Sun and Moon

>Sun and Moon
>Mario Odyssey
>Switch is crushing it

Daily reminder Nintendo is in full renaissance mode right now and reinventing its major franchises.

>that inevitable Metroid reveal

>sun and moon
But those were shit

>Sun and Moon
Worst Pokemon game ever made.

Shitty sandbox game.

>Mario Odyssey
Looks like Sonic Adventure with Mario.

"""""""""""""""""""""""""crushing it""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Add Kirby Planet Robobot while we're at it.

In your fucking dreams.

You need a hug, user?

Fed Force literally ended with a tease for the next game. Why do people keep forgetting this?

Looks like Soni Adventure just because one level is similar in design?

You just took the concept of retard to a whole new level.

Mario Odyssey is 720p.

I'm sorry user.

>Sun and Moon

>sun moon worst
What is gen 1, gen 4 and gen 5

>Shitty sandbox game
Butthurt horizon fan detected

>crushing it
Fastest selling console in NA and Europe ever homie :^)

I can't wait, brother.

>being a contrarian faggot for the sake of being a contrarian faggot
This is why you have no friends.

>gen 5
Careful, you're going to summon the Unovabortions from /vp/.

>Shitty sandbox game
You obviously haven't played the game

>that song
hype as fuck

Someone start posting Odyssey webms, I think it's gonna be actual GOTY

>>Sun and Moon
>Worst Pokemon game ever made.
And why, might I ask, is that?

Are newgenners a major problem there?

>Worst Pokemon game ever made.
Worst main-line game at the least
Don't know about spin-offs though

>it's another "Sup Forums told me sun and moon is bad so i'm gonna regurgitate that so i don't get lynched for going against the rest of the hivemind" episode
it was mediocre. it wasn't bad.

Sun and Moon were the worst games in a while though, and got rid of the very few good things gen 6 introduced

>gen 1
stop giving that faggot attention, you're catching his autism.

Reinventing? Interesting interpretation of reality.

>sun and moon
lol and wow 2 good games damn I can't wait to spend over 300 dollars to play 2 games nintedroines are fucking retarded

>Looks like Soni Adventure just because one level is similar in design?
What I don't understand is why people use this as a complaint.

Apparently a realistic city means the game's gonna age like fucking milk and glitches are going to be everywhere, just like Sonic Adventure.

Mechanically it's the worst though user. The mons are good though

>>Sun and Moon
i agree with the other two but SM is a shit piss-easy cutscene simulator

>Looks like Sonic Adventure with Mario.
What is this meme?

This is legit the only criticism I have seen about the game, ever. One area looks like Sonic Adventure. Is that all shitposters got?

those were shit

I haven't visited in a while, but last I was there, most of them had a hard-on for gen 5 specifically.

Same amount as ps4 and how long has the ps4 been out user? :^)

Nintenny is blowing everyone out once again

Not surprised. Looks like the only way for Nintendo to make money is to make games off their monster names with enormous fan loyalty behind them. I hope Mario Odyssey is biggest piece of shit to ever grace the earth. I really do.

I mean what else is there to comment on? It's Mario 64 for the twelfth time or whatever.

>Full renaissance
Yeah no. The Switch is a shitty hardware.
No way I'd buy a new console that can't even run Botw at 60fps.

How was Gen VI?
I skipped it entirely, but enjoyed Gen V immensely (mienshao is my nigga)

I wish

>Sun and Moon

>It's Mario 64 for the twelfth time or whatever.

Except there's a ton more differences than Mario 64. The less generic theming is a plus in my book.

Also factually this is Mario 64 for the third time.

If we're assuming your statement is true this would like the 4th Mario 64 buddy

I thought I was the only one, but Sun and Moon was kinda mediocre and so fucking slow. I didn't even finish the post game.

If this is full renaissance mode, what would you call PS4's mode?

