Find an actual flaw.
Find an actual flaw
Dumbed down league of legends with massive amount of RNG in place of actual mechanics
People will defend this.
Nothing wrong.
Nothing wrong.
Cyka blyat
the ancients one was a joke m8
the spics
Uphilling can make games take longer than an hour if the enemy team has good wave clear.
Luckily the banning phase can help out with that by removing Techies and Invoker.
It still hurts, user.
f2p turns the game into peacocking and russian/br kids playing on the opposing team.
Too many people play the singleplayer game instead of playing it with a group of friends
I'm not too fond of the recent additions like shrines, scanning, mangoes, and talents.
Not enough new heroes released
>Dumbed down league of legends
first post worst post
to add to that, since it's f2p I can't help but see a point in the forced-meta meme. It's just to sell cosmetics.
anybody still playing the game after this is either underage or a helpless addict with no control over his life
>f2p turns the game into peacocking and russian/br kids playing on the opposing team.
People always say that f2p is p2w, but peacocking is something I've never seen mentioned here.
>I'm not too fond of the recent additions like shrines, scanning, mangoes, and talents.
>Not enough new heroes released
They'd probably be shit or outrageously OP, guinsoo-tier OP
What were they thinking?
No, really. What were they thinking?
Making new heroes is too complicated, completely re-working the game with new mechanics is clearly easier.
Also those casting heroes? Fuck them. Shadow Shaman? Who's that?
Nothing, it's decent, just like most games gets boring after the first 1000 hours. Wish Valve would realise their multiplayer games won't last forever and go back to making single player games.
I know multiplayer games are more profitable but Gabe always used to moan on about how videogames are art, if only his actions reflected that.
The fuck does casting heroes have to do with 7.00 or Shadow Shaman.
>since it's f2p I can't help but see a point in the forced-meta meme.
What did you mean by this?
No season-based ranked matchmaking
Matches are too long and are soul draining
Too much RNG to be comfortable
Noob-friendly shrines and bounties that make the early game meaningless
English playerbase is pretty much nonexistant
I'm basing these off 7.00 though, haven't played since it dropped
Any game where you can "counter-pick" is dogshit.
>it's another thread about delusionals complaining about dota
I was told they're completely unviable. Might not be true though.
>No season-based ranked matchmaking
Why is that a bad thing?
it's not even fun with friends anymore
It's a MOBA.
>slavs / spics pick axe and pudge every game
>they get a few kills
>spam "COMMENDE COMMENDE Y QUE" and "EZ" in chat
Its a game type that overtook UMS on WCIII and created a cancerous community.
t. lolbabby
MM does need changes, early game does feel less meaningful but still matters a great deal to most heroes.
Everything else you said is a shit opinion.
>People always say that f2p is p2w, but peacocking is something I've never seen mentioned here.
Well that's because Dota 2 is one of the few f2p games that isn't p2w. It's more an issue with CSGO and tf2 than it is with dota though.
That you can't trust a company to not make the heroes with the newest cosmetics OP.
I heard about a lot of pro people complaining that they couldn't find games at 7k+
Also giving people multiple confirmations that they belong in 2k each season might just shut them up
Valve won't fix ranked all pick because muh cosmetic sales and every hero needs to be able to be played every match. The game is balanced around captains mode and is literally unplayable in all pick unless you have a 5 stack.
Never played league of legends, counter-picking is a mechanic that only bad people could ever think of as a positive. Anyone who picks easy/meta/counterpick heroes in a game is scum and probably cheats whenever possible in life.
>That you can't trust a company to not make the heroes with the newest cosmetics OP.
So like League then?
>People will defend this.
I wish
>he doesn't use cheat codes in real life
because the only reason they don't have seasons is because they sell it as a real money perk to be able to reset your MMR.
Apples and oranges
>That you can't trust a company to not make the heroes with the newest cosmetics OP.
Where were my Zeus buffs when his Arcana came out. It's not like they're buffing Juggernaut either or Monkey King.
It's not a bad thing but 2k/3k baddies think they can just calibrate higher. The reality is they tried something like this during TI6.
The result? Every 4k, 5k, 6k player gets matched with 1k, 2k, 3k trying to calibrate and it becomes an OBVIOUS shitshow of 4ks stomping 3ks, 5ks stomping 4ks and 6ks etc. Complete clusterfuck and uneccessary for people who have legitimately attained 5k and 6k MMR.
my team mates
Matchmaking is still a joke.
>You can buy all these different items in order to tackle the game depending on strategy
>What do you mean you didn't follow this exact build order? That's x4 reports for you
MOBA, boom! Got there!
The community is pure cancer and it's impossible to win a game on your own. But other than that it's the best Moba there is.
DotA isn't league of legends buddy.
t. 2k badkids, git gud shitters
Fuck you! Ya beat me to it!
Not as fun as Smite. People only play it because it's considered the most hardcore skilled one when 90% of the matches are 30+ minutes of suffering.
Now go away.
It's a moba
The level of time investment required to get good is the equivalent of a bachelor's degree.
