What games do Canadians make? It seems like most AAA games come from the US, UK and Japan, and a lot of Europe makes pc trash with the occasional hidden gem.
What games do Canadians make? It seems like most AAA games come from the US, UK and Japan...
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont get the Canada meme. What did they do?
Ubisoft stuff is mostly made in Canada.
/vint/ revealed that behind every single terrible post is a leaf.
Eidos Montreal is in Montreal.
>/vint/ revealed that behind every single terrible non-alt-right post is a leaf.
Explains a lot
Amazing games like Dead Rising 3 AND 4! Fucking leafs
>t. A Leaf
Sup hoser
>daily reminder that /intl/ is run by the JIDF
>daily reminder that /intl/ is still butt destroyed at this point
>daily reminder that even after ledditchan got hacked, they had the opportunity to come here and shit the entire place but they were so busy rimjobbing themselves that they missed the event
Why did you leave out 2?
>mad Sup Forums babbies
And no, I'm not a fucking leaf.
some amerifats get upset over nothing really new.
also /Spa/
Because it's good.
fuck off leaf
Kinda sad since Ubisoft is really a french company (France Europe). Quebec should be blamed for Uplay.
>Just happen to claim you're not a leaf a day after we lost flags
Not buying it Tim Horton
When Sup Forums merged with Sup Forums everyone got flags. It was then discovered that 90% of all the shitposts and SJW garbage that plagues Sup Forums came from Canada, with Brazilians being a close second in the shitpost dept.
>implying every other country, including the few decent leafs weren't getting tired of your shit.
Thanks leaf.
>tfw when cucked by Sup Forums
>i-if you don't like Sup Forums shitposting you can't be american!
It's cold and wet in Texas right now.
>When Sup Forums merged with Sup Forums everyone got flags. It was then discovered that 90% of all the shitposts and SJW garbage that plagues Sup Forums came from Canada, with Brazilians being a close second in the shitpost dept.
wow what a surprise, things Sup Forums knew literally 4 years ago! Maybe try visiting more than 1 board, newfags.
You can stop trying so hard Trudeau, everybody knows
You were just born like this, it's not all your fault
>muh essjaybubbleyous
Literally worse than tumblr at this point.
>not realizing this was a redpill for the Sup Forums fags who don't frequent Sup Forums
How retarded are you?
Assassins creed III
>spoonfeeding people that new
>spoonfeeding people for any reason at all
not only are you part of the problem, you try to justify it. Leave this website and don't come back because you are only contributing to its demise
never happened
If I was the president of leaves I wouldn't be wasting my time around you shitters.
Are you daft? Almost all AAA games are made in Canada, because of Quebec's video game production tax break.
Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda, Eidos, SquareEnix, FunCom, etc. all have Montreal studios.
They make
>ubisoft B team games (trash)
>Bioware C team games (trash)
>implying more boards behind Sup Forums is a bad thing
Next you're gonna tell me Sup Forums and /k/ are a part of the problem.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums isn't a secret little club you newfag. Now go back to r/the_donald
nah. i've been here longer than literally every staff member now, i'm not going anywhere.
>t. leaf that will try their best to convince us they are not a leaf
i want flags back
thats literally how leaves troll you. they always play like that. as for strayas, they just go full retard.
br monkeys are just loud, often post a wall of texts with plausible tone, worse than either of them.
I wish they were back, so idiots like you wouldn't turn this into a witch hunt.
>starts lurking during the election
>says he's been here before everyone else
Bioware for Sup Forums
Johnny test for Sup Forums
Justin bieber for Sup Forums
Trudeau for Sup Forums
Any more? Is canada the dobson of countries?
Trailer Park Boys for Sup Forums.
Wait that one isn't bad.
you sound mad that you are a post-habbo immigrant newfag and you didn't show up in 2003 from ADTRW
gotem, leaf.
>SJW garbage that plagues Sup Forums
What? if anything there is a lot more Sup Forums garbage here.
It's not good either
>go to sleep for 8 hours
>in that time Sup Forums and Sup Forums merge
>by the time I get back on Sup Forums it's stopped
Can't believe I missed it, at least I got to see /mlpol/ though
blame this guy
They made Full Auto.
It was kinda shit,
but i liked it.
>t. Leaf
I'd much rather Sup Forums than SJWs with their "drumpf" and "there's nothing wrong with diversity in games" posts.
It was funny seeing everyone realize the leafs were behind it.
>"there's nothing wrong with diversity in games"
There literally isn't though.
i agree, eh.
>there's nothing wrong with diversity in games
There's isn't though. Unless you're a literal nigger who REEEs whenever you see a black man in a game.
There isn't when diverse characters are actually written to be characters. Western devs are typically incapable of doing that though and use them as their political mouthpieces instead
>let's put our focus into making a diverse caste and a politically correct story instead of making a good game.
You literally CANNOT deny game devs make this mistake.
Ok but you said
>there's nothing wrong with diversity in games
There isn't anything wrong with diversity in games, you just hate politics in games
Canadians made the abortion known as Dead Rising 4.
The whole country can be burned down again for all I care.
Not that same user. Politics in vidya should be hated by default unless it legitmately serves a narrative purpose beyond virtue signaling
>leafs were the SJWs in Sup Forums
>there's a high chance GG was caused by leaf falseflaggers
what i'm more confused about is, there's a greasemonkey script that assigns everyone a postid on boards where they are not natively enabled, but nobody has made one that assigns people flags
if you can sniff their ip's to assign postid's then where are the flags? i need to be able to see when leaves and strayans are posting so i can filter them immediately
It's about the agenda pushing and the SJWs thinking it's always a necessity.
There is though. If I want all my characters to be white in my game, they're going to fucking be white. But that'll get hundreds of articles and controversy from the left about how I'm racist.
Yeah but similarly if you want to have a diverse cast in your game, there's nothing wrong with that either.
baldur's gate, jagged alliance 2
I admit that Leafs are fucking cancer, myself excluded.
Yup, you definitely need blacks and poos just for the sake of having blacks and poos.
>tfw you advocate for equality but are inadvertently part of the problem
they were never gone tho
>implying there isn't a problem
Fucking leafs.
The Netflix seasons are mediocre at best.
Most games you think are American are actually made in Canada retard.
Dues Ex HR/MD, Ass Creed, Splinter Cell, Far Cry, Mass Effect, Dragon Age.
Anything Ubisoft, Bioware and a few other studio's is always leaf shit.
Well yeah, there's nothing wrong with have black people or indians in games
>you can have an all white cast for the sake of having a full white cast but you can't have poos or blacks for no reasons