Gen 6 is not as bad as /vp/ autists make it out. X and Y introduced a small amount of new Pokemon but they're almost all well-designed, and Super Training was a godsend. People also like to Criticize X and Y's region but I loved it for being both big and varied in environments.
ORAS is okay, it again innovates from the originals in good ways but people get butthurt about the lack of Battle Tower.
Overall I like 6 better than 7 and the Gen 6 games lasted me a lot longer.

Bloodborne Mode

They will not be in a renaissance untill
they have
nes or snes like difficulty in their games
ninja gaiden is hard as fuck but it is still funner then anything nintendo has put out in years.

they make games infinite replayability like nes and snes

they do not punish people for playing games a certain way

they do something with vr

they do something with a subscription that lets any of their games be played on something else.

getting pissed at people who love their games so much that they make romhacks of their own games and they are better then neo games in their perspective series

they should see the love and dedication to those series and hire them and actually sell their content if they choose to or hire them to make indie games based off of their old school titles..

Binding of isaac is better than any neo nintendo zelda
i did not try botw but botw has issues i saw with enemies only hitting for 1/4th heart
if there is 1/4th hearts in a zelda game i think it is a bad zelda game.

stop making games that can be mastered in 5 minutes and let people figure out how to play games
let them explore and do new things

thats what a new generation of gamesman need

>If this is full renaissance mode, what would you call PS4's mode?
A drought.

>typing like this
Fresh from Reddit, eh

>Let any of their games be played on something else

What did he mean by this?

I remember when they reinvented Paper Mario, it was fucking terrible and everyone hated

Kalos has an amazing ost.

ORAS has great details.

>Mossdeep city and that route which is always raining at night

The irony.

Sun and Moon were kind of disappointing and are taking the series in a direction I'm not fond of.

SM are mediocre games in line with gen 6. There are no puzzles and next to no exploration that isn't a part of the story's linear path. There are some QoL improvements regarding breeding, but they removed similar improvements that were in gen 6 and replaced them with more laborious and tedious methods, like finding HA Pokemon.

And yes, /vp/ newgenners run rampant. Any reference or mention of gen 1 is lambasted and any notion that new designs are different is apparently not possible. GF can do no wrong unless it's gen 1. That place is a shithole.

What? Ps4 getting exclusive's like every 2 months now.

A while back there was an anonymous age survey done for every board and /vp/'s average age at the time was 15. So it's to be expected. They weren't alive when Gen 1 was made.

I have been playing games since like 1991

I will type how the fuck i want

I know that there is bots on both websites spouting propaganda and selling products
i do not know anything but that

but no asshole will talk about this

SM has amazing lolis. Your move, gen 6.

kinda like how playstation and xbox have the game streaming system

if you want make any game from nes snes etc to be on phones or anything tablets ps4 xbox pc

but make the price not to bad like 10 bucks a month

nintendo would make millions
(btw include the romhacks) no one besides niche games know about romhacks and this would give them the coverage that they deserve

She was the only good thing about SM but they didn't do enough with her.

>Ps4 getting exclusive's like every 2 months now
>translation - multiplats you can play on PC
Renaissance period implies PS4 has several masterpieces, yeah? Which it doesn't. In fact, it barely has any games worth mentioning. I visit r/ps4 sometimes for laughs and seeing people defend FFXV and Horizon Zero Dawn and getting pissed about BotW is hilarious.

The Sonic Adventure/06 comparison is coming from people who are on par with Facebook fags/Youtube commenters. Only a genuine simpleton would parrot such an opinion. It's the exact kind of binary comparison a child would make.

>Real people = bad
Without regard for how that clearly is just one level/hub and the rest of what was shown off isn't consistent with it. Its contrast to Mario's anatomy and the rest of what we associate with the Mario franchise is meant to be funny.

These people have likely never played A 2D Sonic, Adventure 06, or Mario 64.

SONIC adventure of zelda= Twilight princess

Is there any porn of both of them together

After playing through Sun and Moon, I definitely had a bit more respect for Gen 6. ORAS could've been so much more though, whether or not you believe that excuse of them being remade from Ruby/Sapphire as opposed to be remade from the definitive Emerald.

