Any good games that have time travel/manipulation?

Any good games that have time travel/manipulation?

I've never actually played it but I've heard a lot of good things about pic related. Of course it's 15 years old now so I'm guessing it's dated as fuck.

Time splitters


Dated means nothing to me. I still enjoy the Prince of Persia trilogy and they're pretty damn old.

I really need to play these. Everyone talks about it being amazing and I've been eager to try it.

Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages

>I really need to play these
You do. Story is light-hearted fun and the multiplayer is fucking top notch

One of the main characters is voiced by the guy who does Mario

Day of the Tentacle?

Need to finish this. That and TimeShift.

Haven't finished the game, but I know there's a power where you can freeze time. Also, I think there's a time travel sequence in the second game, if I remember from the demo.

Most of the Zelda games have it. Obviously, Oracle of Ages/Seasons and Ocarina of Time. There is a dungeon in Twilight Princess that has you go back in time and Skyward Sword has some moments of it too. I dunno if it counts either, but Wind Waker has a part where the enemies are frozen in time where you get the Master Sword and Breath of the Wild has a power where you can freeze time on objects and (once upgraded) enemies.

Bayonetta series.

Singularity. The Deadlock is the most fun shit.

Why would Shigeru Miyamoto be a voice actor in a sony exclusive game?

The F.E.A.R. games have time manipulation and the first two Dark Souls games have time travel.

Forgot to mention Majora's Mask.

>15 years old

Reminder that Sup Forums's 2 favorite games of all time are 17 and 13 years old so that means jack shit.

The time travel level in Dishonored 2 is one of the best level in recent years.
Same with the mansion with moving rooms.

Timesplitters is more or less Goldeneye and Perfect Dark but running at 60FPS. TS2 though has a fuck load of content and its one of the best shooters of its time.

Don Martin does the voices in Mario dumbo

Holy shit now that sounds like a game. Why haven't they remastered it?

Quantum Break has some cool time manipulation but also an alarming amount of generic superpowers with the word "time" slapped in front of them to make them time-related

Is it a good game? I've had my eye on it for a while.

I genuinely have no clue. From what I hear they tried to make a 4th game but it was canned because some higher ups couldnt tell which character to put on the box art, and a fan remake called TS Rewind is in the works but its on Cryengine and Crytek apparently is trying to interfere with it as they're on their last legs.

Thankfully you can easily emulate them in the meantime and outside of its control scheme which is far more suited to mouse and keyboard, the series holds up great, especially with the second title. There's even a precursor to CoD zombies in it and a multiplayer map editor for a gamecube title. The devs were just too good to live.

Are the Timesplitters games actually good?

I played Timesplitters 1 on PS2 fucking years ago and it was shit. I mean yeah tons of cool characters I guess but the gameplay was bare bones as fuck. I wouldn't say it was enjoyable enough to get all the hype it gets.

Or are you fags only talking about 2 and FP? I haven't played those because TS1 wasn't good enough to make me want to try it's sequel.

This might be stretching it (like a LOT) but Fallout 3 Operation Anchorage could count. Though, I'm pretty sure it was more of a simulation than actually going to the past physically.

They had fun as kids with the MP and that's about it

Vault of Glass in Destiny was pretty rad.

1 is like a tech demo. Really basic, but enjoyable for co-op and some multiplayer hijinks. 2 takes more inspiration from Perfect Dark and Goldeneye, open levels with objectives being able to be completed mostly out of order, lots of challenges and multiplayer modifiers. 3's level are more linear but gives a coherent plot and memorable characters in the campaign besides wacky models for multiplayer.

Mapmaker only improves each game as well if you're into that

Final Fantasy VIII

1 is bland, the real enjoyment of the series is with 2 and Future Perfect which knocked it out of the park. I recommend emulating it since copies are way too expensive.

Radiant Historia.

Unpopular choice: Sonic CD

The Legacy of Kain series.


Well I had a lot of fun with it although most of the gametime is spent watching the mediocreblive action show.

chrono trigger

Would you say it's worth $20? That's how much it is right now.

Replayed Dishonored 2 this weekend and all i can say, the Stilton mansion level is one of the best ever in my book
Its insane how good it is

One of the best time travel games of all time

did you just watch reddit and morty?

No, I replayed the time travel level in Titanfall 2. I don't have time for TV shows anymore because anime took that over recently as well as vidya.