I swear mods need to ban mass repliers
>game is supposed to be so deep that a bunch of team strategies are legit
>in single queue the only way you can play is hero brawling
>99% of teams are too retarded to do anything other than lane for 10 mins and run at the enemy team (with the exception of the jungler guy who jungles for 25 mins then runs at the enemy team)
>dumbed down RTS
>screaming shitskins in every game you play
>can't have fun unless you play with friends
My friend who was a 6k MMR addict even quit Dota after 7.00.
Now all he does is play shitty blizzard games and listen to touhou.
its not even playing with friends, you NEED 5 dudes. Anything less is not enough.
>hero brawling meme
>Now all he does is play shitty blizzard games and listen to touhou.
That's kind of where I'm at right now.
bless you user
Going by pub experience?
Its not that people defend it.
Its more a case that people don't attack the enemy ancient(and objectives)
So the ancient gets left alone, until either there is mega creeps, somehow a 5v5 fight happens at a base, or somebody somehow manages to backdoor/rat the T3(somehow)
Turn speed
>average match is 50 minutes long, not even counting the inevitable pauses caused by some ruskie/BR who has to reboot his wooden PC
I love Dota 2, but I just can't convince myself to set aside an uninterrupted hour just to play one match anymore.
I haven't played that one but if it's like the other MOBAs it has one of those damn item shops. I just hate that thing.
this on top of the cancerous community and realization that I'm not forced to put up with it and will never join a pro team or anything are why I just stopped playing.
I had about 2k hours. Stopped playing about a year ago.
The game is in decline. I expect this years International to have a decline in prize money unless Valve can squeeze out more $ per purchaser.
I can't put my finger on what went wrong with the game for me. The meta just shifted in a way that I didn't have fun, and then they made huge changes to the item shop and builds that I could never bother to learn.
Just play HotS now. Simpler and not as rewarding but also not as frustrating.
>Just play HotS now. Simpler and not as rewarding but also not as frustrating.
i'd call you a shill months ago but it seems like HotS's new playerbase are dotards that were completely broken by all the new changes and don't give a shit about anything anymore. the world is fucking weird
I had the same problem that led to quitting, although I left to smite instead of hots. I've blown way too much money on the game but at least it's fun. Only problem is you can run into completely brain dead players, even when you get past the hurdle of being low level.
>Just play HotS
opinion removed
>Noob-friendly shrines and bounties that make the early game meaningless
You stupid nigger that makes early game even more important as opposed to the previous just afk farm lane until your carrys can TFl . Now more characters can roam and keep up without having to risk being shit on so hard
It's the time commitment. Think about it, when you're queueing for a game of DoTA, you're locking yourself in for at least 30 minutes in a single game. Games of over an hour aren't rare, either.
The time commitment is bad enough, but then you factor in the fact that climbing back from a lost game is virtually impossible, whcih means you can easily end up stuck in a 30+ minute game you lost at 10 minutes. I can't tell you how many games I spent just banging my head against a wall trying desperately to think of a way to win it even though we were absolutely crushed at 5 minutes. Or games where we won at 5 minutes but were stuck slowly grinding away because you could always throw a game if you weren't careful, leading to a 30 minutes snoozefest.
So yea, I quit because I got tired of all the shitty matches I played. I want a challenge, not an easy win or a frustrating loss.
fpwp LUL
>haven't played since it dropped
>ITT people who have opinions about things they never tried
>might just shut them up
There is not a single thing funnier in this entire thread, I swear.
This. Other online games are much less time consuming, it's why I quit. I still have an itch to play but then I quickly change my mind thinking about those cumulative hours spent doing literally nothing.
It should be against the rules at least.
>single queue
found your issue. The SQ feature is like Online Mode in most fighting games, only there to get more people to play, not actually the way the game was meant to be played.
Also this.
>Pick wrong hero
>Fuck up somehow in earlygame
>Your team also loses mid and the other lane
>Literally lost at 10 minutes
>Enemy team is sticking to pushing their advantage instead of doing retarded shit
>But won't try to do 10-15 minute raxes or push their advantage
>30-60 minute game ensues where you can't comeback because they won't throw, but they won't fucking try to gg or take the T4 towers
maybe you should stop defending high ground fag
The moment your team even looks like it's losing, all motivation drops. No one cooperates, everyone does their own thing. There's always the person who wants to be the star of the show.
Even if you didn't, a single lane of creeps isn't realistically capable of killing T4 anymore, because they regenerate.
>be one person who stops doing it
>team reports you or get afk abandon
>get low priority
>tfw alt tabbed and killed one creep once every 5 minutes when the game was lost and I was a support
Jokes on them, they're screaming out of their lungs and I'm watching youtube videos
Just quit and play a shorter MOBA with surrender option if you're going to give up at the first sign of losing.
7.00 was a great update that breathed new life into dota and gave it more depth, allowed for plethora of diferent builds on hereoes that were previously pidgeonholed into a particular role, stimulated the tempo of the early to mid game, encouraged more roaming and active participation. the game is fucking great at this stage, both casually and competitively, DAC is proving icefrog right with every match.
and basically dota 2 right now is the best, most complex, and most demanding competitive multiplayer game on the market and only skilless shitters disagree
I agree even if this post is written or formatted poorly.