So it has been a month, whats the conclusion?

So it has been a month, whats the conclusion?

Well, for me it's the best Zelda yet.

>on release
>after a month

There are some minor issues with how the game handles story progression but overall playability, scale of content and how they managed to portray the open world genre (one of the most problematic genre) into an attractive piece of meat is still astonishing.
Maybe they'll finally ditch the infamous linear red thread of plot direction that haunted the Zelda series for so long.

Goty awards out the ass. Might shift a few switches to normies.

Champion's tunic is garbage
Green tunic is best
other outfits are cool too, but Champion's tunic is garbage

Incredibly refreshing.
Not the best game I've ever played, but then again, I don't know what I'd call the best game I've ever played.

It's definitely up there.

If we're rating it on a 1-10 scale with 10 being a literally flawless product, I'd give it an 8.

In terms of overall enjoyment and satisfaction with what they achieved, absolutely a 10.

Nice to see Nintendo embracing new ideas for once.

Best game of the past 20 years.

/v will never recover.

>shrooms, meat, acrons, apples
>not 1 hearty durian

What a poor chef

Climbing gear a best.

>hearty durians
>on the great plateau

Who the fuck cooks with acorns after the first ten minutes? Clearly that's his first dish.

It's great. I can't go back to other Zelda games now. I beat it on Wii U but I want it on Switch now.

How old was this fucking horse?


Mate how can he be at the start of the game on the plateau with the champions tunic? You fucked up.

I can only speak for myself, but it's the most fun I've had with a game in years.

He's also got Endura Shrooms in the pot, I'm just shitposting

This, well over a hundred hours in and it hasn't gotten stale at all

Easily the best game (to me) that has come out in at least the past 10 years

It was 10/10 for a week or so for me before dropping slightly to a 9 for me. It's not perfect, there are some glaring flaws, like the dungeons being pretty lackluster. I do give Nintendo credit for at least trying relatively new ideas and actually doing well with them.

The white horse is a descendant not the same one

>I was just pretending to be retarded

You can't escape my autistic attention for detail. Don't correct someone if you fucked up yourself.

If you think WW is better than this game your opinion is worse less than garbage. This doesn't mean that you have to think this game is perfect or the best Zelda, but if you rank them and you believe WW is above BotW then your opinion belongs in the trash

>Better than THPS2

Been a Zelda fan for 20 years. It's pretty average. I didn't enjoy it as much as the other games.

Still pretty good though, 7/10.

Give me quadruple the lore, an actual story, more than 5 songs on the soundtrack, side quests that aren't just 'fetch 50 of these', castle town, romanifu, actual fucking dungeons, and start me off in the green tunic and it's a solid 9.5/10



All the problems I had with the game would be fixed if the game wasn't as big. As it stands it's the second best Nintendo game behind Majora's Mask.

I guess someone would want a lesser BotW mixed with lesser OoT.

>caring about Zelda lore
>caring about Nintendo game story
>caring about Nintendo game romance
>caring about starting off in green tunic

the rest of your points are valid though

It's probably one of my favorite Zeldas, but it also doesn't feel like it "replaces" any of them. There's plenty of reasons to come back to BotW, but also plenty of things BotW doesn't do well (or doesn't even attempt) that I can revisit other Zeldas for. Honestly, I hope they reuse this style of Zelda for at least one more game, but I'd also be happy if a future installment was more in-line with the other 3D Zeldas.

I think the story is weak and voice acting, even if it deserves credit for not wasting your time. Honestly, they should have gone even further; no King, no flashbacks, you just kind of piece together the legends of these characters through how people remember them.

I think BotW is a better game, but I think they're about even considering how much I enjoyed them.

I'm only done 2 bosses as of now (Rito and Zora dungeons) and I'm currently at the Gerudo City trying to get the fire resist armor so I can go find that stupid thunder weapon for the brown loli so I can get to the Camel dungeon

Gameplay and Environments are 10/10 however they get dragged down by annoying pop ins and framerate drops when you have to face a mob.
Story has been meh so far however the cast is actually decent. I haven't had a problem with weapons breaking since I actually play the game properly but I sucks when you lose a good weapon since it can be semi-difficult to find.
Outside of that it's easily the best handheld Zelda while being an okay console Zelda. If it was better performed the game would be an easy 9/10 but it's an 8.5 for me as of now

I think your taste is garbage, WW does absolutely nothing better than BotW

It's a great game but the dungeon variety (especially aesthetically) is really lacking.

