looking forward to it.
wanted the first but it was console exclusive so I skipped.
>$60+ sequel to an MMO 3 years after the first one
Except it's not an MMO.
The Cabal are finally the big bad this time so I'm mildly optimistic.
Looking forward to it. I hope my PS4 character ports to PC, but that's not gonna happen.
The reveal trailer was Anthony Burch levels of awful. Hopefully it does not reflect the actual product.
Might check it out on pc.
>I didn't even play the game, but I'll shitpost anyway
Why would it matter? The only thing that's carrying over is the character's image (which you could easily recreate).
Oh, sorry I forgot it was only an MMO when you people were gloating about it and now suddenly it's not an MMO anymore because it's not convenient anymore.
Tell me how it's an MMO
If Destiny had a low player count, what makes them think that same community is going to pay $59.99 to be screwed again?
I would have bought into this, but selling two collections where the content is in the form of download codes is insane. I have terrible internet speeds.
It might be good
But I still can't comprehend how people can be hyped for the sequel to an extremely mediocre game
Will decide to buy after playing beta
>I have terrible internet speeds.
Then don't buy it. We don't need red bars shitting up the crucible.
>warframe bungie edition
No thanks I dont like pointless grinding
Fucking #rekt
The maximum amount of people you can play with is 16 (and even that's only in the social spaces where you're not actually doing anything).
Is Battlefield an MMO because it allows 64 players battles?
The trailer was cringy but might get it one day when it reaches €10.
Except it's not.
>whoa there's like four other people in my server
>TFW I want this collectors edition and morrowind's
Glad it's coming to PC. I enjoy MMOs, but not on console.
As long as I can still play as best race+sex combo I'll be happy.
I hope it has play anywhere character sharing between pc and Xbox so I can play with all my friends.
But bungie low key hates Microsoft so I know it won't happen.
I might get it if the matchmaking is better. I don't want to scramble to find faggots on Reddit because this site is abysmal for finding a fireteam. Both sites are AWFUL but Sup Forums is worse.
Will be just as awful as the first game
Already pumping out a sequel after that shitfest that was Destiny 1 is an insult to all Destiny 1 players
When the fuck has ever been called as such? If anything, it was marketed as a Borderlands clone with the Halo aesthetic.
Use destinylfg.net you fag
Nothing wrong with MMOs on consoles but FPS on consoles a big no no.
>Can see many people in your world/zone
>Has heroics
>Has raids
>Has arena
>Has dailies
It's an MMO.
>Create Exo female
>Dance emote
>Unexpected boner
So GTA: O is an MMO?
Destiny needs
>Faster movespeed, don't make me run like a turtle because you need to justify those useless bikes
>Larger variety of active abilities beyond special/grenade you can use at once instead of having to swap back and forth between sub-powers through the start menu
>Less gay bullet sponge bosses
I hope the PC port is actually optimized and doesnt run like shit.
>Make the Cabal raid DLC
>Call it a new game and sell it for $60
This is all I'm expecting this game to be. I'll probably pick it up though because there's no other good fps on the market.
Hopefully bungie fixes its bullshit model of resetting your progression every time an expansion is released. People go max levels of autism just to have endgame characters. They also need to continue to improve the open world parts parts; fix the matchmaking for them so you actually have people around and have more stuff to do. Trash ToO and replace it with a better PvP event. Also work fix they're fucking weapon balancing instead of just changing the meta every patch
When I stop to think about, yea more or less.
Yes you fucking faggot, it's a open world MMO.
>there's no other good fps
DOOM 4 and Titanfall 2 literally just came out within the last year.
None of those things make it a MASSIVE Multiplayer Online game.
Sure; a lot of MMOs feature those things but that doesn't make Destiny an MMO. Why shouldn't it have a sequel three years after the original?
Bungie seems to have lost their touch with the first game and the end of the Halo series. Activision will whore them out and discard like everything else. I dislike grinding pseudo-MMOs with bullet sponge enemies. Nah man, that ain't me.
So BF1 is one as well?
reseting progress when new content comes out is what this kind of game is at its core. If you don't like that then quit playing.
Bungie listened to you fags with etheric light during house of wolves and it ruined the dlc.
You're going to get shit for saying DOOM has good multi but I agree with you
Who the fuck said it shouldn't have a sequel?
Oh no I wasn't saying DOOM has good multiplayer, but the singleplayer alone is worth several replays especially with the arcade mode stuff.
Titanfall 2 is where it's at for multiplayer, the game has gradually increased in players every month.
>Who the fuck said it shouldn't have a sequel?
The guy who started this whole chain of responses
Is it cross platform for PC? My friends have PS4s, so I'd get it if could actually play with them.
MMOs typically don't have sequels, at least not like 2 or 3 years after release.
yes but not a traditional MMO with raids ect.
oh glob I hope not. My team is actually decent at this game, I don't want to deal with cheaters
They haven't said anything yet but its very unlikely considering PS4 still has exclusives
Had a blast with 1
Im going buy this one day one.
And Destiny isn't an MMO. It merely shares some features of MMOs. There's no reason for it not to have a sequel.
Sorry, I didn't meant it as, "I didn't say that.' Poor wording on my part. I'm pretty stoked that it has a sequel, and I never called it an MMO as a bad thing. I'm glad that it's coming to PC, and it functions much like an MMO, which is why I'd rather play it on PC.
Looks like shit. All the promotional material I've seen so far makes it seem like they're toning down the space opera feeling of the first one which is the only part I enjoyed.
It'll still feel like a space opera. The overall story is going to be the guardians having to flee Earth and scour the solar system to find long-lost heroes like Osiris and Praedyth
It's gonna be shit and I'm gonna have to deal with my faggot friends bitching at me for not wasting money to play bad games with than.
Yeah and they replaced it with the infusion system that emphasized grinding.
Same thing for RNG weapon perks, they saw how people were willing to reroll shit 100+ times, so they removed rerolling and slightly increased the drop rate in crucible. That way they get people spending hours grinding in crucible for a god roll eyasluna.
this is for the best
>able to go to space
>only go to dust ball rocks really close to earth
>the buildings are generic moon bases and shopping malls
it could have been so much more. hell even the setting on earth, fucking russia of all places? come on now
Oh, really? Ok then.
>muh loot
>has the worst itemization of any loot based game
Either go full Diablo 2 or remove it entirely.