What's the vidya equivalent of Lana Del Ray?
What's the vidya equivalent of Lana Del Ray?
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shitty, overhyped, it's 5 min of fame actually lasted 2.5 minutes.
Life is strange
maybe overrated not overhyped.
Liked her until her live appearances started swipe away the smoke and mirrors of her talent.
Her lips are pretty thicc.
holy shit my sides
What's with all these fucking Sup Forums threads?
>cherrypicking her worst performance
Divinity original sin.
I can see her bra. I'm hard.
She just wanted to play video games.
Is this supposed to sound bad or something? Because that sounds better than any of her songs I've heard on the radio do.
Any shitty game, really.
Call of Duty, Madden, Leage of Legends etc
I don't get it.
She's got a pretty good jazz vocal.
>LITERALLY resorts to witchcraft because she hates the new president
Well that's what happens when your millionaire daddy buys you a record contract instead of actually landing one yourself based on your abilities.
The Ouya
she sounds nice but she's just another retarded liberal
>Wiccan ritual against Trump
Most people are such idiots these days they think natural singing is supposed to sound pitch perfect and flawless like autotuned shit. Inflection and vocal range are interpreted as bad hallmarks of someone who can't sing now.
Should I know who she is?
>Wiccan ritual against Trump
Seems like it's working.
>It's a Sup Forums episode
Are you sure you aren't confusing her with someone else? She and her whole family are hardcore conservatives.
Her voice sounds good in that video but she also makes a ton of hilarious-sounding bloopers there. I don't really agree with anons who are going LA MAO OUT LOUD at it but I can see why they do it.
Lana's threads on Sup Forums are getting banned for some reason.
I remember her saying in interviews she wasn't sure who she was voting for and shit like that to the point I thought she was actually backing trump
looks like I was wrong
I like her music but she's clearly all kinds of crazy
M8, her voice is all over the place. It's like she has zero control over it which is why it sometimes sounds way too deep and then she just peaks again the next seconds.
I wouldn't be surprised if she was completely on drugs when they recorded that.
So she can actually be good live.
Her voice is higher naturally. It's probably hard for her to sing with low voice.
Get off my board Sup Forums.
Yayo is literally the only word I could understand. Turn down the echo.
Her music is genuinely pretty good. Not to mention the most influential and innovative pop artist of this decade. Lana haters are plebs of the highest order.
or just literally google Lana Del Rey witch
I find it hilarious that Taylor Swift pretty much hijacked her shtick as the tumblr hipster girl that looks like she spends all her time reblogging black and white photos of the Eiffel Tower or whatever.
Sure, pardner.
I wouldn't trust them for politics or news but for celeb gossip or tits they're fine.
videogames are shit
Cute. CUTE!
Much better senpai.
Did she actually go out with that TMZ guy? Lucky fucker.
Witcher 3
Disgustingly overrated and in reality incredibly mediocre