Oh shit Sup Forums. You just leveled up. How do you distribute your skill points faggot?
Oh shit Sup Forums. You just leveled up. How do you distribute your skill points faggot?
Dump everything into charisma. It's the only stat that matters irl
All into luck.
all on Swimming
Dump everything into whatever would increase my DPS. It's not like anything else matter anyway.
Put all into improved explosion
>have max charisma
>have ZERO points in dick size
have fun I guess
All into Skullduggery. Don't know what it is but it sounds cool as fuck.
All on dex bitch.
>he didn't tag outdoorsman, traps, and doctor in Fallout 1
I go for a balanced build.
And on my second playthrough I go all out on ATK.
keeping hard pete in mind i see
Full int
All points in Stache.
I just keep bumping up crit chance and any crit-related skills so that I can get myself up to 100% crit chance if needed.
>DEX fags
>not HP
Why would I upgrade my Health Pool when my build is about dodging, user?
Attack > Defense
This is always the case.
>auto-distribute on level up
I balance everything of course
Then I delete my character and make a new one with real stats
Why am I doing this?
max Persuasion and win with your words
>game lets you upgrade HP and defense stats
>+1 hp or +1 defense
>1 defense reduces damage by 1, to a minimum of doing 1 damage
well, Sup Forums? which one?
little bit of everything
My stats right now: Level 25
Strength 7
Dexterity 4
Vitality 10
Charisma 7
Agility 2
Career 26
Trade Skills 12
Stamina 10
Dick size 7.5
Faction affiliation: construction salesman
Girlfriend: yes
Investments: $15k
I feel like I need to dump everything into healthy eating because my character is strong as fuck but can't run more than two miles without getting tired.
>being a dexfag
also, how do I get more vacation days? Is that from leveling up my work faction or is there a side quest where I become a prostitute for my boss? I thought it was maybe a myth
stamina always
>not going for the self-employment route
Glass cannon
All points into intelligence and luck, always. Gonna become Rick Sanchez in this bitch
>Not tagging energy weps to one shot everything with plasma rifle
Luck and charisma
Passive skills
Six points in superior taste. Six points in confidence. Six points in edginess.