Fa/tg/uy here, some user scribbled this out and I'm wondering what Sup Forums thinks of it...

Fa/tg/uy here, some user scribbled this out and I'm wondering what Sup Forums thinks of it. Would you play a vidya that had this as a system for spellcasting?

that's p cool, but seems like it'd be real hard to implement

That doesn't look like spellcasting so much as spellcrafting.

Would be cool to have something that let you experiment and create spells. The one shown there looks like something you'd create as a trap.

Tyranny sort of has a system like this, it used cooldowns though which isn't very enjoyable.

>when touched, this object envelops big object, then bounces fast

it's like a primitive programming language, it could be alright

>little witch magic research academia
You're a 100 yo magician in the body of a little girl who is doing research on spellcasting. You develop new spells on your mage tower, and can save the combinations as an incantation that you can cast from your hotbar.
You get commissions from other magicians to develop spells with certain characteristics for them.
You go on adventures using the spells you invented to get artifacts that increase the number of conditions and effects for your spells.

Hell I'm hyped already

This is missing negation.

no it's not

Just use normal pseudo-C syntax with special commands

void onTouch(Object actor){

No need for muh symbols if the first thing people would make is a compiler

Also to make the research part more interesting, do it like a Zachtronics game. I would play the shit out of a game like this.

>For activation, target a monster. Read this scripture, then fire will envelope the target.
Its just like me Japanese TCGs.

someone tell zachtronics guy that he needs to get into RPGs

It looks like a pretty basic syntax, but you've got And and Or, but no Not. You might want to fix that to make negation easier rather than just making opposites for each thing.

well all it really needs is NOR, right?

Expert programmer here. I'm going to steal your idea for my upcoming open-world sword and sorcery indy game and use it without giving you credit. Hahah sucker!

>Expert programmer here
whoa we got a fizzbuzzer over here

>That doesn't look like spellcasting so much as spellcrafting.
are there any games where you cast spells by drawing symbols? Because that sounds fucking neato

It seems fucking autistic, so yes.
Add in different languages for speak, or different races for touch, "Else:" and reacting/not reacting to some magic equivalent of FOF tags

There was a DS game that did that. Lost Magic or something

I think Arx Fatalis did that, but I never actually got to a part where I had to start drawing shit since I only played for 2 hours


Might as well integrate a scripting language, it would be better than this

Witch's Wish for DS

Play Arx Fatalis user, it's damn good. Only cheap on Steam, great magic system and fun exploration.

Looks like the consensus is generally positive, which is good considering a lot of time is being invested into magic. We're trying to crank out a game to act as a demo within the next couple of months so here's hoping that goes well.

One last question, since we're retards when it comes to any programming language we used an engine that does most of the work on its own. How much does Sup Forums autisticly screech when it comes to RPG Maker games?

Technically yes, but NOR is just NOT-OR so it still just needs a not gate. Imagine you're checking to see if you need to change the first to fire explosion. right now you would have to say {water exp OR wind exp OR... ice exp} then fire explosion. when if you added not you could just say {not fire EXP} then fire EXP

Real magic is just physics.

I don't know. The only ones I know of are To The Moon which I autistically screech at for reasons other than RPG maker, and Violated Heroine which I guess was okay but I was too lazy to jump through hoops to play it years ago and I don't know if it's gotten easier since.

100% this
Science is the dissection of magic

>RPG Maker
That would be unplayable for me honestly, but so is most indie crap. You asked if I would play a game with that system, but if the game itself feels janky an amateurish I probably wouldn't.

but magic is by definition supernatural

physics is someone falling due to gravity
magic is someone floating under gravity without thrust pushing on the opposite direction

Okami, kind of.

Too complex for casuls, wont sell much.

What OP is trying to do is make symbols that use syntax to describe motion and forces. That's physics.

>if you read an object it explodes in dirt
that doesn't sound much like physics to me

>but magic is by definition supernatural

I really don't see where OP's basic syntax for a spell creating parse tree is trying to describe the equation for projectile motion.

As a spellcreation system it would be cool but I think selecting a serie of symbols or drawing them each them you cast a spell would be tedious.

I don't get what you're trying to say, but physics by definition is explained by laws and theories.
Magic just works, it's like miracles. Just like how many scientists are religious yet you cannot explain religion with science.

There's a law of conservation of momentum, yet with magic you may have conservation, or you may not.

I dunno, in some theoretical game when a person looks at and reads words, then the thing gets dirt created on it and then the dirt flies out in all directions? Seems pretty self-explanatory.
I don't think he's trying to describe actual physics but he wants to be able to say things like throwing fast or slow, which implies imparting forces with magnitudes.

>not having magic being exploitation of the laws a fantasy universe operates under.

We had undertale threads for months and have lisa threads on a regular basis. Just make the story good, yes, the ol' indie game cliche.

I understand your point but the most "serious" esoterists had logical systems formalizing magical beliefs.
Some of them even dabbled in science (alchemists) or more frequently philosophy but it's still mostly a form of logic applied to something not real - like how theology uses true logic and philosphy but is still about supernatural beliefs.

It can be a cool approach but it's not the only one.

What if you pre-built spells, and then they were stored in the spell list you had access during battle/in the overworld/etc? And to reclaim the runes you used to build the spell, you would have to recycle the spell you made.
I'm not worried about the game selling, unless we make something literally shit we can expect at worst a couple thousand sales, that's still in the area of 20 grand. I just want to make sure the game is "fun"

Indie games can flop too though so if you are investising money in it if I was you I wouldn't ASSUME you will have a few thousands of sales, it's very common for indie devs to struggle to make a few hundreds of sales.

I don't know why anyone would invest anything into a project while Crowdfunding exists. Not only do people literally throw money at an invisible project but it gives the dev a rough estimate of how popular the game (In theory) should be at launch assuming they don't fuck things up.

>symbols are compromised

Almost, magic is in the thrust not the floating, in this case.
However, if the floating happened by itself then it would be magic.

Spellcrafting is never as interesting as it sounds.

Being able to make 10,000+ "unique" spells but they're actually all just projectiles that deal X damage of Y type in radius Z, and maybe inflict some status effect. Not actually that unique, then.

It would be a much better system to just have a few dozen spells that all serve a purpose or do something genuinely unique.

Black & White

The game already exists and it's dope

There was a really neat minecraft mod that let draw out complex runes with different materials. Runic Dust mod it was called. Hasn't been updated in forever but it had a lot of runes you could use an a fairly fun system.

Anyone want to judge my related idea?
You're put into cryo for 10K years in the year 2121 as a living time capsule. You emerge (with amnesia) to find what is effectively an automated solar system - shuttles go back and forth between planets, food and drink shops are run by robots, etc. But no humans are anywhere, only mutants. Also, security robots still exist, so you need to be careful where you go. You find out that magic-like devices exist, which is where OP's pic is relevant. You can set spells in that manner. It'd be a puzzle-platformer with that language for communication (in ancient writings), combat, and puzzles. For instance, throw an enchanted object at a wall to explode with lightning and fry a switch. The goal is to find out what happened to humanity and who you are. You find out by reading writings in that language (with some additions).