Why did humans felt like they deserved a place in the Council after 30 years-ish? Some species have been wanting to join the Council for hundreds of years
Why did humans felt like they deserved a place in the Council after 30 years-ish...
What are those other cuck races gonna do about it?
Humanity are serious players on the Galactic stage so the council races have to capitulate a bit
Volus poster detected. We're better than you, get over it.
Because humans apparently invented carriers.
Suck a dick, Space-Washington Naval Treaty
Yet another minor detail brought up in the ME1 codex that was long since forgotten by ME3.
Because we were relevant.
le triumph of the human spirit
Because HUMANITY FUCK YEAH!!! and other memes such as
There was actually a decent explanation behind why humans managed to get a Council spot despite being new to the Galactic stage in the first game.
But it, like most of the rest of the first game, was completely ignored in the rest of the series. I suspect it's because the new "talent" Bioware brought in during ME1's development knew they could never match the old crowd and so decided to pretend the older games didn't exist.
Getting bought out by EA killed Bioware, all that's left is a zombie puppet dancing on strings for it's master.
Humans breed fast, and so are fast to train so it's logical we had such a large army.
The Council wanted races that could colonize planets and also protect them (Nihlus literally tells you that in the first 5 minutes of the game).
well what is the decent explanation?
because we're really good at killing things
Humans are the perfect Mary Sue race of the setting, because nobody at Bioware has the imagination to come up with a setting that isn't all humans all the time.
>this one would also like a spot on the council
Can you imagine those pointless fucks? By the time one of them droned out a sentence that wasn't about the enkindlers, the Salarian councillor would be dead.
Humanity managed to fight off the Turians, considered to be the most powerful military in the galaxy. Further, humans showed they were potentially extremely aggressive.
The Council spot was meant to keep humanity from just going fuck the police and attempting to dominate the galaxy.
As for the reason humans COULD do that, it was because all the other major races had just got done fighting two brutal back to back wars against the bugs and the sharks. Basically, the Council couldn't afford a potential war with humanity, even if it would probably win.
I think there was something about technology, too, though I don't remember what exactly. There were a few other reasons as well, in particular human drive to colonize planets.
Other species can suck my big fat human schlong.
Do you fucks even understand what you're talking about? Others saw humans as potentially sinister and threatening and as such tried to placate them. It wasn't about humanity being nice and awesome and teaching everyone the space-american way. That only came with the conclusion of ME1, if you chose to do it in a certain way.
But they've got the best spectre in the universe.
Humans made the Batarians so butthurt they fucked off back home outside of council space. I don't remember why the Vorcha weren't in ME1
Because humans are pretty much Krogan: Lite Edition but less retarded
Because humans are awesome. Yeah the other races can beat the average human, but the best of man crushes the best of everyone else.
The humans gave the galaxy shepard, a literal god. What did the other races do that was nearly as important?
Basically this. The Turians would've wrecked humanity pretty hard in an all out war, but the fact humanity drove the Turians to mobilise for full-scale war rather than putting us down with a quick space-police action made the Council sit up and take notice of the newcomer to the galactic stage.
Humanity already had a relatively sizeable territory carved out and almost as soon as it came to the attention of the galactic community it stomped another galactic power (the Batarians) until they retreated to their own space to bitch and sulk.
It's also noted in the codex that the Council considers the Systems Alliance a sleeping giant since so few are actually enlisted in the SA military.
>all these retarded meme replies
Thank you for actually posting the original explanation, which was genuinely perfectly reasonable and made total sense, happens all the time in reality, and didn't make humanity out to be some special jesus shit or something. Original was basically pure politics, and shows the Council being more like the actual UN or whatever, in that sometimes the job at the end of the day is just plain to keep everything from burning down even if that means bringing together sovereign polities who have practically nothing in common. The phrase I've heard describing this IRL is:
>"Better to have them inside the tent pissing out then outside the tent pissing in."
And it's the fundamental logic behind a lot of big politics both national and international, hell even within an organization.
It's worth remembering there was actual real thought behind even details like that at one point in ME so that we don't lose sight of exactly how bad a fuckup neoBioware committed later. It's easy to forget and just end up "well it was always this bad" but it wasn't, it wasn't necessarily brilliant either but in ME1 there was some actual genuine world building. Tossing it all was a bummer.
>play ME1 as Renegade Shepard
>tell the council to fuck off
>stop Saren and Sovereign
Shane that sacrificing the Council meant nothing.
Humans when through the mass relay and started a war with the Turians
Humans hold their own against the Turians
only six hundred and twenty-three human lives were lost with slightly more turian casualties
the First Contact War also demonstrated humanity's military capabilities
Humans are seen as aggressive but also reasonable
was said in game, "They will be 5 opinions for 4 people"
Human fleet saved the citadel and killed the reaper
Yeah, Humanity was entrenched enough with enough resources and population that it's hard to say how it would have gone had they committed to total war, even if there hadn't been any more time to build up, except that it would have sucked for all involved. Turians might have had better then even odds of emerging "victorious" but they'd likely suffer so much damage that it'd destabilize everything anyway, and there was always the chance of the kinds of disruptive technological advances and surprising military successes that can make real full war unpredictable in outcome.
At any rate no way was it worth risking when a bit of inclusive politics might defuse the situation and turn all that energy to something more productive. Council was clearly somewhat modeled off of the actual UN Security Council, which does have some room for random countries to "get their turn" but also carves out permanent room for countries that just plain had enough nukes and actual flat out military power.
>It's also noted in the codex that the Council considers the Systems Alliance a sleeping giant since so few are actually enlisted in the SA military.
think it was like 3% of humans enlisted? so yeah in all out war like some space equiv of ww2 with total mobilization humanity would cause a lot of damage even if losing eventually.
So, is the Systems Alliance not the actual government for the Earth and its colonies? How does that work?
Because the humans earned the respect of the other races by holding their own against the Turians and by being very quick to understand and adapt Prothean technology enough to make FTL ships, create biotics, and use the relays.
The Systems Alliance is the entire human military and a UN type organization composed of different countries and colonial governments.
fuck off earth clan
>So, is the Systems Alliance not the actual government for the Earth and its colonies? How does that work?
It started kind of like the EU or NATO, a pooling of military and space resources by entirely independent nations, but wasn't actually very politically powerful at all. After the First Contact War and humanity finding out about the Council and all that jazz and the SA actually doing a pretty decent job overall, it became somewhat closer to the USA in form. Ie., there are still "states" (worlds/nations) that have most power on a local level, but the SA is in charge of overall military affairs, has its own parliament, and speaks for Humanity as a whole to the rest of the galaxy. It has actual political credibility, though still isn't really a totally unified single polity.
This is all ME1 fuck the rest of what happens though.