Also, say what you want about ice cream cones and garbage bags, I'm not a big fan of GF ditching post-game content because they believe most people aren't a fan of them. You also know something is seriously wrong when ice cream cone region being a literal circle going in a straight line ends being a better region with better aesthetics than Sun and Moon.

The little islands in Sun and Moon did not have any detail going into them, and I think ditching the grid movement played a part in that.
Instead of making up for the small landspace with tons of detail, it's just bland overall.

Yeah, I own a Switch and a PS4.

PS4 just came from a long drought, but now it's finally getting some good stuff.

The Switch has some neat indie titles on the way, Splatoon2 and MK8, but outside that, it's going to be awhile before we get some steady releases.

>Switch is in renaissance mode when the games in OP aren't even out yet
>PS4 exclusives don't count because I choose to disregard them
This is some true toddler delusion. You know BotW is multiplat too? Also
>I visit r/ps4
Explains a lot.

>translation - multiplats you can play on PC
But that's wrong
>I visit r/ps4
Maybe you should stay on reddit then instead of polluting this board


>I have no arguments so im just gonna cry and post pics from my consolewar folder
I honestly feel bad for you

You feel bad because I own the superior console, user. It'll be over soon when Sony dies.

>You feel bad because I own the superior console
You own a PC?

>nintendo fags have no argument and continue trying to start shit
this is why everyone fucking hates us, fuck off

But BotW is multiplat. Why does that get a free pass but PS4 games get criticized for it? Why do you ignore the actual exclusives? You're beyond delusional.

Nah, if anything they were just a little on the easy side.

Of course. Nintendo + PC is the only way to go any generation.
Nobody cares what you think, kid

>Nintendo + PC
That's funny because if anything its Nintendo system that get emulated first so there's little to no point to buy one

Woah look at Mr.SephirotFedoraLord here

>Fastest selling console in NA and Europe ever homie :^)
It's not.

Personally I have just been very skeptical of the whole disparate art direction thing.

City folks look out of place next to Mario, Mario looks out of place in the forest world, and nothing could possiblylook welcome in cooking world.

Though I'm hopeful they will have it all neatly tied up with a bow once the game actually releases.

Those rabbit enemies look great.

>He thinks being edgy and contrarian is hip


>That's funny because if anything its Nintendo system that get emulated first so there's little to no point to buy one
Wii U didn't get emulated until after it was completely dead

>Fastest selling console in NA and Europe ever
You forgot the "In Nintendo's history" part

No reason to buy a Sony or Xbox because they don't have exclusives if you have a PC, really.

>no replies

I don't even have to ask "who cares? " because no-one does.

There's no way the Wii U has been emulated since 2012.

Eh, PS4 has a handful now if you're into weeb stuff. The Xbone, on the other hand, literally has no releases that don't also come out on the Windows store anymore.

>He said, posting the one Switch game anyone wants, which is also on PC.

Don't care, autisticus

That was an easy one, that's why I said "completely" dead

>No reason to buy a Sony or Xbox because they don't have exclusives if you have a PC
Ok now you're a memeing, also if they dont have exclusives how come this board become near unbrowsable with all the PC beggars who wanted BB?

You mean the one Wii U game also on the switch
*and pc.

wow literally 2 games
>but its more than ps4

>*Which is also on PC but still runs like shit

No idea, looks pretty boring desu. I'm already sick of Dark Souls games.

the search for switchgames continues, will nintenbros ever find a game to play on their tabl-I mean console? we may never know.

The board was near unbrowsable because of Sonyfag goldenface "NEVER EVER" threads about bloodborne that persisted up until this year because only in 2017 did PS4 get anything else that was good. Stop rewriting history.


>*Which is also on PC but still runs like shit
So it's a 1:1 experience?

>multiplat vs single platform

Yes, with the Wii U version

Funnily enough the /vint/ prank showed that most Sony posters are Aussies and BRs

>stop rewritting story
>when this nigga says it was falseflaggers all along

PC elititst cant even stick to their story lmao