Verdict? Also, is Gael the most tragic character in the series except for maybe Artorias?
Verdict? Also, is Gael the most tragic character in the series except for maybe Artorias?
Artorias was a simple fuckup.
Good dlc but I thought midir was way too tanky and was kinda boring in the end.
Only good parts of the DLC were that the areas looked cool and Gael was a decent boss fight.
The only way in that its better than AoA is that its twice as long.
>couldn't beat midir
it's good but also short and still rehashes a fair number of things
But Midir is best boss.
>Lets attack player when he's talking to npc
I refuse to believe Miyazaki has anything to do with this shit game design. This reeks of Tanimura retardation all over again.
This part pissed me off too.
Hopefully Miyazaki is hard at work on his new IP.
>staricase full of annoying fatass hp sponges
>leads to fourth swamp in the game
What did he mean by this?
Is this a meme? He's yet another giant 4-legged enemy where the best tactic is just to run under him and hit his back legs/tail over and over. Except this time the boss has a retarded amount of health and shoots a le epic godzilla lazer :^)
>Miyazakifags STILL in denial over DaS3
incredibly dissapointing, I'm 100% sure something went wrong during DS3's dev time which made them have to rehash like never before, how do you make 3 great games and then this?
You can't stay under him because his fire attacks reach you.
Dark Souls 3 is the best Souls game. Prove me wrong.
Demon's Souls was mediocre, Dark Souls turned to shit after O&S and Dark Souls 2 was a pile of unique shit
Whats the probem here? If you have any trouble with those guys quit vidya forever.
Ringed City had awful design. It was aimless, had TWO fucking swamps, and four instances of "peekaboo"
It wasn't fun when Amana did it in Dark Souls 2, it wasn't fun when Djura did it in Bloodborne. And it's not fun when the angels and the archers do it in Dark Souls 3.
If you run to his tail the fire wont reach you my man
Aren't FROM working on 3 new games? I'm almost positive this DLC was made by some backup team and Miyazaki is working on the new big FROM game
The level design in this DLC was embarrassing
>the best tactic is just to run under him and hit his back legs/tail over and over.
This sounds like you didn't beat him. That's possibly the worst tactic to beat him.
>Fucking slave knight gael
Fuck this gay fight, by the end phase there's so much shit happening on screen that it's fucking impossible to keep up
Dark Souls 3 doesn't have a single original bone in its body.
>nu-Sup Forums playing vidya
they just watch some epic Let's Player like Pewdiepie shit and pretend they played the game.
That's really inconsistent, sometimes you'll end up getting hit. The best way to fight him is staying close to his neck and dodge the melee attacks, and run away from him when he breathes fire.
>some raggedy literally who hobo is the culmination of all of our efforts throughout the series
>some shoehorned bitch with an egg is the only thing holding the fabric of the universe together
>she was never once mentioned before this dlc
epic meme, simply epic
soul of cinder was the last boss of souls series, not gael. are you really this dense?
The bosses have either bloated hp or way too high resistances. Even on normal ng the fights take fucking years with weapons that don't hit like a truck. Decent figths but everything has way too much hp.
And ringed knights deal way too much damage. The longsword faggots dealing more damage with the fire combo than soul of cinder is retarded.
>some shoehorned bitch with an egg is the only thing holding the fabric of the universe together
I'm glad it's over.
I want Miyazaki's new game.
None of the Souls games have an original bone.
Dark Souls and it's sequels rip-off Berserk while Bloodborne is a shitty lovecraft rip-off.
There is nothing original or creative about the Souls series. I'm surprised they haven't gotten sued for plagiarism yet.
Gael is in my top 5 boss fights in the whole series along with Artorias, Nameless King, Champion Gundyr and Fume Knight. Godtier boss fight which also quenched my Berserk boner to booth.
>he didn't understood Gael's purpose
demon prince 7/10
church faggots 5/10
midir 9/10
gael 10/10
>Midir 9/10
>Not 3/10
>thinks Gael is good
>doesn't have any BB bosses in his top 5
Every time he explodes and throws shit around just run as far as possible to fight him somewhere else so you don't have to worry about lightning.
>thinks Gael isn't good
>talking about BB in a Dark Souls thread
DaS3fags are THIS delusional everybody
>cross between kalameet and sihn that only takes damage on the head is somehow bad
If you played the Old Hunters you have literally no reason to be impressed with Gael.
Gael had some good lore but was ultimately way too easy. I feel like anyone who is having problems with him is just too greedy or can't dodge shit.
Pretty good. TRC > Crowns > AotA > AoA
Bloodborne didn't have as many good bosses as DaS3.
