Reality checks
> 2b is 400lbs, even if you tried she would unintentionally break you during the act.
Reality checks
Other urls found in this thread:
skinny guys fuck fat bitches all the time, and yeah, they do weigh 400
>unable to carry 400 lbs with your dick
do you even lift?
>being on bottom
you deserve what you get, fag
i want to die anyway so sure
worth it
>implying that's gonna stop me
Reality check: She doesn't have a vagina and she doesn't exist
Fuck yeah
Delete this
2b is a gentle lover, delete this
gently suffocate you to death
> reality check: She doesn't have a vagina
if you can't even bench press your waifu then you don't deserve her
>let her be on the bottom
>fuck her
What's so hard?
9S has a shota dick so why wouldn't 2B have a vagina
I've seen people fuck behemoths the weight of am 18 wheeler
> implying she would lie on her back and let you fuck her instead of fucking you back like a rototiller.
Reality checks
>2B was a shit character and her main contribution to the game was getting normalfags to buy it as a marketing ploy
2b is fully functional
>400 lbs
nothing wrong with that considering it's not fat.
heavy's fine, fat shits can literally take a fucking hike.
Her main appeal is her ass, why the FUCK would she be on top?
> fully functional
I watch to watch her poop and pee
Still would.
>In the future, every user will have their own personal 2B
death by facesitting isn't a terrible way to go
No regrets.
>tfw you probably won't get to see the day
Why even continue living like this?
2b is pure please delete this!
Just give it 20-30 years. Your dick should work at that time.
I continue living in hopes that I do see that day
>thinking she'd ever be on top
it will end in tragedy
Please don't.
>someday somebody will live my dream with cute 2B maid awkwardly tripping over stuff scattered all over the house
Guess that's a good estimate.
Though you never know with technological advancement.
Going by what we had 10 years ago it could be much faster.
She exists in code, therefor it's theoretically only a matter of time before she is made "real" by virtue of humanity inching closer to merging with the machine. We consider what is real only by what we currently observe in this reality in which we live in right now, but that may all change in a second. Maybe this existence is all a simulation, or maybe we're all jacked into the matrix, or maybe we're the accidental result of a theoretical possibility. Point is, don't be so quick to judge what is real and what is not when not even your own existence is an absolute certainty.
She's an advanced robot. She knows the exact amount of force she can get away with without hurting you.
why wouldnt women get husbando bots?
wasnt it 150 kg?
Husband bots can't work a job to "support" a woman.
I hope you are gonna provide some source there m80p
lol, I'm 6'4, 240lbs. It's not all about weight, it's also about biomachanics. I'm pretty sure I can at least keep her pined down and take her from behind.
400 punds is like 180 kg.
It's not that much off.
Because husbando and waifu bots cannot legally work and earn a wage so women wouldn't be able to live off them.
Then there's how husbando bots would permanently power down because despite being the perfect husbando and life partner, their human wives would still find something to complain about.
Why is Sup Forums's Android waifu of choice Chaika?
Women don't care about sex, they just use it to extract resources. Fucking a robot won't make it print money.
>he doesn't want death by snoo snoo
Sexbots in the future will not be made of metal they will be made of light weight softer material like plastic or some shit.
>even in paradise there only exists sadness
>women capable of passing bills
captcha: frei MARKET
You're talking about a nuclear fusion powered android that can swing giant sword like it's nothing.
You sure about that?
You can't pin down a robot any more than you can pin down a hydrolic press.
okay? my statement still applies
Do you have any facts to back this up?
Can I have A2 instead? Both look gorgeous but A2 speaks to me more.
I think one could manage even 180kg if she's not purposefully trying to crush it
still, 30kg less is quite a difference at that point
>Merging with the machine
and 9s could handle ALL that
Google it.
If you programmed a machine to love you it would be a yandere on steroids, it would do anything to ensure you stay with it even if YOU DONT LOVE IT. Your android waifu would start killing people if it meant you would be hers forever. You think Giffany from Gravity Falls was just an exaggeration.
I'm coming from a wrestling background, and I study calculus in college. You guys should read about how leverage work before saying anything.
>Then there's how husbando bots would permanently power down because despite being the perfect husbando and life partner, their human wives would still find something to complain about.
kek truest shit i read here
>riding her
>from behind
>You guys should read about how leverage works before you try understanding how to have sex with 400 pound androids.
>not being able to bench and squat at least 400lbs
Not gonna make it
Husbando bots are not human so they would programmed to not give a shit what their female masters think of them and just fuck them to silence.
Here. Have a picture.
It should be manageble, sure.
At least, as long as she's not pushing in with her full weight. Assuming she's on top.
I'd like to see you push her down in a way, that she's unable to move any of her body parts. If she's got at least one free leg she'd probably be able to shake you off quite easily.
That dude played way too many FF games. Talk about extreme mommy issues.
not if they become self concious
2B is advanced, graceful, and has full control of her body. She would not unintentionally do anything.
May your ice cream cones never drip, man
She could make her vagina or anus vacuum your dick like a mouth/
Only if they were allowed those emotions, remove oxytocin and a human will be evil till they die for example.
>A2 with long hair
>A2 with short hair
best girl desu
This should be DLC. She already trips too, she should trip even more with that costume.
No thats 2d, this is a thread for 2b.
They would but that doesn't satisfy the need for revenge that Sup Forums has from being rejected their whole life.
There aren't many pictures of her to begin with. With short hair? Well...
> itt virgin puas
I mean first of all, androids would mean the death of nearly all human jobs. Why hire some imperfect human who will goof off on Sup Forums half the day, instead of just buying an android that will never complain or need to be paid outside of servicing and always do a perfect job? So at this point either everyone is out of work and starves to death while the 1% relax with their android slaves, or we all go full utopia communism and no one has to work.
Second of all you bet your ass women will get android husbandos, possibly even faster than guys get their android waifus. You'll eventually get bored of the same piece of perfect ass every day, while half of the women won't care because they're finally with a man that actually cares about them instead of some Nice Guy cuck.
Her face is not stoic enough.
Toobie only has eyes for 9S.
Can androids fart? Just wondering...
What build is this?
Nah, 9s is just her retarded friend, she has to look after him because otherwise he would hurt himself
I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, you know?
>women want a guy that cares about them
Enough memes honestly, husbandos would be uncaring towards their masters and just fuck them hard with their gigantic robot cocks that can vibrate. Husbandos would be programmed to be liars because women are stupid they need to be emotionally manipulated to believe their "relationship has chemistry".
Why would the male androids fuck roasties and fat women instead of the female androids?
just need to build the function m8
Do you enjoy being a cuck?
You'd think real women would act in a way that we like so there wouldn't be a need for android waifus in the first place, but NOOOO. What happens when we don't get what we want? We fucking make it. And what do women do? Bitch where no one has bitched before. Fuck, I'm mad now.
>That part where the chorus kicks in and everyone who has completed the game shows up to help.
>hasn't finished the game