say no to flat red heads
hey look it's worse elise
Honey, it's not my fault your brothers want to be assholes. Your sister is okay but freaking in-laws...
but I am your big brother
>tacos bullies fcorrin
>new Heroes gauntlet has THREE (3ree) flat redheads
How do I choose?
Best girl
Oboro is cute! CUTE!
T-take it back
Why did you post my wife, OP?
Oboro is for Lobster so they can breed the ultimate bioweapon
Is Birthright then Revelation good way to play Fates?
It sucks that Revelation is DLC and not included right away, not to mention having to buy two games in order to play both routes.
I want to lovingly pat Sakura's head!
Absolutely not. Birthright is optional if you liked Awakening, but Conquest is by far the best of the three. Revelations isn't even worth it.
Sakura > Elise
I want to have consensual sex in the missionary position with Camilla while holding hands and leg-locking
I love Awakening! Except grind for DLCs but main game and optional stuff is nice. Its my first FE game :3
But I heard I wont be able to fight side battles in Conquest so I would have to restart game in case of training wrong units and so on. Thats why I wanted to play Birthright instead.
Whats wrong with Revelations?
fact: sakura is wife material
piece of shit
I just married elise...her scenes with kana are cute...i cant wait to kill sakura and that faggot takumi
is this bait
Anyway, Birthright is a fun game, but it starts to wear off by the end when Onii-sama can solo the enemy army by himself.
I also started with Awakening, but Conquest is extremely fun, shitty story aside. It's possible for your units to get RNG screwed of course, but it's not extremely likely. Conquest features a lot of maps requiring you to use strategy instead of sending out paired units to solo the battlefield.
Revelations just has bad maps, bad story, and very unbalanced design.
Not my fault all your big brothers are dorks, dweebs and weebs
jesus christ it's a lion get in the car
No, its not. I just felt that it would fit with "happy" sound of this post. Because, you know, I avoided FE so far due to fear of screwing over and having to start again, unless I would read the guide and not miss dialogues, events, hidden items or proper training order. When I heard that Awakening would feature optional battles to fix such errors I downloaded demo and I was surprised to like it so much.
>I just felt that it would fit with "happy" sound of this post
Fuck off, Hans
Who is Hans?