I've had Dark Souls since shortly after release date and this is the first time I see one of these things. What the fuck is this?
If you have to fight the camera more than the boss, it's not a good boss.
Yeah is this. You wouldn't believe how many faggot hosts I see walk right into the lightning shitstorm and die
Some people still think it's random where the lightning strikes because they're fucking retarded
When we gonna have "Ultimate edition" or how it would be called, aka base game plus all DLCs plus some tweaks and such?
Or we already have but I missed it?
The bosses in BB's DLC are better than anything in DaS3. I will agree that the base-game of DaS3 has better bosses than BB's base-game.
Apparently if someone loses a bunch of souls and doesn't recover them, that thing spawns in other players worlds.
A neat little concept but I've only ever met one so it's nothing really.
though this won't be splitting the userbase like sotfs did
There's an npc at the door. If you simply climb up the stairs and talk to the npc, eventually 2 fatsos will walk up to you and start attacking, even if the girl at the door is still talking.
To talk to the girl with no interruptions you have to kill 3 fatfucks that start at the bottom of the stairs and slowly climb up.
It's like no one even play tested it.
Oh shit I remember seeing one of those equipment things. Aren't they related to dropped equipment that doesn't get reclaimed or something? And then it appears in another world and you can get the equipment that was dropped?
He becomes laughably easy once you realise he breathes fire only after the wide claw swings. Once you know when to run away in advance and get free hits every time its just a matter of how long his healtbar takes to empty out. Phase 2 barely adds anything new to the fight.
Anyone else have their Gael with a fuck hueg HP bar and can't hit him reliably for more than 200 damage?
My Gael has more HP than Midir.
>Gargoyles except one of them lights on fire and shits fire and lasers everywhere
>Old Monk 3.0 Gankspank Edition
>Kalameet 2: Kalameet Harder
>literally Artorias
Great way to end the series after 8 years, From. Fucking Christ. I can't wait for you guys to fuck up Armored Core again for the umpteenth time.
>i just want some attention so im gonna shitpost a little.
DLC is fucking good. It's been a while since i dont get so excited during a bossfight.
Shit. Like DS3 itself and the whole series too.
shit of cinder is gone by the time you skip forward in time
>gael's purpose
no, i understood it just fine. it's still retarded
A vagrant. They're randomly sent to the world of another player if someone loses a particularly fat bloodstain, or if someone drops an item and never picks it up. There's a bunch of insanely detailed mechanics controlling how they work, what they drop, where they spawn, but the basic upshot is kill them for a few souls and some item or other, and be very careful with the evil kind (has big crab claws), they have a magic attack that will fuck you up.
>if you don`t agree with me you`re shitposting
Keep telling yourself that.
>do I fit in yet guize xD am I contrarian enough xD
Pretty good conclusion to the series but still doesn't top BB in my book
The Demons have nothing in common with the Gargoyles with the exception of there being more than one.
Gael has nothing similar with Artorias other than the fact that he jumps a lot.
Nice try tho.
This fight brought me flashback to the old laggy ways of the Old Monk in DeS
Ok, explain his purpose to me and why it's retarded.
So when will the game+DLC go on sale for $20 or less?
>tfw friend just got me Ringed City + Ashes of Ariandel
>tfw playing through the starter areas
What's a really fun playthrough/build you can start from High Wall? My Exile's + Heavy Large Club was lots of fun but I've done High Wall to Farron Keep so many times that the magic of playing isn't there unless I do something totally new
>with the exception of there being more than one
That's the only similarity you need.
>Gael has nothing similar with Artorias
it's a knight with a big sword that gets corrupted by dark shit. jumps a lot, big slam attacks, has an annoying ranged attack he throws out instantly
Gael was good but way too easy.
Twin demons were dickass twins.
Midir was a fucking sponge.
The open shirt faggot was a faggot.
Around the same time you lose your virginity
>fighting Midir in Ng+4 at level 120
bruh this shit takes ages, fuck me and "muh peeveepee builds"
He's just a slave. There are many like him. He found a new calling unlike most and tried to fulfill it. He found you to bring about the fire. And he found the Dark Soul and made pigment from it, all that was left was to take it to the Painter, the only thing he failed to do.
do the swamps slow your movement? god I fucking HATE HATE HATE levels like that.
>fuck me and "muh peeveepee builds"
NG++ here and barely won with my level 300.
>made pigment from it
He didn't though, the dark soul had dried up so eh absorbed the pygmy lords, you actually had to kill him to get the blood
We barely know a thing about him, why would it be tragic let alone the most tragic in the series?
AotA is still my favorite dark souls dlc, simply because it has the best boss lineup. Manus and Artorias are literally at my top 5, and Kalameet at top 10.