If they could find a way to do BotW's world mixed with classic style (huge / visually varied) dungeons it would be perfect for me

you don't need fire resist armor, just go straight to the Yiga hideout

>caring about Zelda lore
Sorry, I'm not autistic, and knowing more about the world allows with me to connect with it more and allows for better immersion
>caring about story
Sorry, I'm not Autistic, I actually enjoy the story, I've been invested in the characters for a long time, I like to see how the characters develop through different iterations in the timeline.
>caring about romance
I really don't, but I like my ranch girls

He probably means heat resistant.

Oh and also, sorry I'm not Autistic, I actually think the green tunic is very iconic and kinda serves my first point about lore better.

>Sorry, I'm not autistic
>but I think Zelda has interesting lore
>Sorry, I'm not autistic
>but I've been invested in Zelda characters for a long time

I don't want to be rude, but

Where is a good place to farm ~25 damage one handed weapons? I found out you can get three to four Knights Bows per night in south Eldin Tower Region by killing skeletons but I'm looking for a similar easy way to get one handeds so I can stop getting my ass kicked by the Zora Lynel

Thinking about getting it. How many temples/dungeons?

8.0. I won't pretend it's the best game ever, it has its flaws. But they don't take away too much.

>being interested in something for a long time means I'm autistic

I guess everyone in the world is Autistic, I didn't even know

I dunno, but I'm finding Royal weapons on mobs everywhere now. The loot seems to scale somehow with progress but I've got no idea what the flags are

Lynels are such fucking assholes. I had no issue with the ogre guys but Lynels are fucking trolls
>Spot you from hundreds of yards away
>Immediately rush you or fuck your shit up with elemental arrows
Fuck that shit I'm waiting till I get better stats

Zelda's lore and story are simplistic and designed for children. I thought Majora's Mask was deep when I was twelve, I guess.

Same. I haven't enjoyed a game this much since Xenoblade. Monolith did it again

Haha got'em.


Objectively it's probably an 8/10.

Subjectively I fucking love it, easily one of my favourite games.

One of the best games I've ever played. Even as a complete Zelda drone, I'm ready to admit every single game released since Ocarina of Time had some sort of glaring flaw (except for A Link Between Worlds which I also found extremely solid all-around), but Breath of the Wild doesn't. All I have are nitpicks.

Can horses die in this game? I swear a fucking mob just killed my horse. I got knocked off of it, tried finding it after the battle. It was nowhere near the vicinity. I searched everywhere.


Yes they can.
Go see the Horse Fairy.

It's quite a bit different.

There's 4 things that resemble regular dungeons, but they don't really follow they typical formula. You don't get an item in them, and they're not nearly as linear as recent Zeldas, but they're also shorter.

For the most part, the puzzle/combat element has been spread across the overworld. There's 100+ Shrines, which usually involve solving some puzzles. On the whole, there's probably as many if not more puzzle challenges in BotW than another Zelda game, but it's not organized in dungeons.

Also, unfortunately they all follow the same aesthetic. All the 4 dungeons have the same design aesthetic, all the shrines have the same design aesthetic, etc.

Yeah mine got set on fire once. But there's a way to bring a dead horse back.


Alright, I'm going to go find that horse fairy and get him back. I liked that horse

Is it playable on cemu yet?

Playable meaning I won't want to kill myself at some point while playing, not that it will run.

Best Zelda since Majora's Mask, totally lived up to its promises.

it's ok, 7.5/10

Follow the path south of the stable near the Lake Hylia tower and you'll reach the Horse God Fountain. You'll be able to revive horses who were killed by enemies for a fee, but not any horse you killed yourself.

I'm the opposite, never played a Zelda game outside of Attp, and I found it to be quite boring. But this just blew me away.

Probably not for several months.

8/10 at release

7/10 after about 20 hours and spending most of it wandering around climbing towers and getting spirit orbs so I'll have a non-shit amount of stamina so doing things isn't a fucking chore.

You have twisted your balls. I shall untwist them for you. YOU WILL BE NORMAL!

Probably 7/10 from reason alone that It doesn't have any replay value. Will revise after Nintendo releases new content.

Still playing and while im done main story, I still find it very comfy. Solid game and very refreshing. Also love Zelda in this, she actually has character.

