Mario: normalfags

>Mario: normalfags
>Luigi: betas
>Donkey Kong: contrarians
>Zelda: gamergirl xD
>Metroid: depressed oldfags
>Pokemon: memers
>Splatoon: pedophiles
>Fire Emblem: weebs
>Star Fox: furfags
>Yoshi: haha
>Kirby: literal fags
>Wario: Patrician

Other urls found in this thread:

I do love Slatoon

what was the point of this retarded post? Autism incarnate?

depressed oldfag beta gamergirl pedophile weeb reporting in


>>Donkey Kong: contrarians
>implying the Rare trilogy of DKC games isnt better than every Mario in existence

>Le fat Jew is the best one maymay

They aren't. Even Shig thinks you're a moron

its nintendo what did you expect?

>Best nintendo ip not on there
fuck you OP

Wario Land 4 and Wario Ware Twisted were the last good Wario games. Everything since then has been shit.

>Shigeru "I ruined SF0 and blamed it on Platinum" Miyamoto

>not homosexual deviants

>>Zelda: gamergirl xD
it wasn't like this in the past

Wario is for fart fetishists.

Oh you!

>Luigi: betas

Wario version of the copypasta incoming

>>Wario: Patrician
depends on what game they like

only r&d1 wario is based

It was always like this. Zelda fans are either NuMales or "Geeky Quirky Gamers" (female or otherwise).

>posting furfag comics
lmao fuck off, degenerate beast raping autist

You're acting as if this doesn't also attract the female husbandofags, and I find this view to be heavily mistaken

it also attracts people who enjoy fun games

>furfag comics

The only reason you would know if it's from a furfag comic is because you've read before, you subhuman faggot.

BWahahario are literal garlic sniffing pedo jews

>posts a reaction image from an ancient furry comic that predates habbo hotel

>2016 and still ongoing

keep trying, nigger



>Mario: Peasants
>TLoZ: Normies
>Metroid: Denialfags
>Kirby: Manchilds
>Smash: Hermits


>he reads deviantart furry comics
Hook, line, and sinker.

What would pikemen be?

Should have made this a bingo.
>I'm a depressed old normie gamergurl weeb hahafag

>taking fujos for fags
The fags like the birds.

So I'm a literal depressed old gamer fag girl.

I like all of them except Smash, and I am a hermit. Try again.

Have you played Shake It?

not him but I don't get the love for Shake It, it looks amazing but plays really slow and boring, just like Kirby's Epic Yarn

Got it at launch. It had its moments but it was pretty underwhelming overall. I feel like Twisted got a lot more mileage out of its motion controls despite them being much simpler.

>contrarian beta pedophile literal fag patrician
How good is my taste?

> EarthBound/Mother: autists

>F-Zero: depressed oldfags
fixed that for you

Why does Nintendo have literally the best franchises and ips? What makes it so great as software developer?

In comparison Sony all it has is marketing. Hell, their new hardware is all made by amd. So I cant even praise them in the hardware aspect.

Best Ips:

Nintendo > capcom > powergap > sega > atlus > konami >>>>>>>powergap>>>>>>sony>ms

>Why does Nintendo have literally the best franchises and ips?
Because you live in constant delusion

Literal weeb memefag here

>Hell, their new hardware is all made by amd.
That's like saying the Switch is made by Nvidia because they make the CPU and GPU.

Sega has way better IP's than Nintendo
Capcom and Konami wipe the floor with all of them badly

Nintendo is basically the only manufacturer that makes its own games anymore. SCE Japan helps here and there but more-or-less Sony just funds other people to make them. In these scenarios they have to bend to consumer taste and continue making things that are new or relatable to demographics.

Nintendo can stomach a couple flops here and there and are more willing to experiment with their franchises. Beyond that they basically let their devs fuck around in their freetime and make games that eventually get a release (Splatoon and Warioware were both titles made in devs spare time)

No fucking way. And I forgot Square enix so its

Nintendo > capcom > sega > se > atlus >konami

What does konami have other than mgs, castlevania and bomberman?

>tfw advance wars not mentioned

>Kirby: literal fags
I'll come over there and suck your dick if you don't shut up.

>Nintendo can stomach a couple flops here and there and are more willing to experiment with their franchises
Except that's fucking bullshit since if it doesnt sell they most likely kill the IP(F-Zero) and when they mess up in the "experimentation" it ruins the franchise so badly it ultimately kills it(Metroid)

It's a dead franchise just like F-Zero and StarTropics.

