*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

I started playing this shit yesterday, got Kaiba to level 11 and I'm at stage 9, what do I buy with my 1500 gems?

Yugioh Duel Links thread I guess

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you unlock Bakura? His event is over tomorrow.

Neo impact and valk's rage are way better choices than the other two packs.

Oh shit, Redhat's in Duel Links?
What deck does he use?

He can use pretty much any kind of deck, often more recently released cards though. You face him with a challenge each time, like a smaller monster zone or no special summons.


I can barely defeat him at lvl 20

>What deck does he use?

He uses the decks of other players.

He uses a fuckton of high-attack level 3/4 monsters like Jerry Beans Man or Neo The Magic Swordsman, and the rest is random I think.

>tfw didnt get Sphere Kuriboh and they removed the pack hes in


>He doesnt have 4 kuribohs

Trading when?

Flame of the Tyrant has some good cards, too, like Dark Effigy, Dai Grepher, Golden Apples, and Cosmo Queen.
And Wonders of the Sky as SONIC DUCK

>Wonder Balloons
>Shard of Greed
>Axe Raider
>Sonic Bird
>Order to Charge
Fuck. Cant believe I didnt get any of that cool shit from that pack. RIP

Bought 10 Valk's rage packs, I'm in the 5th I already got 2 UR

>The Vagabond appears
>Vagabond starts duel with 3 monsters
>Magician of Black Chaos and two lv6 monsters I don't remember
>Starting hand is all monster cards

Kek, literally what happened to me.

>duel vagabond
>vagabond starts with 3 monsters
>you go first
>he has 2 relinquished
>literally no way to win

What does the girl version of the avatar character look like?

>duel vagabond
>he starts with 3 monsters
>my starting hand is 3 spells and a trap

>Not running a garlandorf deck
Git good

Pretty sure he just grabs competitive PvP decks from random high-ranked players. It's different every duel.

Decided to make this deck after getting Meteor B. Dragon and Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon back to back.
Not sure if I should keep using Golden Apples, and Gravel Storm is alright, but I think I could replace it with something better.

honestly this shit ruined the game for me. Fuck Konami, literally the only reason packs are on offer for a limited time is so they can squeeze whales for all they're worth.
Nothing but a psychological trick from one of the worst companies out there today

There is no avatar character. You play as characters from the show.

buy the set that has the gate guardian cards its like a box set with only 2 ultras but its easier to get the cards you want in it and theres a lot of staples and the gate guardian parts are some of the best tribute monsters in the game

the vagabond is a duelist you fight in the game. thats not your character. you play as any of the existing characters in the original yugioh series as you unlock them

this piece of shit uses my deck sometimes

>Really want to play yugioh again
>This sounds perfect
>>Main phase 2 is gone, life points are gone, characters have skills that influence gameplay

Nah, fuck this.

How do I speed up duels?

buy the 3 dragon pack before they take it off

some of the bests cards are there

>life points are gone

are you retarded?

Is there a girl version of that character though?


Typo. I meant halved. Tired as fuck atm.

I've been thinking about playing this, can i make a janky Magician Girl deck like i can in duel network?

boatfucker please leave

Literally just a ponytail

I am new to this game too, Duel Link is literally my gateway.

Should I start watching anime?

I bought like 20 packs of Ultimate Rising, but they took it off, will they bring it back, what should I buy next?

>Should I start watching anime?
Short answer...yes

Maybe they'll bring it back later. I would invest in the Tryrant and Meteor B. Dragon packs. Maybe that new one with Summoned Skull.

From what I remember the anime doesn't follow the real game rules so it won't help in any way. It's kinda sub-par, as far as anime goes.
Maybe try out the Power of Chaos games on PC if you want to try out the real deal with 5 monster/magic zones, 8000LP and 40 card deck minimum.

Yes, almost any deck which isn't completely retarded can do well for like the first 20 stages.

Buy Neo-Impact or Flame of the Tyrant packs next. The Valkyrie one is good too, but that one is newer than the other two so it'll probably be taken off later.

Increase power usage in the settings

Not halved necessarily. It is the speed version of yugioh

Finally made 4 million
It took all my duel orbs, but I made it
Wish I knew about using Gravedigger's Ghoul earlier during the event

>going past 1.8 mil
>when it's all shit cards and useless coins
Are you retarded or masochistic?

Neo Impact. try to get Sprite's Blessing and White dragon Paladin and watch as poor bronze and silver players cry as you unleash you load

Not him, I got 4 mil yesterday without using a single orb, normal or boosted.

Shit's easy, why shouldn't I do it?

Isn't that the kid from tagforce?

>mfw someone thinks he's about to win and I use last gamble and play my entire hand, which all do direct damage to lp

>mfw the other guy thinks he's going to win and I play time wizard and destroy all of his monsters

Yeah, same guy.

>about to lose, no monsters on the field
>put a useless magic card down face down
>opponent hesitates to attack for two turns
Still lost but amused me.

You are underestimating how much trap-centric the current Duel Links meta is.

I had a shit deck with literally just 1100/900 normal monsters and managed to win in gold because I had tons of traps
Mirror Wall, Metal Morph, Winds of Etaqua, Golden Apple etc.

Level 40 Mai is fucking impossible
I've beaten every other level 40 except her

Is there anyone in YGO that can beat Red Hat?


I've been having so much fun with this card in Duel Links.

+400 ATK and piercing damage is really helpful, but you wanna know how to really use this card?

Equip it to your opponent's monster.

Seriously, equip it to their monster, then have it attack one of your def position monsters. There's still piercing damage, but your opponent takes it instead of you. I've won so many duels in the late-game by giving an enemy monster BBS, then setting a jerry beans man (0 DEF). They attack, and instantly lose 1750 LP, and often lose the duel as well.

Not to mention, if you're running a HHG deck, you can use the above strategy, OR equip BBS to an enemy, then destroy big bang shot when you summon a harpie, which automatically banishes the equipped monster. It's like a pseudo order to charge, without the monster sacrifice on your side.


>They attack, and instantly lose 1750 LP, and often lose the duel as well.

Meant to say:

>They attack, and instantly lose the ATK of their monster out of their LP, and often lose the duel as well.

>Flip Mirror Wall

This game got really old really fast. Already went back to playing Shadowverse desu.

Which is fucking shit.

Don't open any packs
Ultimate Rising, arguably the best pack just rotated out so powercreeped cards will be released next

>single player
>actual yugioh rules
>RPG mechanics for card acquisition/pack buying and deckbuilding
Does this game exist?

>>RPG mechanics for card acquisition/pack buying and deckbuilding
what is that even supposed to mean

He uses decks specifically calibrated to beat the player, basically meta and actual cheating by setting dumb rules like "Your monsters can't use effects but his can" or "You start with only one card in your hand and you go first".

>Relinquished decks
*blocks your path*

I want to reach 4 million, but I don't have the cards to farm Bakura.

I was squeezing 21k points from lvl 30 but now I'm just auto killing myself against lvl 40 for 20~k Points right away.

>There's still piercing damage, but your opponent takes it instead of you

Is this a bug, or is this how the actual ruling would work?

>Trading when?
never you entitled piece of shit, now buy more booster packs with real money