Thanks dude, it's been getting uncomfortable.


Shit I didn't know there was level scaling of any kind. Christ

Just remembered and found 3 Knights Broadswords at the Skull hideout just north of Muwo Jeem Shrine. Only resets at blood moon but another easy way to get three ~26 damage weapons (if anyone else happens to be reading this)

I love it.

aren't there threads talking about how shit-tier rigs are doing 4k/30fps right now? What's the actual issue?



>It doesn't have any replay value
why do you say that?

Wouldn't it be 11/10 since they just patched out performance issues?

Best game I played in the last 20 years.

Got my 200 hours out of it and looking forward to hard mode.

Playing Nier now. Thanks japan for delivering quality software.

The game doesn't give you anything worth doing. You ultimately have single goal that is beating Ganon, and you can do it from the get go. All rewards are pointless and are not needed for completing the game. There are no memorable moments in the game, nor clear "journey". It's just shallow open world game, you play it once and never touch it again.

>with classic style (huge / visually varied) dungeons
When was the last time you played a "classic" zelda with a "huge" dungeon, that wasn't the same pattern recognition dogshit over and over ad nauseum?

I don't know. This seems like a great game to come back to after a year or so to replay. There's so much freedom to play the game however you want.

Why can't i kill this thunder gammon in the big robot camel without my weapon breaking in half like a breadstick

What do you define as "worth doing"? It gives you a bunch of shit to do, to do in any order you'd like.

Would you like some sort of hand-holding or schedule to adhere to?

All video game rewards are pointless.

It sounds like you'd prefer to read a book.

Dropped it to reroll a character for the ringed city and never looked back

>There are no memorable moments in the game, nor clear "journey".

...well, yeah. The journey is what you make of it.

** git gud **

What's the point of the mastersword in defeating Ganon?

Everyone in game said it was important, but...

And what causes item-bonuses to appear?
Is it play time or dungeons cleared?


This is the first game where I felt that whatever I SHOULD be able to do I also CAN do. In must open world games you sometimes get the feeling that "If my character could stretch his arms up I could totally climb this" or something like that, but in BotW you're completely free to do almost anything you want in terms of moving across the world. I won't say it's a 10/10 since there are some issues like dungeons being on the short side, VA not being perfect (completely passable though), but so far definitely a 9,5. Awesome sense of scale and addicting combat. Plenty of charming characters to that means it retains the feel of a Zelda game. As said though I don't feel like BotW necessarily replaces the old Zelda's, but it will feel weird to go back and realise how limited you are in what Link is able to do.

You have latest patch? It's still not perfect, but much better framerate.

there are some bugs and framerate isn't stable yet

Its shit.

Amazing game, can't wait what they do with the formula from now on. Next game will have to do something majorly new not to feel redundant though. I'm expecting the return of full-fledged dungeons at the expense of all or most shrines.

I think it's just there as a concession to the type of massive autists who complain about not starting the game in a green tunic

Framerate still literally dies alongside Moblins even post-patch

how unstable are we talking? And what bugs?

It's okay I guess. I love Nintendo but it just doesn't do it for me. I'm having a lot more fun with Horizon Zero Dawn. That's an open world game that provides the sort of experience I was looking for. If you like Zelda you should definitely give it a shot.

Mediocre. The story is terrible, voice acting awful, and gameplay is below average. The mechanics of the game push you away from fighting enemies, it becomes a question of "why bother?" I mean, why not just skip most of Hyrule castle and climb up the waterfalls all the way? There's zero reward and all penalty.

>What's the point of the mastersword in defeating Ganon?
It's not required, but it's pretty powerful and it won't break. Story-wise, it's clear why it's important, many games have explained it.

>And what causes item-bonuses to appear?
Chance goes up by the number of sacred beasts cleared, yeah.

it doesn't freeze the game anymore though, right?

Only happens to me occasionally, and the freeze happens for only a split second now.

It does. Literally happened to me yesterday when fighting a silver Moblin, game froze for a good 3 seconds

you're given multiple ways to play the game or storm the castle. the fact you chose the easiest and most boring choices says more about your cretinous nature than botw

Shrines indicate Mob progression. As you complete Beasts, gear gets stronger "enchantments."

>game froze for a good 3 seconds
now i know you're bullshitting because that has literally never happened for more than a second to me.