Goemon, Contra, the best shmups, and ALL of Hudson's shit.

Thats bottom of the barrel shit with the exception of contra

>No fucking way.
Uhh yes way and it's not even close

>What does konami have other than mgs, castlevania and bomberman?
Are you fucking kidding me?

Go back to jerk off to your twink elf faggot

What about Punch-Out?

>Animal Crossing: honest hardworking wageslaves

Old fags who were once fit but still racist.

F-Zero is a special case of Nintendo just not having faith in themselves or the market to buy another AAA-developed F-zero.

Metroid has had more issues than experimentation, it almost never sells well. Every single title has sold less than the previous.
>Metroid: 2.7 million
>Metroid 2: 1.76 million
>Super Metroid: 1.42 million
>Prime: 2.8 million
>Fusion: 1.68 million
>Prime 2: 1.3 million
>Zero Mission: 0.84 million
>Prime 3: 1.79 million
>Hunters: 0.76 million
>Other M: 1.36 million
>Federation Force: 0.09 million

Compare this to the usual 8m+ that the usual 2D mario title or Mario Kart sells, or the average 4m that Zelda sells. Note that Metroid isn't any less difficult to develop, in some cases even harder, and it's only ever sold well in America and bombed in Japan. Even Splatoon, a brand-new IP, sold 4m on a dead console.

>mystical ninja
>bottom of the barrel

you are human feces user

>OP: Autism

>goemon, gradius, and Bomberman is trapped forever in Konami's husk

>Kirby: literal fags

Finally someone says it, every kirby thread is a 1:1 replica of every one before it, just a bunch of idiots with lolsorandumb PINK DEATH "jokes" and flapping their arms while shouting cute over and over

why the fuck does metroid have such low numbers? literally EVERY single one of my friends, even their wives, loves metroid, M2, and super metroid.

>/normalfag beta contrarian gamergirl depressed oldfag memer pedophile weeb furfag haha literal fag patrician/

I'm a normalfag who is a depressed weeb contrarian fag.

>>Donkey Kong: contrarians
fuck you, this is better than any 2D Mario.

>farting biker man

*tips fedora*

I hate Wario fans

I don't know why they don't have faith in themselves, fucking Shin'en made a good F-Zero-like game. If they can do it, Nintendo can.

>homosexual deviants
bitch have some tase

That's an attractive tranny

Link is such a fucking alpha hunk.

>Strongest warrior in existence, kind, heroic
>Bishounen as fuck
>Every women wants his dick
>Puts on some girl clothing and every man wants his boipussy

Seriously, he's a golden god.

Well, the game has never had much appeal outside the core market, japan doesn't like it, and to my knowledge it doesn't do that well in Europe. America is almost solely-responsible for its sales.

Beyond that I think the current-day consumers just don't really buy these type of games anymore. I mean, lets think about this for a second: a game like Bloodborne, which is fucking amazing and an absolute must-have, only sold 2m on a console that's dominating the market and has more than 45 million users. How the fuck does that happen?

I think it has more to do with Nintendo not having faith with modern consumers. To be fair, a traditional F-Zero game with the recent audience probably wouldn't do well, too hard of a barrier to get over for most fans.

That being said I wish they'd at-least try. I know they keep promoting Fast RMX as a F-Zero placeholder, so maybe if Nintendo is impressed with their numbers they'll let them take a spin at it.

That's what I was thinking. If RMX takes off, they should at least try one more time.

fuck you got a ewe from me

>Strongest warrior in existence, kind, heroic
>cant swim half a lake without drowning

>TFW Golden Sun fan

He doesn't need to swim half a lake because he has a chad shark prince buddy who can carry him on his back

Then he's not the strongest warrior since he need other people as crutches

>not exclusively played by edgelords

>Every single title has sold less than the previous
but the numbers you posted contradict that statement Prime sold the most and Prime 3 sold the third most behind only Prime and the original

You can still be the overall strongest warrior even if you're not the strongest in every aspect.

It is when you cant even swim a lake

>never market metroid
>never make a metroid as a console release title
>never make special promotions for metroid
>never celebrate metroid's aniversary
>never release spin offs to drum up hype for next title
>never do anything
>wonder why metroid doesn't sell so well

both sequels didn't even crack 2 million, Other M only sold 1.3m on Nintendo's biggest console market, and Hunters didn't even crack 1m on their best-selling system ever.

you can't claim those are good numbers.

Someone is assblasted

I never said they were good sellers just pointing out what you said was objectively false