But TRC get close, not only because all the bosses are great, with Gael being my favorite boss of all souls, but I really like the areas. I think that the areas in TRC are the best in any dark souls dlc so far, and much better than the ones in AotA. I love the way they look, I love the enemies, the ringed knight specially is my favorite mob to fight ever, and I love to explore them. Both Earthen Peak and the Ringed City it self are super fun to explore, the angels for me were not that big of a deal, and just made more interesting to go back to the area and find the stuff I missed. I just didn't like the first half of the Dreg Heap, the one that's supposed to be the ruins of Lothric.
I loved the Lapp side quest, maybe a bit too hidden and hard to finish, but the conclusion for the story of the long lasting hollow out there, was really good.
Midir could have been a better boss if he was smaller, too big, made him quite annoying to follow sometimes. kalameet did dragons better imo.
The only thing I missed was a good conclusion, a cutscene or something, the dlc left me wanting more.
It's really not. Just run past his tail every time., Then run in, dodge his tail swipe, and smack him in the head. He's pretty simple.
>That's the only similarity you need
>Ornstein and Smough are just like the Gargoyles
>it's a knight with a big sword that gets corrupted by dark shit
So basically like 90% of the enemies in the game
>jumps a lot, big slam attacks
What the fuck did you expect, nigger? Him pulling out a fucking railgun?
>has an annoying ranged attack he throws out instantly
Artorias doesn't have ranged attacks and none of Gael's ranged attacks could be considered "instant".
>let's cut out the only good armor set in the dlc that'll be an epic prank lol!!!!!!!!!!
>Artorias doesn't have ranged attacks
The one where he flicks whatever dark slime shit at you.
I don't know what you guys see in this set, it looks tacky as shit and wouldn't make much sense for a silver knight to have different armor no matter how eccentric he is
are you literally regurgitating these arguments to yourself while you play the game or you only do it in here to show us how much of a contrarian and "tired of the dark souls meme" you are?
we used to have decent souls threads in this place. but oh if the game doesnt matchesyour waifu pandering standards then it surely must be garbage.
Gael is at the very least an 8/10, and you know goddamn well that Midir isn't reaching anywhere above a fucking 5/10, and it doesn't even deserve that
That's how I beat him, stayed under him the entire time.
He only has three attacks that can reach you there, the fire breath, the tail swipe and the dark explosion.
Keep an eye out for those three attacks and you'll don just fine.
When he goes on his hind legs run towards his tail and whack it a couple of times while he's breathing fire.
If he takes one step forward, then roll or block because the tail swipe is coming, and then run towards him and smack his head before going back under.
And when he does his explosion do NOT run towards his tail, it is certain death, instead run away from his sides.
And that's pretty much the entire fight.
He made pigment.
there isn't any
welcome to dark souls IIIā¢ have fun user
Was there a fucking method to the angels? There were a couple points were you just COULDN'T avoid getting shot and just had to take the hits, meaning squishy characters are fucked.
Running in a circled helped a bit but then I just had to hurt myself at that very last bit with 3 of them and hope for the best.
the legs and gloves are really nice
i'm sure the helmet would have a giant neck gap like the other silver/black knight sets though
they fucked fashion up in this game hard
No. One of the swamps doesn't even poison you, so that guy is whining for no reason.
Should I get Gael's sword or crossbow?
I don't get it, it's just as easy to attack his head m8. It'll chunk through his life bar a lot faster and all you have to watch out for is his swipe attack which has a very generous tell.
A lowly slave on a quest to help his niece paint a new world, spending centuries and losing everything in the process of finding the blood of the dark soul, knowing very well that he would lose his sanity in the process, which prompts him to guide you on your journey so that you could put an end to his misery and his quest and grant his niece the tools for a new start.
It's pretty fucking tragic.
Is this what Ledo is wearing? Maybe they will add it in the Scholar of the First Sin edition of Dark Souls 3.
6/10 I thought AoA was maybe just a misstep and decided to give them the benefit of the doubt but they fucking phoned it in again. Laziest level design in the game, linear courtyards and swamps. Bosses were pretty fun but still derivative (DUDE OLD MONK LMAO). More anime weapons with useless arts I'll never use. I had some fun but it was more like crack addict fun, It'd be lower if I wasn't such a slave to FROMsoft cock.
The sword is fun in pvp right now because nobody knows how to fight it.
And crossbows are shit anyway.
This. Fashionwise DaS3 was a huge step backwards from DaS2.
Keep telling yourself that my man. The truth is that you can't handle that a game that you like is being criticized. Kill yourself.