masks are my fetish.
thank god i'm not the only one who thought this with the art style and the animations
i'm having hopes for the game as a for honor substitute
not him but last i heard of it, it was very dead
and that last time wasn't even recently
When people are prepared to pay subscription fees for p2p connections, you really think any company is going to waste time and money with proper netcode?